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Well, after looking at some of the other things on that website, I found out that the Catholic Church is working with the U.S. Government and major airlines to secretly spread chemicals across the United States, vaccinating the population without us knowing. As an airline employee myself, it even hits harder to home for me--I didn't know this!!! My Church AND my employer are involved in this secret conspiracy!

See what I mean about checking sources?

yes i do, dUST. But i said that i only went to that site so i wouldn't have to type out the whole oath out of the book, which is historically accurate.

At least that's what they say.

I have to agree that some things seem pretty shaky.

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In answer to that:

(from http://www.chick.com/information/religions...tholicism/#hate)

Does Jack Chick hate Catholics?

Quite the opposite. In the mid-1970's, when he first began to understand what Roman Catholicism really teaches, he knew it was unscriptural. He also knew that to speak out against it would be unpopular and hurt his publishing company.

After much prayer, he made the decision that, no matter what it cost him personally, he would publish the truth that Roman Catholicism is not Christian. He did it because he loves Catholics and wants them to be saved through faith in Jesus, not trusting in religious liturgy and sacraments. He paid a price for that decision in many ways, as priests and nuns entered Christian bookstores screaming and making a scene, demanding that the store owner not stock Chick tracts. Some "Christian" media have even refused to accept advertising from Chick Publications, fearing any "controversy" that might hurt their cash flow.

But God has been faithful (as He always is) and has protected Chick Publications over the years. Jack Chick has made it clear that if he had it to do over again, he wouldn't change a thing. The letters from so many Catholics who have read Chick's anti-Catholic material and have gotten saved carry one theme: "Thank you for loving us enough to tell us the truth!" Those precious people make it all worthwhile.

Of course he's not gunna flat out say he hates Catholics. He wants Catholics, who don't know their faith, to read it and go, "Ah yes, we do worship statues." "this is a bad thing" "I better join his church".

But if you compare what he says about the Church to what the Church REALLY teaches, you then begin to see his hatred.

And, if I'm not mistaken, either the Church spoke in the vernacular, or people in the middle ages spoke Latin. Eiether way, it is a lie that the people "didn't know what was being said". Like, they showed up on Sunday to hear a guy babble. How would they know it was a sin to NOT go to Mass, if everything at Mass was in Latin?

These are good questions though.

It always strengthens my faith when I am able to research these questions.

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Well, it's almost time for me to go home (I don't have a computer at home yet).


I can't wait to "see" you tomorrow, Monica.

God bless you on your quest for the Truth!

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Don't worry, not dirrected at you...

In other words, we really do worship satan (at home say), but on the street corner, at Mass, with all our friends, and pretty much whenever we're not at home, we do good, pray to God, say we Love Jesus and all that jazz, just to throw people off, So that they'll join the Church and then secretly be able to worship Satan at home (like only 10% of the day - not counting sleep).!?

Oh, and we also designate "fake" converts like Scott Hahn, etc. so that they can pull fakeys by vigerously reading and studying the Bible in order to come up with defense for the lies that we proportadly produce.

And above that, we create THOUSAND page books like the Catechism which expressly describe what we "fake" believe, so that people can read it.  But then, since it's "fake" then no non-Catholic will read it (following the Logic).  And so really, only Catholics read what we "fake" believe, but since we already know it's "fake", then we don't need to read it.

Hmmm.  This is getting complicated.

If I really worshipped Satan - or even just had a bad interpritation of Christianity, why would I try to get you to worship Satan, by telling you to read the Bible and Catechism.  Why would I tell you I love Jesus! 

If we "really" worshipped Statues and thought that Mary was like a goddess, then why do I tell you that I don't worship Statues and I know that Mary is a Human!

I'm just totally confused at that logic.

I'm glad you were too!

Like, my wife's cousin just "converted" away from the Catholic Church to some evangelical church (later on I found out they don't even believe in the Trinity).  Anyway, we were debating, and he said, "you worship statues".  I told him, no we don't!  And I explained why we have statues etc. I even gave him Scripture supporting this practice (like the Surpent on a rod, for the Isrealites, and the Cherubim on the Arc, King Solomon's Temple, etc.).  But he still didn't believe me when I told him that I don't worship statues.

Like he knows what I believe more than I do!

It's just frustrating.

Anyway...  I count myself in good company!

They thought the Apostles were drunk!  :lol:

lol jake...

some things do sound ludicrous.

but about that convert, scott hahn (this is a webpage someone i know did):

Lost Soul of Scott hahn

thnak you so much. you seem to be much more open-minded and reasonable than many Protestants i know. i really appreciate your help.

God Bless!!

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Monica many people here are former protestants.

You are getting it from people who have been on both sides.


amesome. I would like to talk with some former protestants and hear their story!

I already met one (marielapin)!!

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St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O prince of the Hevenly hosts, by the Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Monica, if you're really interested in learning about the Catholic Church you're gonna have to put Jack Chick down and enter into a dialogue with us. We've all been to his website and we are well aware of his lies. Its not enough for Jack Chick to say he loves catholics, for him the only good Catholic is an ex-Catholic.

If you really want to learn what the Catholic Church teaches, why don't you ask us a question about something.

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You keep posting things from Jack Chick, and other anti-Catholic sources--despite me telling you that they are not accurate. I'm a Catholic--a very studied Catholic. I am telling you straight up that these sources contain falsities regarding my faith--yet you continue to reference them.

Here's a challenge, if you're up for it:

Find something from one of the anti-Catholic sources you cited above, regarding a Church doctrine or teaching that is un-Biblical. Then, find that Church teaching from a Catholic source. If the Church teaches it, it shouldn't be too hard to find it from a Catholic source.

God bless.

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no offense, but how do you know that's the REAL scott hahn??


The link you provided regarding Scott Hahn was one man's commentary on his "lost soul". The link cmom provided was one that contains actual writings and audio from Scott Hahn himself. Why go to third party sources on everything instead of the source itself? I really don't understand.

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no offense, but how do you know that's the REAL scott hahn??

Because I've see the real scott hahn on TV and heard his conversion story from his mouth, and many REAL Catholics get a REAL CATHOLIC education from him at a REAL Catholic College (Stubenville).

You can hear him quite frequently on EWTN or at their site.

EWTN.com (I think).

Okay - I'm still here. I'm such an addict to phatmass!

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Welcome Monica, I'm glad you came to this site...It's a good place to stimulate your brain and enrich your spirit... God Bless You and hope you enjoy. :rolleyes:


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