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Anne Line's Kitchen Table - Serving Up Randomness


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Well... haven't checked in a few days because I've been super-busy out here!


zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzARFink slept in while myhusband and I went to Mass together... and then he had more TOSTADAS ready for us when we got home!


My husband had to go to work (what a pain his work schedule is!!!!) but he was grateful that ARFink does take out!


After a restful sunday midday, we meandered down the hill and off to dinner and Church. 


We had some AWESOME Indian Food at India Palace....






and then spent a big chunk of time praying before the Blessed Sacrament at St. Dominic's Church in San Francisco




and went to the 9 PM candlelight evening Mass. 





and ended the day with a LONG movie... but a good one... The Right Stuff!




Thought of all of you....



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Oops... we watched the ACTUAL The Right Stuff (WONDERFUL movie....)


I just found the muppet pic when searching for a visual.... and thought of you all!

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"Mr. Frodo!"


"Yes Sam."


"The audience needs to use the little hobbit's room!"


"Tough Sam, they can wait, we're going to Mordor."

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No, No, I am TOO hungry for anyone to post that horrible Video one more time.  NO.  ARFink, don't even THINK of it....

Oh... and ARFink.... Someone has a sense of humor.

Guess what is crawling up the hill looking for you?






Just in time for me to walk down it to go to my not-so-young-adults group for Mass tonight.  


Can barely see back fence and it's getting COLD.   And the hill will be... interesting to walk down.  Will try for some pictures....

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Slightly revised plans.  Fog is coming in too quickly to safely alk down the road at sunset.... with areas with no sidewalks.  Not a good plan.


So... cab to BART and then wait in the cold to be picked up. 


Will pray a rosary for all your intentions while I wait.... and pray that we all have a fruitful Lent   :)

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St. Dominics looks gorgeous!!  .....


BG, yes St. Dominic's IS gorgeous.  (Just realized I didn't respond to that part of your comment).   


And beloved by the parishioners and people of San Francisco.


A little fun history....   when we had the 1906 earthquake, the Dominicans lost the beautiful new Church they had just built 20 years earlier.  I can't find any pre-earthquake photos of that Church, but here's a picture of it after the 1906 quake...


San Franciscans  and Dominicans are stubborn, so they just built a whole new Church.  Here's a picture of it after it was built --photo is from when it opened in the late 1920's or early 1930's. 
Please note the beautiful 'lantern' on the top of the steeple... and the LACK of flying butresses.  Somebody thought they looked ugly, so they didn't include them in the plans...





In the early 1980's, the parish was warned that the new Church (which had finally been finished for the Parish Centenary in 1973) wasn't earthquake proof.  The Parish and the Order were in the process of fundraising 'just a few million dollars' to retrofit it when the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake struck.


Uh, missing flying buttresses and an unreinforced masonry building in earthquake country... not a good idea....  a lot of stuff fell down INSIDE the church, and the beautiful lantern fell into bush street (left side of photo above)... and it is a miracle it didn't cream anyone because it is a busy, 4 lane artery these days.....


The whole church was very unstable, and there was a lot of talk of just closing and wrecking it... but a solution was found in simply retrofitting it with the flying buttresses it should have had & a bunch of other safety stuff....


You can read the whole story here:









Humbler, well-buttressed St. Dominic's, no longer with it's beautiful lantern-crown, but still beautiful.   ;)

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Before Friday is upon us, probably should finish up my half of the ARFink visit story....


Monday was a combination of a lazy day and the last exploration of San Francisco.   All those in the AnneLine household slept in late (ARFink and I 'cause we watched a movie till 3AM, and my husband because he didn't get home from work till 6AM!).   We had a late breakfast and then just had some quiet time (as only 3 introverts in one house can do....) and then ARFink and I headed down the hill to check out the last of the City that we hadn't explored --- Golden Gate Park and Ocean Beach.   (Yes, of course there is more to see.... but we got almost everything ARFink had requested to see...)


