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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Things That Have Dumbed Down Our Culture


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What do you think are the biggest contributing factors to the decline of the intellect of modern society?  For instance, I think reality TV, texting and social media have made the culture as a whole even dumber than ever.  I'm not a grammar nazi but it's sad to see how many kids (and adults) struggle to properly spell and punctuate.


I'll also include calculators.  I'm not denying that they're very useful but so many people can't even do simple math anymore because they're so programmed to just plug it into a calculator.



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Television. Not just reality shows - all of television. Even the supposedly educational channels have commercials, and the object of commercials is to turn people stupid (enough to buy whatever the advertisers are selling). 

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I blame lazy parents who make excuses for their kids rather than holding them accountable for their actions.  These crazy parents blame teachers when their kids fail a class!  Thanks to G.W.Bush's No-Child-Left-Behind policy, many teachers are pressured into handing out passing grades.



I went to public school, watched plenty of TV, including The Simpsons, but my parents set high standards for me and made sure that I did my work.  They never asked if I wanted to go to college, they asked which scholarship I was applying for.  They made me take piano lessons.  They knew all of my friends and my friends' parents.  They knew my teachers and my guidance counselors.  They made sure that I was more afraid of them than of my peers.  My parents never tried to be my friend, they disciplined me.  My mom dragged me to church when I didn't feel like going.  They sacrificed their own desires to give me a better life and reminded of that fact whenever I started to act like and entitled brat.  They instilled in me a sense of responsibility.  My parents did that while I watched a ton of TV and went to public school.  Best parents ever.



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Hrm, a dumb culture...


Children are no longer taught to be creative. Such things are continually suppressed in the schools as impractical. And yet, the urge to participate in the divine act of creating is the primary motivation behind things like life-long learning and thus intelligence. Instead they are told that, if they must make anything at all, it must be for the purpose of making money and being successful, and this short-circuits the love of learning by making knowledge a means instead of an end.

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Spell check


Lack of a functioning catechism for close to 25 years

Shortage of nuns who can wield rulers like kali sticks teaching in Catholic schools

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