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For Guys Only - Modesty Survey

Lil Red

Modesty Survey  

191 members have voted

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1396361' date='Oct 1 2007, 09:47 PM']Um does anyone else find Volleyball uniforms inmodest?[/quote]

I actually quit volleyball in high school because they got new volleyball uniforms that were [i]extremely[/i] immodest. The uniforms went from t-shirts and normal gym shorts that were just above the knee, to "shorts" that might as well have been underwear and tight stomach showing tank tops. There was just no way I was going to go along with that. <_<

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[quote name='photosynthesis' post='1397211' date='Oct 3 2007, 10:47 PM']I don't think I've ever seen a volleyball uniform.[/quote]

They are kinda like bicycle shorts, but shorter.

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"giant skirts of thunder."

I guess like mumu's or something. Or a picture of some chick from Mexico in your Spanish textbook with a giant turquoise dress. :idontknow:

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[quote name='beatty07' post='1398081' date='Oct 5 2007, 08:19 PM']It would be a sin for me to wear a giant turquoise dress, but don't think it isn't tempting.[/quote]

Funny! :)

I guess that I don't like clothing that looks uncomfortable or non-practical. It seems that a happy medium is the most practical and comfortable. However, this is not my opinion from experience. :whistle:
Also, some of the patterns on giant skirts are too much for me. They are basically distracting if they are not ugly.

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[quote name='ilovechrist' post='1396199' date='Oct 1 2007, 07:46 PM']Modest Is Hottest[/quote]

Maybe it is the conservative corporate guy in me, but I'm most turned on by the modest conservative business-type outfits.

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1396361' date='Oct 1 2007, 11:47 PM']Um does anyone else find Volleyball uniforms inmodest?[/quote]

That's probably nothing compared to the speedos that swim team members wear....

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1396126' date='Oct 1 2007, 04:41 PM']Plus two questions:

If you could say one thing to your sisters in Christ about modesty, what would it be?

As a guy, what is your responsibility in this area? What is your role in guarding your eyes and mind?[/quote]

I am tottaly agree with you. Same point of view are min.

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[quote name='beatty07' post='1396998' date='Oct 3 2007, 09:17 AM']But I'm talking about going down the street thinking "modest, modest, immodest, really immodest, oh my gosh, Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee..."[/quote] :lol:
It's sad that the world is that way now.

[quote name='Norseman82' post='1398171' date='Oct 5 2007, 09:19 PM']That's probably nothing compared to the speedos that swim team members wear....[/quote]
Ugh - I KNOW! Talk about not leaving anything for the imagination...
Maybe [i]that's [/i]why I don't like hanging out at the pool so much! Ohhh spiritual gift of piety, how I love thine unconscious nature.

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[quote name='beatty07' post='1396998' date='Oct 3 2007, 10:17 AM']I know if I start thinking "that skirt is really high" I've already lost.[/quote]

I'm all about purity of mind and everything, but aren't your standards quite literally impossible? You can't even start thinking that someone is dressed inappropriately? That sounds far too zombie-esque to me.

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[quote name='XIX' post='1398589' date='Oct 7 2007, 06:53 AM']what????

I'm all about purity of mind and everything, but aren't your standards quite literally impossible? You can't even start thinking that someone is dressed inappropriately? That sounds far too zombie-esque to me.[/quote]

Umm... the way I see it, Christianity [i]is[/i] about impossibly high standards - impossible to attain without Christ, that is.

A priest told me once that the whole point of the Sermon on the Mount to "raise the bar" of sanctity.

At least, I think that there are standards that are more difficult to reach than what Beatty has set here. For example, the standard of not telling untruths, ever. I find that very difficult to maintain, even more difficult than purity of mind - and I have serious problems with the sin of impurity.

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[quote name='XIX' post='1398589' date='Oct 6 2007, 08:23 PM']what????

I'm all about purity of mind and everything, but aren't your standards quite literally impossible? You can't even start thinking that someone is dressed inappropriately? That sounds far too zombie-esque to me.[/quote]

How do you know I'm not, in fact, a zombie?

I see your point about it being difficult, but aren't we Christians kind of sold on the idea that you're not supposed to waste your thoughts on other people's faults? Obviously there are exceptions, like if you're considering marrying the person or if you're their parent for instance. But if no charitable correction is going to come out of it, toss that thought. That's all I'm trying to say. In the case of judging others' modesty, there's more at stake because it's an occasion of sin. I'm not saying it's a sin, just an occasion. No good will come of it...so...why?

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[quote name='XIX' post='1398589' date='Oct 6 2007, 08:23 PM']what????

I'm all about purity of mind and everything, but aren't your standards quite literally impossible? You can't even start thinking that someone is dressed inappropriately? That sounds far too zombie-esque to me.[/quote]

How do you know I'm not, in fact, a zombie?

I see your point about it being difficult, but aren't we Christians kind of sold on the idea that you're not supposed to waste your thoughts on other people's faults? Obviously there are exceptions, like if you're considering marrying the person or if you're their parent for instance. But if no charitable correction is going to come out of it, toss that thought. That's all I'm trying to say. In the case of judging others' modesty, there's more at stake because it's an occasion of sin. I'm not saying it's a sin, just an occasion. No good will come of it...so...why?

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[quote name='beatty07' post='1398771' date='Oct 7 2007, 11:25 AM']How do you know I'm not, in fact, a zombie?

I see your point about it being difficult, but aren't we Christians kind of sold on the idea that you're not supposed to waste your thoughts on other people's faults? Obviously there are exceptions, like if you're considering marrying the person or if you're their parent for instance. But if no charitable correction is going to come out of it, toss that thought. That's all I'm trying to say. In the case of judging others' modesty, there's more at stake because it's an occasion of sin. I'm not saying it's a sin, just an occasion. No good will come of it...so...why?[/quote]
I think you are giving way too much credit to mere thoughts. They are completely out of our control, they usually mean nothing (except maybe to a psychologist) and that's that. We really don't choose most of our thoughts. They just come to us. And to expect a thought to never come to us is basically the equivalent of asking someone to never be tempted.

I'm sorry, but if I see someone in a miniskirt, it will cross my mind that she is not dressing immodestly. Whether I like it or not. I will discard any judgmental thoughts as quickly as I can, but I will at least subconsciously acknowledge the objective fact that a miniskirt is not appropriate clothing. There is nothing even remotely judgmental or tempting about pointing out a mere fact. And if it does happen to bring temptation on me, well, it happens. I do my best to avoid temptation, but I am realistic. Even Jesus was tempted. I don't understand what you are expecting me to do, but it sounds like something Jesus never asked of us.

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