Being an experienced SF MUNI Bus rider (We call our 'municipal' transit the MUNI, by the way...) I know how long it is likely to take to get around the SF area.  Just as I had hoped, by getting to Golden Gate Park in mid-afternoon, it was easy to plan the route to take to get him some really good sunset photos... both in the park and at the beach.    You can see the pictures he took on the ARFink random thread.


After that, we had a final dinner at Cybelle's Front Room at 9th Avenue and Judah Street, a couple of blocks from the Park. 


They have fantastic pizza (deep dish to die for...), and fantastic burgers... We both opted for the latter.  









Found these photos on Yelp, but they are actually taken from the seat ARFink was in!




We opted for bacon burgers but with cheddar cheese.   Mmmmmm....




Really nice place, caters to graduate med students at nearby UCSF Medical school....




Then it was home, a little more painting, packing for ARFink... and another sleep... another wonderful ARFink breakfast... and then off to the airport.


Mr. and Mrs. AnneLine are missing Tony a lot.... now my husband is stuck with my cooking again....



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Sheesh, I've been busy last few days and didn't get a chance to do much randomness.


Had an unexpected visitor on Friday night (the priest who is the 'spiritual assistant' for my Secular Order group) decided to take me up on the offer of our guestroom for the night.   He's been traveling 40 miles to the meeting, 40 miles back to his House of Prayer... then up the next morning to drive about 100 miles by 10AM!   (And this guy is in his 70's) 


Gotta love the kind of priest who throws himself into his ministry like this.... and it was a privilege being able to give him a bed for the night and a good breakfast before he headed out the next day.  Made me feel like my namesake, St. Anne Line....


Still trying to post stuff on the FlyLady Lenten challenge -- feel a little like I am shooting arrows into the sky, but it's good for me.. .and hopefully for a few of you. 


Trying to get a little more rest & rec into my life along with getting stuff done... and I'm liking the result!


Mr. AnneLline and I went shopping a bought a whole BUNCH of good stuff to cook... so I'd best start thinking of things to do with it!!!


Hope everyone has a good week!

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Been a few days since I posted here... spending my posting time on the Lenten FLYLady thread for the most part.


Even those who aren't doing the FLY challenge might enjoy today's FLYLady exercise, however....



Every one of us has those negative thoughts brought to us by our dear 'friends' the Evil Spirits ('ESes').


Those 'animals' braying in our minds... telling us we are worthless, that our plans won't work out, and basically giving us reasons to NOT GO ON with what will do good things and lead ourselves & others to God.


(think of how 'ESes' sounds and you'll get it....)     


So... today's 'habit' is to start a list of what they are telling me... and what I am going to say back to them. 


They bray in my ear.... I smile and give 'em a swat.     :deadhorse:


Maybe some of you want to try this?




I'll start:





"I don't wanna... and you can't make me."  :stubborn: 





"I'm gunna... and I am choosing to do it."   :saint2:  



Anyone else want to play?

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They say, "You can't do this."


I say, "I will take this one moment at a time."


They say, "You should make yourself do this."


I say, "I will do this when I truly feel ready."


They say, "Something is wrong with you."


I say, "My body is confused. We are working on it."


*puts a pot of decaf tea on the stove and sits down at the table*

And an addition:


They say, "If you really loved, none of this would matter."


I say, "It does matter. I NEED to do what is best for me, my soul, and my walk with God."


That one is still causing me agita.

Today is tough. Thankfully I do feel fairly in control and I'm trying to get some work done.

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Nice list.


I just found another one in my world:


They say:   "You're almost done now... you can stop for a while... you'll come back to it...."


They say:  


"I'm going to take 10 more minutes right now and see if I can get it done. 

I know I seldom come back to it if I stop..."



(Try the colors... they're fun, and they work!!!)



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My priest calls these the "blurts" (we just had an excelent homily series on prayer). His advice is basically what you are saying, counter the negative thought with a positive one!

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