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The Ultimate Sacrifice/Cure for Abortion?


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[quote name='Aluigi' date='Dec 31 2004, 01:09 PM'] i know, i've basically conceded that point here. however, armed resistance isn't far away and shouldn't be brushed off so hastily. if we do massive protests every day and hunger strikes and basically not allow society to FUNCTION until they deal with this issue and then after a year or two they haven't listened, armed resistance becomes necessary. [/quote]
Okay. Well, my point is that we cannot really consider going to such extremes without really trying other things. I'm not necessarily against violence, but again I see no reason for it. I've helped out at vigils and have seen babies spared. I know it works. I've met people with conversions. I know what people go through (somewhat).

[quote]but i mean we really need to make it impossible for this society or this government to even function as long as it allows the murder of the innocents.  this is righteous anger, and everybody should be feeling it.  they are killing our children, they deserve death for that.[/quote]

What they deserve first is the truth. It's been buried so much and now people are feeling pains for different things, et cetera. We cannot be so hasty to kill or get rid of all those who have murdered. They may not be very culpable as it is.

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[quote name='Kilroy the Ninja' date='Dec 31 2004, 01:10 PM'] Pray doth tell what this solution may be.... [/quote]
First of all I see a solution in the government.

How often do you, the people you know, your parish, et cetera help out at vigils, praying, and educating?

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the government cannot be allowed to function until they deal with this. traffic in all major cities should be blocked by masses of protestors. abortion clinics should be stormed by mobs and the instruments of death destroyed. this cannot be allowed to continue.

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And why doesn't any of this happen? Why doesn't anyone protest, pray, educate?

It happens once a year in Washington D.C.

Edited by Q the Ninja
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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='Q the Ninja' date='Dec 31 2004, 01:13 PM'] First of all I see a solution in the government.

How often do you, the people you know, your parish, et cetera help out at vigils, praying, and educating? [/quote]
Our parish is incredibly involved in the Pro-Life movement with vigils, life-chain etc.

I cannot bring myself to attend because I am weak and cannot control my anger. But I do pray.

But please, give me the whole solution. Surely, strong and miraculous as it is, prayer is not your only solution?

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Oh no, it's not. But it's the beginning. I know many people who do not do all they can, I'm included.

Next is petitions to the government. Those haven't been taken up very much.

The next is patience. Not everything gets fixed over night, and many things take fifty or a hundred years. Hopefully, this won't. But I bet more people would die in a war than children will die to abortion.

And I also believe that education is important.

Also, we should help with the women, they're suffering too.

More protests (peaceful) would help. There's one a year, why not more?

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save ferris 101

[quote name='Kilroy the Ninja' date='Dec 31 2004, 01:08 PM'] 4000 innocents murdered a day isn't enough to go to war?

We went to war over less than 4000 not-so-innocent people murdered in one day.

It's just not convienant and so we don't do it.

It's uncomfortable so we don't do it. [/quote]
Nice way to generalize, it's amazing how you know why every single person in this country doesn't just go and up and start a civil war. Oh, it's because we're all cowards, and we don't like incovenience and being uncomfortable.

and to Don: After reading this whole thread, I cannot believe some of the things that you have said. You are starting to sound more and more like an Islamic suicide bomber. You think that's ok? I mean, theoretically, if we were Islamic, and Islam was the right religion, you would advocate suicide bombing an abortion clinic? Because that's what your arguments sound like to me

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if there's not gonna be a war, there should be RIOTS and protests DAILY (at least once a week). petititions, sure, but seriously politicians simply weasle out of it every time. we cannot allow it to go on 50 more years or 100 more years, we should sooner overthrow the government!

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[quote name='Aluigi' date='Dec 31 2004, 03:27 PM'] if there's not gonna be a war, there should be RIOTS and protests DAILY (at least once a week). petititions, sure, but seriously politicians simply weasle out of it every time. we cannot allow it to go on 50 more years or 100 more years, we should sooner overthrow the government! [/quote]
Didn't St Paul mention obedience to rulers?

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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='save ferris 101' date='Dec 31 2004, 01:20 PM'] Nice way to generalize, it's amazing how you know why every single person in this country doesn't just go and up and start a civil war. Oh, it's because we're all cowards, and we don't like incovenience and being uncomfortable.

Wow. You're right. I even know exactly what you're thinking right now.

Get real.

Of course it's a generalization about why everyone won't go to war over this right now. Duh.

I'm discussing most everyone. Ever PC-Patti knows you have to be [i]general[/i] when discussing more than a few people at a time.

But I was very specific about the [i]analogy[/i] of going to war over less than 4000 murdered in a day.

And I don't believe the word Coward was anywhere in my post. That's [i]your[/i] word. Is that how you feel? That the general public is comprised of cowards?

Edited by Kilroy the Ninja
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only when the ruler has just laws. you don't obey the law that prevents you from stopping the Roman Emporer from throwing a Christian to the lions.

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