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Movies That Blew


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Kilroy the Ninja

We just pay extra for cable that allows us to pick just about any movie we want - most for free - some for about $2.95 a pop.

Cheaper than a theater, and we can pause, rewind, fast forward, or stop and resume later like a tape - but no turning it back in.

There are a few select movies we go see at the theater. Very few. Very select.

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We go go out to the movies fairly often, but Matt also subscribes to Netflix.... He generally rents back episodes of TV series' but gets movies every so often, too.

When we go its something we really want to see, if he doesn't want to see something I do I'll go with friends who want to see it and vice versa (he probably sees more movies in the theater than I do). I'm really looking forward to the Drive In this summer! :D

Edited by IcePrincessKRS
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haha my fam rented rollerball, but my bro was pissed taht we did, i liked it tho =( no one else does tho

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Titanic was dreadful, though it did give hours of fun in the pub afterwards - if you blow into a half empty bottle you get the sound a ships horn makes and we had a competition about who could do the best 'Jack - Rose' dialogue........OK you probably had to be there to appreciate it!!!!

Nothing compares to Pi though.....it's unbelievable that someone read that script and thought this will make a great film - I've had more fun watching paint dry!

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I rarely watch movies (no time and really not much good out there anyway). But the other day I rented "Runaway Jury" at recommendation of someone. I have never seen a movie more saturated with anti-gun propaganda in my entire life. The movie was fairly well made, with big names lke Gene Hackman and Dustin Hoffman (amongst others) but was one long diatribe against guns. It really pissed me off.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

For the hardcore MST3k fans, I suggest you watch 'Manos: Hands of Fate.' This movie is so bad that even MST3k can't make it better. It was the first and only movie where I wanted to poke my eyes out in the middle of it so I wouldn't have to see anymore. Ultimately, sanity prevailed and I'm left with my vision.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote] I thought Dogma was funny ? A Jesuit agreed with me so I'm guessing its not a sin to laugh at things which poke fun at faith.[/quote]

It's rated O. That's good enough for me.

[quote] Aw man... the Puma man episode has got to be one of the best![/quote]

Hahah...during the credits..."Music by: my little brother on his casio"

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Harry Potter 3 reminded me of Michael Jackson's Thriller video. A teacher turning into a warewolf, dementors (spirits? I don't know what kind of "creatures" they are) who "smell of elderberries the soul" out of you, olmens that fortell death, and the theatre full of 5-10 year olds.

And the tv station asked one of the kids, "Would you come and see this again?" He shook his head.......no.


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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote]I have never seen a movie more saturated with anti-gun propaganda in my entire life.[/quote]

Not "Bowling for Columbine", which was filled with lies, deceptive splicing of various gun-related speeches, false statistics, and incorrect positions?

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I bet nobody even saw this, but "Just Married." That was the stupidest movie I have ever seen in my life. It had about two funny lines in it, and those were in the commercials. Yeech.

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[quote]Nothing compares to Pi though.....it's unbelievable that someone read that script and thought this will make a great film - I've had more fun watching paint dry![/quote]

I loved Pi! It was very interesting and artsy! Yeah! :cool:

[quote]Not "Bowling for Columbine", which was filled with lies, deceptive splicing of various gun-related speeches, false statistics, and incorrect positions? [/quote]

I thought "Bowling for Columbine" was a great documentary, albeit a very extreme view of a truth that this country has too many unnecessary firearms.

Anywho, here are my bad movies I bring to the table.

[b]DareDevil:[/b] This movie freaked me out, because instead of catching the bad guys and locking them behind bars, the main hero KILLS his enemies. Example: His first enemy is just a common criminal with no high ambitions or anything. DareDevil trips the guy onto the train tracks, and when the bad guy asks for DD to help him up before the train comes, DD just says, "Justice has been served," and lets the guy get run over! :ph34r: Then in the end, when he has a chance to kill his arch nemesis, he chooses not to. When the bad guy asks why, DD mutters, "Justice has been served." REALLY! He could have decided that justice is served in a nonlethal way like FIVE DEAD ENEMIES ago, and I'm not even exaggerating on that number.

[b]Soul Plane:[/b] I didn't even bother to see this one. Not only does it insult everyone on earth, but I heard it isn't even that funny. It only got one star. 'Nuff said.

[b]Hellboy:[/b] Didn't see that one either. I mean... Hellboy? How would they explain that? How dumb.


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did you know that if you leave the movie in the first half, you can request your money back?

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