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I tend to think that Mary is a practical mother and would like you see you healthy..... Appropriate clothing always makes a mother happy.

Would she want you working out in a tux? Probably not.

AND... if you showed up for a formal dinner not-so-fresh from the gym in your sweats, be sure you'd hear about it... and what would she say? "Brian, you get in there, take a shower and change your clothes - now; company is coming!!!!"

At least that is my guess about what she'd say.....

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[color=#0000FF]Brian said...[/color]

[indent=1][color=#FF8C00]AnneLine, on Today, 12:50 PM, said:[/color][/indent]

[indent=1][color=#FFA07A]As I have heard people joking about the popping scapular problem, "Look for the Union label....."[/color]

[color=#0000FF]Sorry, Brian, it was clear to me! It is the chorus of an old pro-Union tv commercial - "Look for the Union Label" [/color]


[color=#0000FF]We used to joke about the Scapular sticking up out of people's collars as the 'union label' of Mary.... and visualized that video with a bunch of Carmelite Nuns sitting around sewing scapulars.... ;)[/color]

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[quote name='brianthephysicist' timestamp='1347059108' post='2480067']

Hmm, that's a new one for me. I like the sound of it, but how does this work with the promises of wearing the scapular constantly? I know we can trade out for a new one if it gets too old, worn, & beat-up, but it feels weird to trade scapulars multiple times a week just so we can workout. Maybe I'm just being silly lol

I don't think it matters which sort it is. When I was enrolled in the scapular I was told that you carry the blessing with you at all times (so when you get a new scapular you don't need to have it blessed). That's no excuse not to wear one all the time (which, admittedly, i don't) but for 30-60 minutes here and there I don't think it's really breaking the promise.

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[quote name='AnneLine' timestamp='1347051022' post='2479997']
It is so hard for women to hear how easy it seems to be for guys to lose the weight. I am jealous... But I am not as dedicated, so I have no reason to be grumpy....


I'm a guy and I'm definitely jealous too. I don't lose weight very easily, despite cutting my portion sizes by half and walking 15km a week at a minimum.

3 miles on the Hoodlebug Trail today; walked 1.5 before rain hit and I had to turn back. Today I Learned my umbrella can't keep both my shoulders dry. :P

Edited by BG45
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Did you all see this today?

Traffic ticket inspires 200 lb weight loss.... [i] [/i]

[i](just disregard the moronic guy at the start of the clip.... i think he thinks he's funny....)[/i]


Not bad....

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RPM spin class at the gym tonight......HURT SO FREAKING BAD.

But it's good to cross train from water to land workouts.

Pray for me because I have school swimming tryouts dark and early tomorrow morning at 6:30 AM.

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My co-worker, on Monday wanted to know if I wanted to talk a walk with her and another co-worker. (I guess they go on walks alot) I said sure. I thought it was just going to be a walk around the building or something...

umm. no.

we walked for 30 minutes...on the way, she said it was 2.1 miles. I said, 'oh, no problem'...and then thought to myself, 'what did i get myself into?'... and i would not call it a walk, i would call it a hyper-walk or and gentle sprint. sheesh. Thank goodness there was a nice breeze and it was 70 outside, or i would have needed a change of clothes.

Yesterday had a catechist meeting and got home late, so no work out :(

but I got on the scale this morning, and lost 5 more lbs. :)

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1347453029' post='2481622']
but I got on the scale this morning, and lost 5 more lbs. :)

I wish I could lose 5 lbs just by stepping on the scale!

But srsly... GREAT JOB BRO! :cheer:

Edited by xTrishaxLynnx
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I went to the doctor's yesterday and the doctor told me I have a perfect BMI (Body Mass Index) [url="http://www.bmi-calculator.net/"]http://www.bmi-calculator.net/[/url] I have my first 5 mile run today after work. Should be interesting... Well the time will most likely be embarassing lol. Less then a month til the 10k I'm doing and I think I'm gonna do the local zombie run too which is a 5K. I wanna go halloween costume paintballin too. With Dodgeball on top. So excited!

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I hate to be nitpicky, but I think BMI is a poor measure of fitness. It is simply height and weight. It doesn't take into account whether the weight is fat or muscle (which weighs more than fat). A while back, there was a big issue with this a few years back in high schools where football players and wrestlers that were in excellent physical shape were placed under food restrictions at lunchtime because their BMI said they were overweight. Ended up causing problems with them having to find ways to sneak the additional food they needed to maintain their activities (consider Phelps eats 12,000 calories/day).

Much better measures of fitness and healthiness are things like body fat % or measuring your heart rate and blood pressure before, during, and after exercise.

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[quote name='brianthephysicist' timestamp='1347553972' post='2482015']
I hate to be nitpicky, but I think BMI is a poor measure of fitness. It is simply height and weight. It doesn't take into account whether the weight is fat or muscle (which weighs more than fat). A while back, there was a big issue with this a few years back in high schools where football players and wrestlers that were in excellent physical shape were placed under food restrictions at lunchtime because their BMI said they were overweight. Ended up causing problems with them having to find ways to sneak the additional food they needed to maintain their activities (consider Phelps eats 12,000 calories/day).

Much better measures of fitness and healthiness are things like body fat % or measuring your heart rate and blood pressure before, during, and after exercise.

This is so true. According to my BMI I'd be considered obese (class 2, even!) :eek: However, my heart rates are good, my blood pressure is usually perfect, and my body fat percentage is actually on the LOWER range of "average" according to this chart:


Focusing on BMI can actually be dangerous, as you might think you still need to lose "weight" even if you've reached a good fat percentage and some of that weight might actually be essential body mass (lean muscle, etc) if you restrict your diet too much in order to achieve unrealistic and unhealthy weight goals.

You probably wouldn't believe the number you'd get if you learned what your individual "ideal" weight range[i] should [/i]be. I know I was quite (pleasantly) surprised.

Edited by xTrishaxLynnx
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