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Why Is Transgender(ism ?) Homosexuality Not A Mental Disorder


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One really helpful document is the CDF commentary on the profession of faith, required of everyone who takes the mandatum to teach theology (aka is approved by the Church to teach theology), it was issued while Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict was head of the CDF. It's pretty short, here's a link: http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_1998_professio-fidei_en.html


While Pope Benedict's public addresses certainly don't have binding force, nonetheless they are very helpful for our own reflection on topics. He is probably one of, if not the best theologian ever to occupy the chair of Peter. Several of his public addresses have driven some incredible work in theology and philosophy (his Reagensburg address, for one) and his non-magisterial works, the Jesus of Nazereth series, are some of the most profound works I have ever read. So while these are not binding statements, they are something that we ought to take into account in forming our own reflection on these matters. 


Thank you! Your response was much more helpful! 

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Should I even!  Gender is a big area. It deals with gender roles, feminism, cultural/family life roles, child rearing, sexuality etc. Before assuming anything or coming out with those words personally to me you could simply clarify what I said. Or, erm, maybe take hold of the points before you insinuate things. We can all read that link and you can believe it says what you like. I think you're overstating the points made there. That's it. It won't matter to me as such either way whether you alter your view or not.  I'm reading it how I think it reads and sharing my view of it. It's as easy as that and there's no need to agree. Simples.

You should not even, it is pointless for you to attempt to deny what is clear to everyone else. Benedict XVI's words here do apply to the area of gender we are here discussing. Could his words also be applied to other topics of gender? Yes of course they could also apply elsewhere. However they do apply here. Because transgenderism, attempting to change one's gender is the most extreme case of the profound falsehood of the anthropological revolution and the manipulation of nature which we deplore. 


It is also clear that when he states things such as "The manipulation of nature, which we deplore", and "profound falsehood" it is a teaching that is more than merely a patchwork of ideas. 

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Thank you! Your response was much more helpful! 


You're welcome. I mean I have a degree in theology, might as well put it to some good. 

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You should repeat these questions out loud, slowly, and while facing a mirror. Then while still facing the mirror, look at your reflection and ask yourself: "are you for real?"


Done. Now what?

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Credo in Deum

Now think about what you are asking. You want to know if there is ever a time when it would be morally acceptable to hold and support something false as if it was something true even though you know it isn't. The answer is, no. There is never a time where this acceptable because the truth matters! Humans are not snakes, men are not women and women are not men.

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Now think about what you are asking. You want to know if there is ever a time when it would be morally acceptable to hold and support something false as if it was something true even though you know it isn't. The answer is, no. There is never a time where this acceptable because the truth matters! Humans are not snakes, men are not women and women are not men.


I was talking about body modification. I made it light-hearted because that's how I read the original comment. 

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The Hierophant

I don't think homosexuality is a mental disorder, but if transgender isn't a delusion, then stick a fork in me and call me a lesbian in a man's body.

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 I have been searching for more information on this, mainly, when exactly did the Church start to say hey woa, homosexuality is wrong.


 I came across a paper that was published and some how made it to the net, http://www.scribd.com/doc/188478/Early-church-Current-church-on-Homosexuality


who ever the person is that wrote it, did a really good job at composing this paper,  at least to me, I found it easy to read,


so I guess I would like to challenge someone to find an equally well composed article on why homosexuality is wrong, or better yet examples of how Christ expressed it is wrong, since in this article the person seems to suggest that though others in scripture have condemned  Christ did not, though I will say I think the person is misunderstanding scripture when he is quoting where John states being the beloved disciple .  The author of the paper did not seem to suggest a homosexual relationship merely that there was this love between the two. I don't know if the author misunderstood or not but I think the author could have attempted to explain what that meant to him.


I keep bouncing back and forth, with all of this because for me it is rather confusing, it is okay to " love someone " in a non sexual manner, heterosexuals are obviously created to procreate ( cant argue that ) but at some point in time someone decided to declare homosexual relations and or love to be immoral, be it states of the past or the church, natural law comes into play, and no one can come close to figuring out if it is a mental disorder, but we can send machines to the deepest parts of the oceans and to other planets, and with a space telescope we can peek into the depths of space.


Science appears to be crackn things left n right, even human biology and what does what, but no one dare step over a line any more to say one way or another yes it is a mental disorder or no it isn't and here is why.



The thing is, for myself an those of us here who are heterosexual, we are not switching sides, but when we are challenged to one day confront someone who is a homosexual, or transgender, that he or she should reconsider their way of life, and perhaps even become a Roman Catholic,  how does one do that , with conflicting messages all over the place. Or at some point do we just stop debating this, let the dice and cards go as they may, and in the end let God figure it out.


