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To certain people in this thread who see nothing wrong with praising the Lord during the Mass with secular instruments like the guitar, drums, etc. --

As I've said before, you can spray perfume on mushy mud pie, but it'll still stink. In the same way, you can use such instruments for sacred purposes, but it won't make them sacred or appropriate.

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[quote name='Dave' date='Mar 22 2006, 11:06 AM']To certain people in this thread who see nothing wrong with praising the Lord during the Mass with secular instruments like the guitar, drums, etc. --

As I've said before, you can spray perfume on mushy mud pie, but it'll still stink.  In the same way, you can use such instruments for sacred purposes, but it won't make them sacred or appropriate.

Amen brother!! People said that for years about the organ

But after a few hundred years it got pride of place.

Edited by jaime
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Well then call me in a few hundred years if they finally decide after all that time that guitars, drums, etc. should have "pride of place."

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Mar 21 2006, 03:57 PM']violas are definitely the work of the devil

Don't let my brother hear you say that. He'd :maddest: allll over that. LOL He's graduating this semester with his music degree, and plays viola.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Mar 21 2006, 04:57 PM']violas are definitely the work of the devil
Why do you hurt me so...? :weep:

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i don't think the "i told you so" attitude will help people learn to cherish sacred music.

If you really wanted to help people, things could be a little more inviting instead of the bitter "you just have to listen to the pope."

Would it not be better for everyone if they CHOSE the sacred music over the non-sacred stuff instead of being forced to use it anyway and hating it?

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='hot stuff' date='Mar 22 2006, 10:45 AM']Actually it was suggested by another Phatmasser and Camster thought it was cute.
I was the other Phatmasser. :blush: I was poking fun...

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That said, almost any instrument [drums are a bit iffy] can make beautiful music for God. Classical church music sounds good on many differnet instrumunts. I think the selection is more important than the instrument.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Mar 22 2006, 12:22 PM']Why do you hurt me so...?  :weep:
hot stuff is wrong, actually. The violin is the tool of the devil. He played one...when he went down to Georgia...lookin' for a soul to steal.

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[quote name='Raphael' date='Mar 22 2006, 12:09 PM']hot stuff is wrong, actually.  The violin is the tool of the devil.  He played one...when he went down to Georgia...lookin' for a soul to steal.

was he in a bind?

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Noel's angel

I agree cmom. I don't think we should 'bash' all instruments apart from those mentioned in Cam's posts (stringed instruments to be played with bows etc.) simply because our experience of them has not been good. Guitars aren't always played while jumping up and down, strumming until fingers bleed and eardrums burst. Of course, where possible, the organ should be played, but I don't think you can completely discount an instrument simply because you don't like it. I say (not that what I say matters in the slightests) that if an instrument can be utilised in order to lift one's heart to God in prayer, why not use it? I don't think sweeping statements can be made either for, or against the use of other instruments. Common sense is all that is needed- I don't believe 'clanging cymbals' for example, can spurn a heart into prayer, however other instruments, if played correctly, such as flutes etc. may well do, in some cases. I think what is needed is a better understanding of music and its purpose in the Mass and maybe the 'rock groups' or 'faith and worship bands' will realise that Mass isn't about performance, but prayer.

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My son plays beautiful classical guitar. They have a wonderful meditative quality and would perfect after Communion.

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Guest JeffCR07

Just to reply to the argument that younger people can't appreciate sacred music. I totally disagree. I'm 20 right now and have actually preferred to have gregorian chant at Mass for a number of years. In fact, if you actually look at it, the younger people tend to be the ones who are [i]more[/i] orthodox and [i]more[/i] traditional. I think that a lot of youth ministers feel like they have to be more "open" with how the music at Mass is done because that was what it was like when they were younger.

I would really like to urge [i]anyone[/i] who is in a position of authority in their parish - whether it is as a youth minister, liturgical director, or anything else -to make an effort to sit down with your young people and teach them why the Church prefers things like gregorian chant, solemn liturgy, etc. I think you would be surprised at how open young people are to hearing the truth, and how supportive they will be.

The youth is open to the Spirit moving through the Church. The question is, are you?

Your Brother In Christ,


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Im just diggin the fact that there may be more Latin in the Mass. And Im sorry, there is nothing more beautiful than voices raised in glory for God acapella. It seems that people nowadays are so afraid to open their mouths to sing unless there is an accompaning musical instrument in the background. Now I can see organs, cause some of them sound so awesome, yet I still love the sound of chant.
I introduced myself to classical music around the age of 17, and thank God I did. Otherwise I probably would only view music from a secular sense if I didnt. Classical music opened my mind up to other forms of music other than rock and pop.
And although I did play violin at one time, all the music selections we played were more modern, as I dont recall one classical piece.

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