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Any Sewers, Dressmakers Or Crafty Minxes Of Any Persuasion?

Spem in alium

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Spem in alium

My current project is a baby blanket that I will be donating once it is finished.


Beautiful! How exactly are you making it (sewing, knitting, etc.)?

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I am crocheting it. Basically it is one big granny square with a simple border. Very quick and simple, something to work on while listening to a podcast or watching TV.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow! It sounds like you have made great progress. Keep it up - and if you'd like and are able, please feel free to post a photo or two! I'm interested in seeing your work, as I'm sure others are too.

The quilt has been assembled (that is, the backing, batting, and top have been temporarily attached to each other so that I can quilt) and now all that remains is getting a decent quilt hoop (we have a few, but they don't work very well for this and the old good one is AWOL) and quilting. Here are some pictures:


Working on a quilt block. Below the one in progress is a finished block. My great grandmother started these before WW2, and I did most of the embroidery, although I did none of the applique.



Here is the quilt laid out on the living room floor. I pinned it all down to the carpet (except for the quilt top, which was pinned at least through the batting and the backing, but may have missed the carpet) before I tacked it together.



A closeup of one of the quilt blocks, as well as the surrounding material. This was the last block that I did.



One of the flowers in the block above.



The same flower as above, but from a slightly different angle.


I picked up this project back in December, and was able to take the top to show my grandma and her sisters this last Sunday. It's good to make progress like that, and to be able to make them all happy to see a young woman doing the old arts that they did and so many in our generation don't know how to do.


Also, I managed to sever one of the threads in my blanket stitch (the stitch around the flowers) when tacking the quilt together, and I don't know what to do to fix it. (I haven't really thought about it yet either....) Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Christina Therese wrote....


Also, I managed to sever one of the threads in my blanket stitch (the stitch around the flowers) when tacking the quilt together, and I don't know what to do to fix it. (I haven't really thought about it yet either....) Does anyone have any suggestions?


CT, I don't know if this would work or not... but it would seem to me that you could pick out enough of the blanket stitch to be able to open the flower up just enough to pull the string inside, and then pick it up with a new thread, going over the original stitching just enough to be sure that it won't pull out.   I would think you could make it secure that way....


Alternatively, can you ask one of the lovely elderly ladies who were so pleased to see you working on it what to do?  You can't be the first person who has done this!  Or... might there be a youtube video on how to repair something like this?  Or ask at a textile museum?


Hope that helps!!!!

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Spem in alium

Absolutely gorgeous quilt, CT! :)


First baby blanket is finished and I am almost done with a second one.

My other project is this:



I'm making the one on the right in a nice green fabric. I'm hoping to have it done by October so I can wear it to my cousin's wedding.


That dress is beautiful!


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Still in the fitting process for the pattern for the dress but I do have the second baby blanket done and have started on a third! However my hands are not appreciating all of this crochet work. The yarn rubs my fingers and the muscles in my hand have started to protest.

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Be careful, TT & give yourself breaks.   Listen to your hands -- they are TALKING to you. 


I gave myself a trigger finger injury one year at Christmas by overdoing it..... 


Took injections and months with no needlework to get it back to normal....

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I am working on http://www.emblibrary.com/el/products.aspx?Catalog=Emblibrary&ProductID=f8902 and also the letter E for my sisters... 


They are going to be going off to college next August so my grandmother and I are going to make pillow covers for them.  I am going to do them hand stitched instead of machine so I don't know how that will go... :pm:

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  • 1 month later...
Spem in alium

Fellow minxes, I have been very crafty today! Helped make an evening bag, started making a cushion (at least, that's what I think it is...my grandmother gave my mum a lot of patchwork squares and I just sewed them together) and am now working on a wraparound skirt (which may end up being a convertible dress). Hopefully I'll get photos here! :)


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