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You Know You're A Catholic Nerd When...


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When you can name (in order) off the top of your head at least four of the popes who came directly before John Paul II.

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Thy Geekdom Come

When you have to correct your priest's homilies...

When you have a stack of Catechisms to hand out to Mormons who come to your door...

When you have a username that uses mathematics to describe your faith (you know who you are!)...

When your bumper sticker says "Rep the Pope"...

When you replace family photos in your wallet with saint holy cards...

When you have hymnal page tassels in place of bookmarks...

When you say to your wife, "Hey baby, we ain't nothin' but mammals with souls, so let's have children in a loving bond of marital unity"...

When Phatmass is your homepage...

When Flyfree is your homepage...

When you suffer from an extreme case of rosary envy...

When you prove Pavlov's conditioning theory during the Eucharistic Sacrifice...

When you know how to say the Hail Mary in more than three languages...

When you actually play poker with Phatmass trading cards...

When you dress up as a king of a possible future nation and get others to try to win the lottery for you because you're not old enough (you know who you are!)...

When you can chant the Tantum Ergo from memory at the amazement of your fellow Catholic Nerds...

When you have a two year supply of tuna in stock in case of nuclear war because you're worried about all the Fridays...

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You know you're a [color=red][b]convert[/b][/color] when you have no idea what half of these things mean... and beer and cigarettes at church functions still seems sinful....

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when u are reading a book about the catechism that's supposed to be good because several priests were involved in writing it yet you keep saying "hmm...that doesn't sound right...hmmm...not true..." :lol:

and you check amazon and sure enough many reviwers say that it's not orthodox :blink:

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[quote name='VeraMaria' date='Jun 27 2004, 11:25 PM'] when u are reading a book about the catechism that's supposed to be good because several priests were involved in writing it yet you keep saying "hmm...that doesn't sound right...hmmm...not true..." :lol:

and you check amazon and sure enough many reviwers say that it's not orthodox :blink: [/quote]
When you ask, what book is that?

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....when the Summa Theologiae / Summa Contra Gentiles is your favorite book...
....when you refer to your friends by the name of the saint whose feast day they were born on...
....you intentionally own more than three bibles, all different translations...
....every parting with friends ends in Latin (Dominus tecum, etc. etc., other stuff in Latin)...
....for any help in making better sense of the Gospels, you instantly turn to the Catena Aurea...
....you clink when you walk (from the medals)...
....you cross yourself whenever you're startled...
....you cheered during the prayer parts of X2 (on opening day)...
....your favorite show is Life is Worth Living / favorite network is EWTN...
....you're discerning for the priesthood and you say that you're dating the Church...

Can't think of much else....

Edited by BurkeFan
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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote]...you intentionally own more than three bibles, all different translations...[/quote]


Let's see...seven bibles...at least five translations...

YAY! I'm a Catholic Nerd!

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... You give a Confirmant that you are sponsoring a gift you "made" that completely fits the saint that they chose for their Confirmation saint

... You can say that you personally know all the seminarians in the diocese

... You plan on going to a Catholic college to help renew the Catholic movement there (as well as about 50 of your friends)

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[quote]When you know how to say the Hail Mary in more than three languages...[/quote]

lol French, Latin, Gaelic, & English

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Thy Geekdom Come

You want to start a local chapter of the Chi Rho Fraternity House on your college campus...

You never put anything on top of your Bible...

You know by heart which priests are orthodox and which priests are not...

You refer to your bishop by his first name, at his request...

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