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I just finished reading "Suprised by Truth" (volume 1) and yeah, conversion stories rock. My fave was Tim Staples' story...he gave such great Biblical support for everything. Anyone else read any of these books? ^_^

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No Man is an Island, by Thomas Merton. So far, it's excellent :D

[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1125339' date='Nov 21 2006, 05:00 PM']
'Capone: the man and the era'- Laurence Bergreen, for homeschool stuff
'To quell the terror'- William Bush, about the Carmelites who were killed in the French Revolution and offered their lives to God to stop the bloodshed. It is a bit confusing but good if you can get through it.

I think Anne Carrol used the Capone book for a chapter in Christ and the Americas, Seton's 12th grade history book.

"To Quell the Terror" is one I almost started when I was at the monastery but never got to. Have you read "Song at the Scaffold"?

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I received Anima Christi, a reflection book on it, by a Mother Mary Francis, P.C.C. I find it rather deep but practical and twas very useful during Advent.

The contrast being James Joyce's "The Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man"...though I haven't finished it... I don't like it as much, at least the way the story is going.

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i am reading tons of stuff.. i get sidetracked easily :D:
but the two of most concern at the moment are

A case for Christmas - Lee Strobel ( a former athiest investigates the truth behind the nativity and life of jesus, becomes a christian.. good read.)

The ragamuffin Gospel - Brennan Manning (got bad reviews, but i am LOVING it, its just a fun book about Grace. I am really enjoying it)

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[quote name='TheOliverOrder88' post='1153020' date='Dec 31 2006, 04:37 PM']
I received Anima Christi, a reflection book on it, by a Mother Mary Francis, P.C.C. I find it rather deep but practical and twas very useful during Advent.

The contrast being James Joyce's "The Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man"...though I haven't finished it... I don't like it as much, at least the way the story is going.

You know Thomas Merton converted after reading Joyce. I put that one in the God writes straight with crooked pencils column.

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[quote name='slywakka250' post='1025986' date='Jul 17 2006, 08:03 PM']
I am Reading Sacred Reading my Michael Casey. It has been a very helpful book for my prayer life, for I have been searching for a way to get into prayerfully reading the bible, and the way that Casey explains Lectio Divina is wonderfully practical.

I'm reading this now too and it's great so far. Has anyone else read it? What do you think of it? For me it's a mix of challenging and inspiring.

Love and prayers,


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[i]Theology of the Body: Explained[/i] by Christopher West
[i]Decline and Fall[/i] by Evelyn Waugh
[i]Lord of the Elves and Eldils[/i] by Richard Putill
and [i]Crime and Punishment[/i] by Dostoevsky

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I've read "Song at the Scaffold"...I enjoyed it, but I remember the language being slightly archaic...

I'm reading, "On Vacaton with the Lord"...daily retreats based on the teachings of Saint Ignatius.

I'm also reading a book by Thomas Butler OP on discerning whether one has a religious vocation...but I forget the title.... :lol: .

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The Bible

[i]Theology of the Body for Beginners- A Basic Introduction to Pope John Paul II's Sexual Revolution [/i] by Christopher West

[i]Blessed are the Bored in Spirit[/i] by Mark Hart

[i]The Spiritual Combat and a Treatise On Peace of Soul[/i] by Fr. Dom Lorenzo Scupoli

[also... [i]Pride & Prejudice [/i] :disguise:]

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[quote name='she_who_is_not' post='1153089' date='Dec 31 2006, 06:48 PM']
You know Thomas Merton converted after reading Joyce. I put that one in the God writes straight with crooked pencils column.

I guess thats true. I don't understand his logical procession of thought. I guess, being an artist, I don't see the difference between the artist's life and a 'religious' life.

His use of language is amazing, if this entirely about Joyce, he would have made an great Jesuit.

I switched it up with Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"....and I can't stand it one bit. :pinch:

Edited by TheOliverOrder88
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Laxdaela Saga. I'm the weird person who likes to read Norse sagas. I just finished reading Cymbeline & Corolianus, since I hadn't read those Shakespearean plays before. I liked Cymbeline a little better than Corolianus, though.

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Spiritual Reading: The Epistle of Privy Counsel, by the author of the Cloud of Unknowing.

Leisure reading: Parish Priest, Father Michael McGivney and American Catholicism

Some class books,
Ovid's Metamorphoses, and I skimmed his "Ars Armatoria"
Summa of the Summa, by Kreeft

Oh yeah, and what's "Lord of the Elves and Eldils?"

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