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Life After College 3: More Rants And Revelations


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It's connected to weight and volume, somehow, but I have never understood much about that stuff....

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It's connected to weight and volume, somehow, but I have never understood much about that stuff....


Brian, could you explain the concept of mass to us?

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Brian, could you explain the concept of mass to us?


I was going to take the time (most likely ~ an hour) to answer this seriously, but then I realized you probably were just using this as a way to involve me in this conversation and make me look silly (If you do actually want to know I can try to explain it or post some cool youtube videos explaining some of it).  Instead I will look silly on my terms.  




Also, I already shared this with Missy, but I figured you guys would like to see it too.  A friend sent me this facebook message:


So i get out of adoration/benediction today for divine mercy sunday and my 11 year old sister is telling me she loves the latin song [oh saving victim]: "singing it makes me happy" she says- my youngest sister saying something like that on her own makes me smile.. So cute. I hope all is well my friend. Hope to see you again soon.

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My internet is meh today. Gets in the way of my internet radio while I grade lol.

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120 degrees in the newsroom + I wore pants. I'm meeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllttttttttttttingggggggggggggggggg.


Can we say sandals, capris and a button down tomorrow? I think so! :yahoo:

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Missy!!!!   This is NOT the bathingsuit thread.  Modesty!   Pleeese!  You DON'T intend to show your... TOES do you?   :eek:

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Missy!!!!   This is NOT the bathingsuit thread.  Modesty!   Pleeese!  You DON'T intend to show your... TOES do you?   :eek:


Yeah, you might, um...


Yeah. :paperbag:












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Today is not the day to talk to me about that thread, you guys. :topsy:


Tony, don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful. :bounce:

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I am feeling :brutebeast: today.  You ought to see what a :brutebeast: wears when swimming.... he he he...

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Today is not the day to talk to me about that thread, you guys. :topsy:


Tony, don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful. :bounce:


I am not hating you cuz you're beautiful. :)

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I know. I was stealing Claire's line. ;)


So anyway, I just got a nice little apologetics workout having a friendly chat with a coworker. Every time this happens to me, the call to ministry is so great I can barely stand it.


I can't wait. <3 It's so hard to be patient. God is doing such beautiful things with my life.

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"Your Name

Is sweeter than the rain

That falls upon the face

Of dry and weary lands

And causes us to turn our face again...


Your Name be praised

And be lifted higher..."


Gungor. :love:



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This sounds like a job for ... not me.

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