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Phatmass Walks Across America Thread - California To Maine!


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Ancilla Domini

And according to the same website, I'm going to say that I walked 6.36 in my two tennis lessons. (Technically, it should be twice that, but there was a bit of talking and explaining, and I wasn't moving the entire time.)

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Spem in alium

Ok, so yesterday, I went square dancing and I danced for 2 and a half hours without a break. :P


That's excellent. :)


6 miles (just walking and doing my leg exercises). 

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Sheeesh you guys are 1) making me look bad! and 2) making my FINGERS work!  Can I claim 1 inch per key stroke?  If I can count keystrokes..... 8)   I will be zzzzoooming!!!!  (80+ per minute.... and how many minutes to I type each day.... :D )


I'm cool with you using that kind of calculator, Ancilla, and/or you can just figure 15 mins of hard exercise (walking, running, cancing, houswork, etc.) can equal 1 mile (figure 4 miles per hour).   If you aren't working that hard... cut it back to 2 or 3 miles per hour.   I'm cool.   Soooo.. yup, you can count that.


If you are NOT using a pedometer, we also give you 10 miles per week 'breathing credit' because that is what you would get if you were just moving around the house purposelessly with a cold or some such... I know, I have the stats.... You still move around believe it or not!


IT DOES HELP ME if you would just count it up and give it to me as a grand total for the preceeding week -- and send those in between Sun and Wed.  BUT if you want to just drop it in the thread, I'm cool with it and I can count it up with the excel... more keystrokes for ME!


AND all of those who are starting up are beginning with that 500 mile 'credit' for the last 2 months, too!!!   So yes, soon I will give you an update entry of where we are walking... still working on updating this and the book thread counts... Almost caught up... and then I can start the travelogues again!


While you wait (especially if you are new) check out the first few pages of this thread, so you can see the map and where we are going, and explore where we have been.   If you see something ahead of us that you WANT to visit, let me know!  You can even send a PM if you want to keep it a surprise!  And if ANYONE wants to 'host' a week, let me know and I'll explain what you need to do to get the travelogue done.  It's easy, and it is fun!!!!!


Now head on out and start Moooooving! :)






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Hi all I will take the 500 credit and add for the week of 10/26/14 to 11/1/14 10.50 so I believe that will give me at total for that week
of 510.50 if this is wrong let me know. thanks for doing all of this I love it. Because it keeps me on tract and moving.

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Hi all I will take the 500 credit and add for the week of 10/26/14 to 11/1/14 10.50 so I believe that will give me a total for that week
of 510.50 if this is wrong let me know. thanks for doing all of this I love it. Because it keeps me on tract and moving.

Edited by tigger60
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Last week I had 17.5 miles. 

I need to get back into it and double that number. Im averaging about 7k steps a day and I want it to be 10k. 

Edited by CrossCuT
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GREETINGS to those who are walking/moving across America!!


Today is THURSDAY - so it is UPDATE THE COUNT DAY!!!!



Well... I have our weekly mileage count ready!!!!!
If you didn't give us a count by yesterday, you just received 500 and the 10 breathing miles.  
If you DID walk last week and didn't drop in the mileage, just add it to next week's mileage.
Carter, Ancilla, and everyone else, I guess if you want to drop in mileage each day, it works just as well... I'll count it if you drop it in any time before midnight on Wednesday, Pacific time.   How does that sound!
Mileage posted week ending 11/1/2014:   
Current Walkers:
532.92 ..... Ancilla Domani (10 baseline plus 500 plus 10.2 + 6.36 + 6.36)
512.71 ..... AnneLine (pedometer 12.71 plus 500)
526.00 ..... CarterMia (10 baseline plus 500 plus 6 + 10)
510.00 ..... ComingBack (10 baseline plus 500 plus ______)
527.50 ..... CrossCut (10 baseline plus 500 plus 17.5)
516.00 ..... SpemInAlium (10 baseline plus 500 plus 6)
510.00 ..... TheresaThoma (10 baseline plus 500 plus _____)
510.50 ..... Tigger60 (pedometer 10.50 plus 500)
(let us know if you find that pedometer, TT, otherwise, you'll get the baseline 'breathing' miles)
In the past these walkers have also participated -- we'd love to have 'em back, 
but I am not going to count them unless they indicate they still want to join us.
BG45 (10 baseline)
BrandelynMarie (pedometer)
Light & Truth (10 baseline)
Maximillion (10 baseline)
xTriciaxLynnx (10 baseline)
We're still praying for all of you -- please do join us if you want to!
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I hope to get our first video segment of our OWN walking in Utah up over this weekend.  So... watch for it!



BUT in the meantime!!!  


Well!!!  Look what I found!   



We are NOT walking alone -- it seems we will have a very special person with us!





I learned just a few moments ago that St. Teresa de Jesus is on pilgrimage at this very moment!


It seems that in honor of the 500th centenary of her birth (the year to celebrate this just started on October 15, 2014!), a very precious relic, her WALKING STICK, is being sent on a pilgrimage throughout the world!   This link will give you a lot of details, but I will post a couple of videos here for you to enjoy.  The link is in English, but the videos are in Spanish.  The relic is in South America at present, and is due to be in the United States (I do not know where!) during November and December 2014!






Here are some pictures and video highlights!  All are taken from the link, above.


St. Teresa's walking stick!



"... throughout the entire journey, Saint Teresa’s cane will be carried as a very symbolic relic-sign. “As its objective, this project invites everyone to walk along with Teresa. For that reason, we have chosen this relic. The Community of Carmelite Friars of Ávila permitted this with immense generosity. It will allow Saint Teresa to be very present on the five  continents,” explained the Vicario General de la OCDS [sic - that should be 'Vicar General of the OCD' - the friars, not the Secular Order!]"






This video shows the woman and Carmelite Friar who will be accompanying the walking stick/staff (it is in a beautiful wooden box) - and shows highlights of the opening ceremonies on October 15 in Avila.




This is one from Paraguay -- I post it because it has beautiful scenes of them WALKING as part of the journey!  And what appears to be scenes from a play in her honor!





It looks like there are several short videos of the 'Camino de Luz' - Way of Light or Way of Glory - outlining the plans, the opening ceremonies in Avila and as she is traveling in South America.  They are in Spanish, with no English subtitles.  My Spanish is good enough to be able to tell you roughly what is going on, but I can't give you a word-by-word translation.   You want me to post 'em here or not???


You are very welcome to walk with us, St. Teresa!  Do you want us to post your mileage???



Edited by AnneLine
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YAY, L&T glad to have you rejoin us!   


You'll also get your 10 'breathing' miles and 500 mile bonus next week!  If you didn't see it, just feel free to add the miles each day or so if you really want to -- it helps bump the thread, and I can do the add-up.... Excel is a gift of God for stuff like that....

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Ok I'm sorta back, I found the pedometer! I also have some extra mileage to add. I went dancing on Halloween and danced for probably about 3 hours! (Swing dancing). I didn't have my pedometer. So that would give me 12 miles for that night. My legs told me about it the next day! My pedometer reading for this week is 12.65 miles.

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