Are we at a point in society where as Christians we shouldn't even go near this anymore ? At what point do we stop fighting things such as gay marriage, homosexuality , and merely pray and let God handle things. ?

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let he who is without sin cast the first stone

What? If you sin you can't talk about sin? Or identify someone else's behavior as wrong? Or you can only identify your behavior as wrong? But isn't that saying right/wrong behavior is relative? That doesn't make sense. Not that I've even fully read superblue's post, but he's not saying homosexuals should be stoned/killed/hurt, only talking about the morality of behavior. 

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Credo in Deum

 I have been searching for more information on this, mainly, when exactly did the Church start to say hey woa, homosexuality is wrong.


 I came across a paper that was published and some how made it to the net, http://www.scribd.com/doc/188478/Early-church-Current-church-on-Homosexuality


who ever the person is that wrote it, did a really good job at composing this paper,  at least to me, I found it easy to read,


so I guess I would like to challenge someone to find an equally well composed article on why homosexuality is wrong, or better yet examples of how Christ expressed it is wrong, since in this article the person seems to suggest that though others in scripture have condemned  Christ did not, though I will say I think the person is misunderstanding scripture when he is quoting where John states being the beloved disciple .  The author of the paper did not seem to suggest a homosexual relationship merely that there was this love between the two. I don't know if the author misunderstood or not but I think the author could have attempted to explain what that meant to him.


I keep bouncing back and forth, with all of this because for me it is rather confusing, it is okay to " love someone " in a non sexual manner, heterosexuals are obviously created to procreate ( cant argue that ) but at some point in time someone decided to declare homosexual relations and or love to be immoral, be it states of the past or the church, natural law comes into play, and no one can come close to figuring out if it is a mental disorder, but we can send machines to the deepest parts of the oceans and to other planets, and with a space telescope we can peek into the depths of space.


Science appears to be crackn things left n right, even human biology and what does what, but no one dare step over a line any more to say one way or another yes it is a mental disorder or no it isn't and here is why.



The thing is, for myself an those of us here who are heterosexual, we are not switching sides, but when we are challenged to one day confront someone who is a homosexual, or transgender, that he or she should reconsider their way of life, and perhaps even become a Roman Catholic,  how does one do that , with conflicting messages all over the place. Or at some point do we just stop debating this, let the dice and cards go as they may, and in the end let God figure it out.


Are we at a point in society where as Christians we shouldn't even go near this anymore ? At what point do we stop fighting things such as gay marriage, homosexuality , and merely pray and let God handle things. ?


Prayer is always a good thing to start with, but lets also look at the Catechism for a moment:


2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.


2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.


2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.





We've all seen the above quoted from the CCC a million times, and yet it seems for every millionth time we've seen it we still somehow do not register that the Church has declared that homosexual ACTS are gravely sinful/immoral.   ACTS people, ACTS!


What does this mean?  It means it doesn't matter how someone became homosexual or inclined to Transgenderism.   Why?  Because neither of these things have removed a persons free will, which is the ability to do what we ought, not what we want. 


Can't find a Church teaching that says homosexuality is immoral?  Who cares?  You can find Church teaching that says homosexual ACTS are immoral and that's the point!  The same goes for self-mutilation, which Transgenderism promotes.  You see friends, having inclinations is not immoral because temptations in themselves are not sinful.  It is only when we act on, entertain, and approve temptations, do we commit acts which are sinful/immoral. 


We are fallen human beings people.  No one here is going to be born without a cross.  No one here is going to have a life where they do not have inclinations toward sinful behavior.  No one here is going to have a disorder free existence.  Why?  Because Original Sin and sin itself is a disorder.  Our fallen nature is a disorder.  God gave our first parents a fair shot and they ruined it.  Deal with it.   God never promised us a life that was fair, so pick up your Cross and follow Jesus who's life wasn't fair from the very beginning.  Follow Him, who's entire life was one big sacrifice.  I mean do you think He doesn't know what it's like to have a nature no one understands?  Believe me friends if anyone gets it, He get's it.  Yet did He let this unfairness get Him down? Did he say; "well I was given a crappy hand, better excuse myself from doing my Fathers will and carrying the Cross"? NO, He didn't say this.  Rather He thanked His Father, carried His cross, and He did this because He truly loved His Father and each and every one of you.  


Now it's our chance to do the same for our Father, for Jesus, for the Holy Spirit, and for our neighbor! So, go do it!     

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