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What You Don't Know Can Hurt You


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Your repeated use of the term drama llama is really kind of annoying.



It is against phorum guidelines to annoy IceprincessKRS

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phatmass you're not you when you're hungry.

have some protein phatmass, God. 


Phatmass is restless until it rests in God.

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mehhh no judgment. your choice to deploy the Christian middle finger is your prerogative. done it myself. sometimes it may be necessary. usually its not. Makes us look gross to nonbelievers when a take down is followed up with "God bless." Also any version of "you're awful" followed by "I'll pray for you." Not a good look.

There was no malice in my dismissal, though dismissiveness in itself may be considered rude regardless. If I had it to do over again, I would probably choose to strengthen the words which preceded by omitting this. Mea culpa.

I think it's fair to say we've never gotten along. We've had more downs than ups, and there's one particular thing you did that I could justifiably chew you out for, which you yourself admitted a while ago. What you did made my life hell. You betrayed my trust, went behind my back, and did something I specifically told you not to do. However, I didn't freak out, because I knew you thought you were doing the right thing. I understood. This is something you seem incapable of doing for others, and so I will not continue speaking on this thread.
I'll keep praying for you. I hope you do the same for me.

I'm not going to delve too far into this because this isn't the time or the place -- truly, I think both of those are long past -- but you, and others, know that the action I took was one I was morally and ethically bound to take. I am sorry for the grief it caused you, but I am not sorry for having done it.
This whole kerfuffle prompted me to pray for you -- earnestly -- for the first time in a long time. I will continue to pray for you and appreciate your offer to do the same.

Allow me to preface by saying that I am a devout Catholic who has been living with SSA since childhood. Franciscanheart, I understand why Phetus's mention of the Catholic speaker with SSA upset you.
Having said all that,  I think the criticism being thrown Phetus/FuturePriest/Fick's way is uncalled for and, frankly, bizarre.  Yes, he made a faux pas by trying to bring up the nature vs. nurture debate.  But I'm not sure that warrants paragraphs upon paragraphs of instruction on how insensitive it was, and, essentially, how insensitive he is.  There's clearly some subtext contributing to this lovefest, as Mr. Phetus insinuated above, so y'all will have to hug this out in private.  I just felt compelled to say something in his defense, because he's a good guy and he's essentially being ad hominem'd to death for not saying the right thing at the right time.

Real criticism of the initial faux pas started and ended pretty quickly. It was the posts that followed which received more criticism. The rationale behind this has already been expounded upon, so I shall leave it at that.

I was trying to diffuse the situation. Frannie kept it going. I tried repeatedly to stop it. It escalated because she made it escalate, not me.
I am tired of arguing. It's not conducive to the message of the thread, and it's not conducive to the well-being of the phamily. I apologize for making a faux pas. It was my mistake, and I wish I hadn't done it.

You are absolutely allowed to have your opinion (something I said in my initial response to you) and I am absolutely allowed to disagree with it. As I mentioned above, by the end of this, we had moved quite far from the initial social flub and quickly into a dismissive and intolerant attitude about an opinion contrary to yours. Even bigger than that was the issue of hyper-focusing on something which, ultimately, is unproductive and, often, damaging. It was never my intention to give you unnecessary grief about an ungraceful social interaction; hopefully by now that point is abundantly clear.

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The amount of effort it takes to be in relationship with me is not unbeknownst to me, and I am never shy about making that clear to her or anyone else.


I put very little--scratch that--NO effort into our relationship, and reap great fermented rewards. So umm, yeah. It's VERY easy to be in a relationship with you imho.

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I put very little--scratch that--NO effort into our relationship, and reap great fermented rewards. So umm, yeah. It's VERY easy to be in a relationship with you imho.

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I don't mind if people want to discuss the scientific whatnots behind various sexual phenomena, but this is probably not the thread.



The Christian life is a life of suffering. This doesn't mean we should needlessly pile on the sufferings onto our brothers and sisters, but we shouldn't tell them to just ditch the cross they're carrying.


Actually, if we read St. Paul and the example of Simon of Cyrene, we should be helping others to carry their crosses. 

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 finally... glad that's over. can we please eat now, like a normal family?


Is there such a thing as a normal family?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Comparing gays to drunk amputees is maybe not the smartest (or most compassionate, intelligent) decision. But it sure as poo beats comparing them to child molesters or animal rapists, so.

Sexuality is such a complex thing that we know so little about (scientifically); probably best to treat it as a stand-alone thing. No reason to compare a bull to a tree just because there exists no better comparison...

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