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You Know You're A Catholic Nerd When...


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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote]you take latin in school so you can read the inscription on the wall at your local parish

Guilty as charged.

[quote] when your MSN messenger name is in Latin

Guilty as charged.

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It's your anniversary...

you have a babysitter for the kids...

You look at your spouse... you're both giddy with anticipation...

and you head to a new and different parish for confession... then, to another for a rosary... then another for the stations of the cross... another for another rosary... Hooo baby.... Then... MASS!!!! Yeah!!!!

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... you can't decide which parish out of about 10 you want to belong to in College because there are so many great things about each
... You spend your time thinking of acronims like the most famous WWJD

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When you take your dog to the pet blessing on St. Francis day and when the priest sprinkles the holy water on the dog, you take the dog's paw make the signof the cross on the dog.

When you cross yourself ina prayer of reparation when you drive past an abortion clinic, strip club, or adult book store.

When you find a way of doing it while riding your motorcycle, even if it is with your left hand.

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[quote]When you take your dog to the pet blessing on St. Francis day and when the priest sprinkles the holy water on the dog, you take the dog's paw make the signof the cross on the dog.[/quote]

ROFL i love this one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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[quote name='StColette' date='Jun 30 2004, 04:25 PM']

ROFL i love this one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/quote]
Lol. Ari got blessed by a Priest in the Parish I use to go to. He got a Olive branch and some holy water[duh]. It was cool, and for once he didnt act like a ratbag..lol

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

[quote name='Norseman82' date='Jun 30 2004, 12:52 AM'] When you cross yourself ina prayer of reparation when you drive past an abortion clinic, strip club, or adult book store. [/quote]
This one applies to me. There's a strip club and adult store between my house and work and I make sure to pray for the poor souls ensnared by the Devil whenever I pass by.

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Rebirth flame

...when you go to the local bookstore just to get a copy of "The Imitation of Christ" because you've been dying to read it for [i]years[/i]...!

...when you make/pray rosaries so often that you have blisters on your fingers...!

...when you have stains on some of your shirts from where you've made the sign of the cross with Holy Water so many times in the past...!

...when you have more Christian/Catholic t-shirts than you do all your other clothes combined...!

...when your computer's wallpaper is Catholic, your screen saver is Catholic, half the programs on your computer are Catholic-related, and you've taped a green scapular to your computer for the anti-Catholics out there on the internet...!

...when you day-dream in school about how cool it would be to walk on water...!

...when you go to the lake later in the day to try and walk on water...!

...when you pray to God that you won't drown cuz you tried to walk on water...!

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when you tell your friends you're going on a date and they know they'll find you at Adoration

when you refer to the Queen of Heaven as "Mom!"

if all the books in your house are divided into two categories..Ignatius or Tan

if your kitchen cabinets contain excorcised salt, and there are a few jugs of Holy Water in the living room

you and your friends start counting down the days until the next youth Adoration and Benediction

When you can name all the religious order "hot spots" in the US...Ann Arbor, Spokane, LA, Nashville, and so on

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if you pass by a protestant/evangelical church and yell "FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD SUCKAS!!!!!!!"

you might be a Catholic nerd

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Rebirth flame

[quote name='lankyswimmer' date='Jun 30 2004, 03:12 PM'] if you pass by a protestant/evangelical church and yell "FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD SUCKAS!!!!!!!" [/quote]
lol... suckas... lol... :rolling:

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[quote]if you pass by a protestant/evangelical church and yell "FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD SUCKAS!!!!!!!"[/quote]

roflllll :rolling: :rolling:

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