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Church Militant Nominations?

Nihil Obstat

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1353894264' post='2516581']

i would have to agree with this.

a lot.

I have pie for you, come on over...

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So, out of everyone I nominated, not a single one got CM. :sad2: Is the nominating not a thing anymore? Because if that is the case, we should remove it from the 'requirements'.

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Basilisa Marie

I thought it was generally considered bad form to ask for a CM tag for yourself. :saint2: Though I do like the idea of Eastern Orthodox tags. Unless then we'd need Protestant tags...and then why bother with "not Catholic" tags...

Maybe Dust just disagrees with all of your nominations.

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[quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1353906986' post='2516792']

Maybe Dust just disagrees with all of your nominations.
Maybe Dust just disagrees with all of your face. :|

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[quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1353906986' post='2516792']
I thought it was generally considered bad form to ask for a CM tag for yourself. :saint2: Though I do like the idea of Eastern Orthodox tags. Unless then we'd need Protestant tags...and then why bother with "not Catholic" tags...

Maybe Dust just disagrees with all of your nominations.

Then shouldn't those people be given a phishy tag?

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[quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1353906986' post='2516792']
I thought it was generally considered bad form to ask for a CM tag for yourself. :saint2: Though I do like the idea of Eastern Orthodox tags. Unless then we'd need Protestant tags...and then why bother with "not Catholic" tags...

Maybe Dust just disagrees with all of your nominations.
Orthodox have valid sacraments. Protestants rarely do.

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According to Lumen Gentium, we belong to the same Church, celebrate the same sacraments, but the Church is wounded by schism. I would have absolutely no problem nominating you for Church Militant for that reason.

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I think it would be misleading to Catholics who are not particularly knowledgeable or strong in their faith for someone in the Eastern Orthodox Church to have a Church Militant tag.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351491766' post='2499518']
Hypothetically speaking, if someone were to ask me right now, "Irenaeus, who would you nominate for Church Militant?" this is how I would answer:[list]
[*]Basilisa Marie
[*]Spem in alium
[*]To Jesus Through Mary
Seems like a good list as a start. Did I miss anyone cool? I only paid attention to profiles with 500+ posts.
Hypothetically of course.

Also I nominate that Nihil Obstat guy to be made a mod again, because he was super cool that one time and thought it was pretty wicked. :| And he would abuse his powers significantly less than Jason (who, to be fair, cannot really help it, because moderating while hungry is a dangerous proposition, and we all know how often he is hungry).

And just to close things off, here is my favourite painting.


This latest brutalization of the proletariat's vanguard will NOT GO UNAVENGED, YOU KULAK PIG.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1353909113' post='2516827']


This latest brutalization of the proletariat's vanguard will NOT GO UNAVENGED, YOU KULAK PIG.
My bad. I forgot to make a "Overly Sensitive Little Girl Nominations" thread. You were top of the list for that one.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1353909167' post='2516828']
My bad. I forgot to make a "Overly Sensitive Little Girl Nominations" thread. You were top of the list for that one.

Once again the specter of revolutionary socialism has shaken the capitalist system to its core and has forced it to attempt to moderate its excesses in a sad attempt to placate the revolutionary instincts of the proletariat.


Edited by Hasan
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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1353909341' post='2516830']

Once again the specter of revolutionary socialism has shaken the capitalist system to its core and has forced it to attempt to moderate its excesses in a sad attempt to placate the revolutionary instincts of the proletariat.
Know that your godless collectivism can only continue unopposed for so long. You too will face your judgement. Agora! Agora!

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1353909458' post='2516832']
Know that your godless collectivism can only continue unopposed for so long. You too will face your judgement. Agora! Agora!

Oh. Eye sea.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1353909887' post='2516838']

This picture does not conform to the standards of socialist realism. Therefore, I shall ignore it.

Except for the post I just wrote about it. I shall support the people by ignoring your work of bourgeois decadence starting-->Now!

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