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You Know You're A Catholic Nerd When...


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[quote name='StColette' date='Jun 28 2004, 04:18 PM'] when you tape the Bishop Sheen shows on TBN [/quote]
... when you send St. Joseph Communication's copies of Bishop Sheen's retreats to all the local priests

... when you go for a few errands or a cup of coffee and just happen to pop into your local perpetual adoration chapel , 20some minutes away. :P

... when you go through phatmass withdrawal when the internet's down

... when you invite your family to Catholic tent revival as a way to spend a summer night

... when the books you'r currently reading are by Chesterton, Belloc, or Knox

Edited by luciana
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-When you have a bumper sticker that says "Proud to be a Catholic"

-When you do the sign of the cross whenever someone uses the Lord's name in vain.

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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Jun 28 2004, 05:01 PM'] ...when you know [i]my[/i] feast day. :) [/quote]
:o oh geez lol :blush:

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[quote name='StColette' date='Jun 28 2004, 05:06 PM'] :o oh geez lol :blush: [/quote]
Don't worry, by the time it comes around, many people should know. :) I hope...

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Rebirth flame

you know you're a Catholic nerd when:

you set your welcome screen on your phone to say "Saint Michael, pray for us"

you communicate more with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament than you do with your friends (not to say that Jesus isn't your friend... ^_^ )

you take latin in school so you can read the inscription on the wall at your local parish

you have the screen names of priests and friars on your computer

you have nothing better to do than sit on your computer and think of other things that Catholic nerds would do... :D

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[quote name='P3chrmd' date='Jun 29 2004, 02:09 AM'] When you have an Our Lady of Guadalupe decal on your car.....and YOUR NOT hispanic! :o [/quote]

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[quote name='slywakka250' date='Jun 28 2004, 06:00 PM']when nearly every single link in your favorites is for a Catholic website[/quote]

^^haha, guilty as charged. :whistle:
I have to organize my bookmarks... I'm losing track of all of them :P

[quote]Rebirth flame: you have nothing better to do than sit on your computer and think of other things that Catholic nerds would do... [/quote]

:lol: :rolling:

... when you've been reading Phatmass and Catholic Answer forums [url="http://forums.catholic.com/index.php?referrerid=5259"]http://forums.catholic.com/index.php?referrerid=5259[/url] till 3 am to brush up on apologetics :sleep: Thank God I can sleep in tomorrow

... when you can count a few Christian emblems on your car: Jesus fish w/ cross, rosary, pro-life sticker, Divine Mercy clip, OLofFatima magnet

Edited by luciana
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...you are more excited about meeting the Pope than any Hollywood Star.

...when all of your friends and you attend daily Mass.

...when your walls are covered with prayers, pictures of the Pope, The Holy Family, and Saints.

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...when you have hidden business cards behind cabinets... in the papal sacristy of the Vatican.:afro:

...when the highlight of your trip to Rome is being photographed holding the Pope's staff. :bishop:

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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='p0lar_bear' date='Jun 28 2004, 01:32 PM'] The Church has actually spoken against this practice. In the 2001 document [i]Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy[/i] issued by the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, the Congregation warned against deviations from legitimate devotion to the holy angels:

“The practice of assigning names to the holy angels should be discouraged except in the cases of Gabriel, Raphael and Michael whose names are contained in Holy Scripture” (n. 217). [/quote]
[font="Courier"]wow - thanx for pointing this out :)
i think my g.angel "steve" thanks you too

[u]You Know You're A Catholic Nerd When...[/u]
you use the term "[b]King Bling[/b]" in reference to your Catholic Medals, Scapular, etc[/font]

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[quote name='Luthien' date='Jun 27 2004, 10:59 PM'] When you're trying to fall asleep, you say a rosary instead of counting sheep [/quote]
Praying Rosaries works. I always find mine on the floor or in the middle of my bed.

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