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Psychic Encounter

Faithful heart

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Yup there certainly is a difference.

What is bad is when you attempt to MAKE them converse with you. We don't look to the dead for what we can find in Christ.

However, it is NOT bad for one way comm. FROM you to them. If Christ sees fit, then he will allow them to respond.

There is a difference between wanting info from the dead and you giving the dead (in Christ) info.

Those are my two pennies.

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When we offer prayers or words to our dearly departed, we should not be looking--or even hoping--for a reply!

Doubtful that Christ is going to send a soul to respond to quiries from their survivors. We don't test Him that way.

Be mindful that He knows our hearts and how we long to be reunited with our loved ones, but it will happen in His time, in His way, which in all likelihood isn't via an earthly encounter facilitated by a psychic.

Remember that not only God listens to your conversations and sighs, but also His adversary.

The adversary is a great deceiver, a liar and murderer, the prince of lies. This world is his kingdom.

Those who claim to be communing with our loves may well be communing with other-worldly spirits, imposters.

Look up DIVINATION in the Catechism for clear Catholic Teaching on the subject.

Pax Christi. <><

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Ok, once again.

I didn't say I was looking for a reply, nor a response. I just like talking to them.

Man, somehow I feel like I'm being beat over the head, when I actually do agree with and understand Church Teaching.

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My mother asked me to go to a psychic with her, I declined knowing that being Catholic and phychics don't mix.  I am unclear on a few things.  Does the Church believe these people have this ability, or does she not believe in any of it at all.  I used to watch... a psychic that can tell people all kinds of amazing things.  She also claimes her gift is from God...  Sometimes these psychics amaze me, but I don't want to go against any of my Catholic beliefs or most importantly God's teaching.

I'm sure we're not just addressing your remarks, but also inquiries such as this, that may not have been fully answered. ;)

Pax Christi. <><

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I still feel a bit bludgeoned. :P Contrary to what the voices in my head tell me, I realize I'm not the center of the universe.


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John Edwards is a fraud and charltan. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to do what he does. In fact, any idiot can do it. It's called 'cold reading.' Basically what you do is start out with a very general line(he's always got a large audience, so for him it's very easy). Let's say I've got a large audience, I can say, "I'm picking up somebody with a 'J'..." and some woman responds "That's my husband John." Obviously, her husband is dead, so I say something to her like "Okay, John is here, and he's got somebody else with him...it's an older woman..." and she responds "My mother(aunt, grandma...you get the idea)." And then I can say something like "They're telling me to tell you that everything is going to be all right...does that make sense to you?" And I can go on and on, but really, that's all there is to it. What kind of idiots fall for carp like this?

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Ash Wednesday

Faithful heart, you're very right to not venture into the psychic crapola your mom is.

I think I understand you Azriel. I have visited my grandparents grave, talked to them, put flowers on the grave, etc. I've always been very close to my grandmother. Not that I've ever sat there waiting for an answer or actually tried to attain 2-way communication with them. That I know is a grave sin and opens a lot of dangerous doors to forces of evil.

It's along the same lines of the confusion that many protestants have with Catholics honoring the dead. There is a huge difference between honoring, loving, and praying for the dead, and trying to actually communicate with them (as in 2 way communication that Jake mentioned.)

I would think that there is nothing wrong with letting your dead loved ones know that you're thinking of them and praying for them. I always enjoyed this time of year because the dead are so often forgotten and just considered that. Dead.

I've heard odd stories similar to the brick -- like pennies from heaven or whatever. I actually DID have a very strange encounter involving my grandmother (I was working on a hot Texas summer day... I was in a bizarre job selling study guides door-to-door and I had been virtually ignored much of the day, doors shut in my face, etc.) and I saw an old woman in a car drive by that looked just like my grandmother's. I suddenly thought of her and out of the blue I cried out "Gramma!" I guess out of merely pure sadness, simply because I was miserable working in 100 degree weather and suddenly really missing her just right then and wanted to cry. Immediately after that, I mean a split second later, some woman opened the door of her house and asked me to come in and have something to drink because she was really worried that my health was in danger. It was weird (and she had a "no soliciting" sign on her door. HA HA!) But God only knows. I don't give it too much study but it was a very odd incident, and someone was taking care of me that day. Someone offered a prayer, and someone was watching over me, perhaps it wasn't my grandmother interceding but was my guardian angel. I dunno. Ultimately, it was God taking care of me!

When it comes to your loved ones and whether or not they are "okay" or whatnot, I think it is best to just entrust their souls to God and his Mercy. God's judgment is always just and perfect. As we place our trust in God, we also look to gain wisdom and guidance from him alone, not fishing through psychics, ouija boards, seances and all that crapola.

As for souls in purgatory asking for our prayers, I believe that saints (like St. Faustina) know of this because God revealed it to them in visions. I don't know if the souls actually tapped them on the shoulder asking for prayers. I don't know about Padre Pio's incidents but it would be interesting to hear what others have read about his experiences.

Edited by Ash Wednesday
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Ash Wednesday

I do have a question -- what about someone offering prayers for a soul that did NOT choose God and chose damnation? What happens to the prayers? I've heard that prayers are never wasted... so does God just... uh... apply it to someone else? :P

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God decides where a person ends up, We have no clue what happens in that final second of life between a soul and God.

THerefore you cannot decide a person is damned and does not deserve your prayers.

So you give them and God the benefit of your doubt and His eternal mercy and pray for them anyway.

If they would happen to be in a bad place, God will use your prayers asHe sees fit.

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I think I understand you Azriel. I have visited my grandparents grave, talked to them, put flowers on the grave, etc. I've always been very close to my grandmother.


Did you all know that visiting a cemetery and praying for the dead during the first week of November imparts a Plenary Indulgence??????? I read it a long time ago, in the Enchiridion on Indulgences.

So, the Church wholeheartedly supports us visiting the cemeteries of our loved ones and praying there, where their earthly bodies have been laid to rest.

There is a huge difference between honoring, loving, and praying for the dead, and trying to actually communicate with them (as in 2 way communication that Jake mentioned.)
Very true. One is condemned, and the other is recommended.

I was in a bizarre job selling study guides door-to-door
Hey, I buy those guides every summer! I am just a sucker for those poor college kids going door to door in the heat. My kids enjoy the books, too, though they're pretty pricey.

it was a very odd incident, and someone was taking care of me that day.
I believe your grandmother had been given permission from God to intervene on your behalf. Others on this phorum have had similar "protective gramma visits." God is sooooooo good.

When it comes to your loved ones and whether or not they are "okay" or whatnot, I think it is best to just entrust their souls to God and his Mercy. God's judgment is always just and perfect. As we place our trust in God, we also look to gain wisdom and guidance from him alone, not fishing through psychics, ouija boards, seances and all that crapola.
I agree!
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Did you all know that visiting a cemetery and praying for the dead during the first week of November imparts a Plenary Indulgence???????

Does the endulgence apply to you are the dead person? :lol:

That's sweet! I didn't know that. I'm gunna tell my inlaws (Both of which whos fathers have died in the past few years). I might also go myself.


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My goodness. Technically, the first week of November is only ONE DAY! LOL!

I'm sure they mean the first week, as in 1-7, not necessarily the first set ending with Saturday.


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