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Kerry makes me sick


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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

They say the Youth are turning back to Orthodox Catholicism becasue the current Church is too lax and is lacking to their spiritual thirst...

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again, take heart! for I too have a mom that is lousy with want of women's ordination and support of birth control [i]and[/i] abortion. However, as my father has converted to Catholicism he has, with his lawyer's mind, come to a more and more orthodox view! There is hope for the older set.

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[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' date='Oct 24 2004, 11:30 PM'] They say the Youth are turning back to Orthodox Catholicism becasue the current Church is too lax and is lacking to their spiritual thirst... [/quote]
Yeah, I unfortunately know too many who the poor catechesis and cafeteria catholicism has helped turn them to fundamentalism, too :(

But, on a bright note there are a few peeps I know, ok actually only 2 in the real world, non-phatmass.world, who are orthodox in their views in response to the watered-down faith, because they know only a rock-solid relationship with the Lord and his Church satisfies.

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Although I am not for Kerry, we have to be charitible. I don't think it was very nice to make those comments bout him. Please, instead of tearing him down we need to pray for him. My comments were meant not to tear him down but to show people what he said.

Pax out,

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Ash Wednesday

First, it is my disclaimer that as a rule, politicians -- Democrats, Republicans, Independants....
greatly exaggerate things.

But this clip that I am linking here is really funny. What is so funny isn't the fact that our good friend Mr. Kerry made this outrageous claim that he "went to New York met with all of the U.N. security council before going to war with Iraq" despite the fact that, the Washington Times has just broken a story that council members do NOT remember ever meeting Kerry. I actually don't know if this is big news or not. Most voters have more or less decided and a lot of people are just electioned-out.

But the reason why I'm posting this video is because President Bush's reaction as our dear friend and brother Kerry made that claim is hilarious. Watch Bush's head suddenly snap up -- he gets this look on his face like he can't believe what he just heard. Bush is giving that famous smirk of his (or at least he's trying very hard not to) and you know what he's thinking: "Is this guy for real?"

It's hilarious.


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The only thing I found unique about the interview last night, I usually don't watch Kerry interviews, is that Katie Couric didn't seem thrilled about his answers. She actually seemed very sceptical. This from a very liberal young media lady. She may hate Bush, but at least she doesn't buy Kerry.

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Oh, that annoying Sen. Kerry! I just want this election to be over and done with. I really, really hope Kerry doesn't win! I had the news on this morning, and there was a clip of Kerry speaking in a church. He was reading stuff out of the Bible and applying it to his politics. I was really ticked off!

God bless,


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[quote name='Raphael' date='Oct 25 2004, 12:26 AM'] :( Yeah, mom's like that.

I'm actually worried that I may have other siblings who didn't make it...she looked shocked and scandalized on a very personal level when my brother and I pointed out to her that the pill was abortifacient. :sadder: [/quote]
I'm sorry about that, Micah. I'll pray for her.

God bless,


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[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' date='Oct 24 2004, 10:30 PM'] They say the Youth are turning back to Orthodox Catholicism becasue the current Church is too lax and is lacking to their spiritual thirst... [/quote]
hehehe something I talked about in my letter to the Holy Father ^_^

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

My two cents:

Kerry does not have the abilities to be commander-in-chief. How can we tell? Simply by the way he answers all his questions.

He constantly uses his time in Vietnam (which he came back and protested against). You cannot serve and then protest. Shows you have no backbone. If you're soo against something to begin with, then you refuse to go and suffer the consequences. You don't switch because the majority is against the war.

He also has recently been quoting the Bible. Why doesn't he quote where God tells us that man is not to lie with man. Thou shalt not commit murder. Quit trying to stand behind the "I was an altar boy". Sure...and many people who have strayed from the truth were altar servers, but that doesn't mean that they represent the church or the truth. Pick one or the other. Not both.

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