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White Privilege?


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​Actually, biological research shows that animals engage in sexual acts with animals of the same sex

​you don't say? . . .

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​Actually, biological research shows that animals are usually less likely to mate with individuals whose appearance deviates significantly. 

If prefering a white employee over a black one due to social cohesion concerns is to engage in racism, c'est ca. I'm not going to subscribe to an absurd and utopian colour-blindness because of the total war Americans have to wage on alleged 'racism'. 

​Using fancy phrases like "social cohesion" doesn't make racism sound smarter. That's what the Nazis and Fascists tried to do, dress up their social cohesion in pretty dresses like Volk and Final Solution.

To bait fish withal: if it will feed nothing else,
it will feed my revenge. He hath disgraced me, and
hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses,
mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my
bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine
enemies; and what's his reason? I am a Jew. Hath
not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs,
dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with
the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject
to the same diseases, healed by the same means,
warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as
a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed?
if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison
us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not
revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will
resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian,
what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian
wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by
Christian example? Why, revenge. The villany you
teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I
will better the instruction.

--Merchant of Venice

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​Actually, biological research shows that animals are usually less likely to mate with individuals whose appearance deviates significantly. 

If prefering a white employee over a black one due to social cohesion concerns is to engage in racism, c'est ca. I'm not going to subscribe to an absurd and utopian colour-blindness because of the total war Americans have to wage on alleged 'racism'. 

​Good thing that mating isn't a requirment of the workplace.

Basing things on looks is silly.

I've met enough families, especally with latino, native american or asian roots, who "look"  white or black and don't look like their sibilings at all.  I know a family of 3 sibilings...one blue eyed blonde, one dark skinned, darked eyed, dark hair, and one with light skin and nappy hair.  All were raised the same and exibit the same attitude, yet they often have different social experiances, especally when together.   When the sister (light skinned with curly hair) is with the dark brother she's been accused of "stealing" a good "black" man from other black women.  You're really saying that you'd pick the lighter colored sibiling just becuase of their skin color?  That is racist, beucase you're not even really prefering a race (they're all the same race) you're preferring what you percieve to be "your race".

Edited by hotpink
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25 Activities Black People Should Avoid Around Cops




Don't play in the park with toy guns and maybe they won't kill you. Don't ask for help after a car accident and maybe they won't kill you. Don't wear a hoodie and maybe they won't kill you. Don't cosplay with a toy sword and maybe they won't kill you. Don't shop at Walmart and maybe they won't kill you. Don't take the BART and maybe they won't kill you. Don't ride your bike and maybe they won't kill you. Don't reach for your cell phone and maybe they won't kill you. Don't go to your friend's birthday party and maybe they won't kill you. Don't sit on your front stoop and maybe they won't kill you. Don't "startle" them and maybe they won't kill you. Don't "look around suspiciously" and maybe they won't kill you. Don't walk on a bridge with your family and maybe they won't kill you. Don't play "cops and robbers" with your buddies and maybe they won't kill you. Don't work in a warehouse repairing instruments and maybe they won't kill you. Don't stand in your grandma's bathroom and maybe they won't kill you. Don't pray with your daughters in public and maybe they won't kill you. Don't go to your bachelor party and maybe they won't kill you. Don't have an ex boyfriend who might be a suspect and maybe they won't kill you. Don't call for medical help for your sister and maybe they won't kill her. Don't hang out in the park with your friends and maybe they won't kill you. Don't get a flat tire and maybe they won't kill you. Don't park in a fire lane and maybe they won't kill you. Don't reach for your wallet and maybe they won't kill you. Don't let your medical alert device go off and maybe they won't kill you. I'm done for today. My heart can't handle any more.

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​Actually, biological research shows that animals are usually less likely to mate with individuals whose appearance deviates significantly. 

If prefering a white employee over a black one due to social cohesion concerns is to engage in racism, c'est ca. I'm not going to subscribe to an absurd and utopian colour-blindness because of the total war Americans have to wage on alleged 'racism'. 

​Are you really catholic ? You should join some independant fundamental baptist church. You will feel more at your place than in the Catholic Church. I'm really shocked to read that in a catholic forum. 

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Rubin  Carter

Professional boxer Rubin Carter was born on May 6, 1937, in Clifton, New Jersey. In 1966, at the height of his boxing career, Carter was wrongfully convicted twice of a triple murder and imprisoned for nearly two decades. During the mid-1970s, his case became a cause celébrè for a number of civil rights leaders, politicians and entertainers. He was ultimately exonerated, in 1985, after a United States district court judge declared the convictions to be based on racial prejudice.


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Dear S B,

In light of the recent massacre of nine innocent people who were brutally killed - murdered by a deranged white boy I find your response to this thread to be both foul and vulgar.

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Wow ya know, i was like; i wonder, how far that video could be stretched, and i gota give ya props L2A, I am impressed, you managed to stretch that really far.

Leme know how offended you are at this one,( and then i will actually educate you on it )


An  this is just self explanatory 




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Wow ya know, i was like; i wonder, how far that video could be stretched, and i gota give ya props L2A, I am impressed, you managed to stretch that really far.

Leme know how offended you are at this one,( and then i will actually educate you on it )

  so… you posted the video with the anticipation that it would be stretched... to see what would happen. very classy.

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  so… you posted the video with the anticipation that it would be stretched... to see what would happen. very classy.

I wasn't sure what it would be linked to, but i figured with how simple people are in the world today, the easily offended on the left, the lazy on the right; that it would provoke some kind of reaction, but no way would i have ever linked the two that L2A did, i mean why not link it to the OJ Simpson case while we are at it.


and FYI, the Areosmith / Run DMC  video, may look like just more dribble, but actually it is music history, it is the first ever cross over of rock and rap

and i think the M.J Video, Black or White is a good Classy Video that was true back when it was made, and holds firm still today.


An me ? Classy ???


Yeah Baby Yeah baby yeah

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Dear S B,

In light of the recent massacre of nine innocent people who were brutally killed - murdered by a deranged white boy I find your response to this thread to be both foul and vulgar.

The song was about a white "guy" though.

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