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Phatmass Walks Across America Thread - California To Maine!


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Hi, everyone.  Obviously dUSt has redecorated.  :/    Little hard to read but we can do this.


Had hoped to get walking miles up before today, but Phatmass or whatever this is was down yesterday, and I lost my window.  Hoping now for Saturday....  Keep on walking!!!! and rolling!!!!



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For this past week 3 games, 7 hours (2 hours for two and 3 hours for one...) means 28 miles. And practice 2 times (2 hours) 8 miles. Total: 36 miles

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28 miles this week. Most of it walking, and today I played some basketball with bro, sis & dad. (I'm awful, but it was fun.)

Edited by Spem in alium
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Dear friends, I'm just checking in.  As I think most of you know, I'm staying with my Mother-in-Law's family while she is dying.  (Yes, I know I keep saying that... but so the hospice people!  She's got a will of iron, and she is simply not letting go!  But It will probably happen at some point this week.  I'm here for as long as it takes, and I'm happy to do this... but my internet access is really minimal, and I don't know if I can work on this for a few weeks. 


IF you want me to continue when all this is over, I'm open to the idea, if people are finding it helpful, it's fun to do.


BUT if it really isn't something people are into lately (there have been a lot of changes in a lot of things since we started), let me know.  I know a few people have PMed me that they won't be continuing... I'll continue the 'walk' if there is interest, but I don't really want to put the effort in if people aren't enjoying it.  But if 3 or 4 people are, I'm perfectly cool with doing it... you let me know (but it will have to wait a bit longer, no matter what....)  


Thanks for understanding!

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Personally I've not been doing much walking lately due to a knee injury, but have really been loving this thread and think it will help get me back on my feet (literally). I'm all for it continuing, but happy to take things slowly at the moment if that suits everyone.


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Hmmmm.... welll... how about everyone else?   I can certainly do some cutting & pasting into Phatmass from MIL's bedside.... I can't use any in-computer documents, but I can send email and work on Phatmass.  And read.   And pray.... 


So... hmmm... lemme see what I can do.


Anyone else????


Spem, Sorry to hear about the knee injury.  You can still do 15 mins of can lifting (15 oz cans make great 1 lb weights) and or similar things if you can't use your legs.... and, of course,there is that 10 mile breathing allowance.....   


I'm such a toughie aren't i???  (but I need to start moving, too.... so this is probably good for all of us...)

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Spem, Sorry to hear about the knee injury.  You can still do 15 mins of can lifting (15 oz cans make great 1 lb weights) and or similar things if you can't use your legs.... and, of course,there is that 10 mile breathing allowance.....   


Thanks. :) My knee is troublesome, and this is likely a flare-up of an old issue. I'm a little concerned but taking it easy. I can still walk, but nothing much outside what is necessary. Lifting is a great idea! My brother has weights, but they are massive, so I think I'll definitely try the cans. :)

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I just got back on this thread and I want to say to Spem I am sorry to hear about your knee I hope that it will continue to improve.  and Anneline you are in my prayers all the time and that yes I would like to continue with this thread.  If there is anyway that I can help in anyway (Anneline) please let me know.

Edited by tigger60
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