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Discernment For Boys


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The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal are a relatively new order. They separated from the Capuchins in order to more intensely live out their religious vows. They have several friaries in the poorest regions of New York City, along with friaries in New Jersey, England, and a mission in Honduras. They serve the poor as they would Christ Himself, by providing food, shelter, religious instruction, help with addictions, and the simple love of true Christian friendship. They also run the Youth 2000 retreats, and they do a lot of pro-life work, like sidewalk counseling in front of abortion mills. They also have a sister group called the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal.

Their name comes from the Lord's message to St. Francis: "Rebuild my Church." It is also in response to Pope John Paul II's call for renewal throughout the Church, answering the call to orthodox, authentic living and proclaiming of the Gospel.

I hope that helped a bit. For more info take a look at their website :[url="http://www.franciscanfriars.com"]click here[/url]

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  • 2 weeks later...
Walking to Emmaus

[quote name='lundercovera' date='Feb 15 2004, 06:37 PM']well, i posted in the open mic too a while back.  i'm homosexual... i'm almost positive it's a biological type thing i can't change and even if i did it would cause suppressed stuff, mental problems.  i donno, i'd havta exchange one lust for another, i donno.  anyway, that kinda rules me out for marriage, it wouldn't be fair to any girl to marry them.  also, i couldn't be a priest or religious. not only has the Church come out against that, but it would be a source of constant temptation for me if i lived with other men.

anyway, that kinda leaves me at single life.  i've been praying to be able to accept that.  it's tough, it's so hard to see what my future would be as a single man.  anyway, that's my discernment story.[/quote]
I don't know if you've heard of it, but Fr. Benedict Groeschel has a book called "The Courage to Be Chaste." It focuses especially on the life of people called to be single and that call within the call to chastity. It is a short read and wonderfully insightful.

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Walking to Emmaus

[quote name='Catholictothecore' date='Jan 23 2005, 11:02 PM'] I'm 18, and discerning. There are only two things that I really...have a somewhat unfoggy vision of. One, I just have this...gut feeling that God is calling me to the priesthood. It's weird, becuase for so long in my life, i didn't know what being Catholic was all about. I'd "play the part." And than, my sister started discerning, and that got me thinking. I feel so often like I'm wasting my time, cuase I only seem to be going on a gut "feeling", something I'm wary of.

The second thing is that I'm deeply attracted to the Franciscans. Again, its weird, cause the only franciscan priest I've ever come in contact was...shall we say, less than orthadox. He once said that the Eucharist was never meant to be adored. As you can see, my parents are a little hesitent about them in the area i live in.

Pray 4 me, if you will. I'll pray for all you who are discerning as well.

Pax Christi
CttC [/quote]
I know just how you feel. This is coming from a guy who spent a year in the seminary after finally "giving in" to that gut feeling. I will tell you that it is a wonderfully enriching experience to spend time in the seminary. Even if you go and decide it is not for you, it will benefit you for the rest of your life. Giving it a chance does not mean that you are locked in and you can never get out. I encourage you however to pray intensely about this and if that feeling continues, then maybe God is really telling you something. God Bless You and give you Peace on your Journey.

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  • 4 weeks later...

"To become a priest, is to become another Christ, continuing the Apostolic mission that Christ started."

This is a quote, along with others that have helped to shape my vocation as a teenager, (15). I have been called to the priesthood, and I have understood this call from an early age.

However, I ask for your prayers, that I will know where God wants me to be a priest.

Basically, Right now I am considering the Legion of Christ and the dioceses of Green Bay, and a little bit of the Norbertines.

Thanks for your prayers,

Eddie Lee

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  • 1 month later...

Gday Folks,

I'm 19 on 20. It's been a while since I've posted and, well...not much has happened to me in regards to my vocation, which isn't necessarily a good thing.

I ALMOST left to join a religious congregation a couple of months back. My friend told me she wasn't going to get me money for my plane flight unless I was 'sure'. I ended up freaking out and not going. Whenever I meet the superiors and religious of this congregation I just get so gee'd up to join them.

It's weird, I could fufill both vocations. I know I'd be a good dad with God's grace and I know I'd be a good priest with God's grace...just deciding is my problem lol.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

priesthood...sounds interesting. I don't know its a possibility that i may be called.

Edited by Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
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I've been thinking of the priesthood lately... and by lately, for maybe the past 1-2 years...
Though, after reading through the first page or two, I noticed one thing different...
I was never seriously contemplating the priesthood... It was always one of those "Well, I guess I could do this... BUT I'd rather not."
You know, a nagging thought...
Though, one of the worst thoughts I have on it is... How can someone who is barely able to lead themself, be prepared to help the spiritual growth of communities.

Then, in a lecture, something like this was said:
[quote]At first, i told very few people about my vocation, but i did confide in a close friend. I told her "I'm attracted to this, but i'm also scared to death of it."
She was staring off into space and said "Fear does not come from God."[/quote]
Kinda realized how I should be willing to trust God and put my life in his hands again, doing his works while praying for his guidance.

Lately, it's come down to the fact that I can't share the possible future with anyone yet... Because I am so unsure of it myself... There's that yearning that tells me, this is what I was meant to do, but then fear and worry overcomes me and pushes that feeling back. I'm about ready to delete this post, that's what it feels like...
This summer, I hope to pray and reflect upon Scriptures and the Mystery of God, seeking an answer to not only this question, but also to questions of faith.
I've been pushing my future further away saying, I do not need to decide what I want to do yet... I still have time, yet I think it is about time to step forward and take charge, throwing caution to the wind.

All one can do is ask for
The GUIDANCE of the Holy Spirit
The COURAGE to find one's Vocation in life
and the STRENGTH to fufill that Vocation and Praise God's name.

Well, thanks for listening, was quite fufilling to type this...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Seminarian C

As a seminarian I can tell you that most guys are a little afraid or unsure of what their vocation is when they came to seminary, and many ran away from their vocation for years. Perhaps your doing the same, perhaps you are trying to guilt trip yourself into the seminary. I'm not sure, but I have two pieces of advice.

1. GET a spiritual director. He will help you sort through these feelings and find what God is realy saying to you.

2. Remember the words of John Paul the Great "Be not afraid."

God be with you

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  • 1 month later...

I have been thinking on and off since i was 13 years old. Everytime i served on the alter i used to get shivers down my spine and a warm feeling. I will be a preist that i am sure, no question at all. You always see people telling to wait for the sign, but to be honest you know when your ready. If you feel nothing pulling on the red and white Cassock as an alter boy then i dont think you will become a priest. So you kind of know when your 12 or 13 really, i am not saying you say at that time i am gonna be a priest, but you feel a strong pull always.
If anyone was a alter server then you know where i am comming from when i speak regarding midnight candles. That kind of service for an alter boy is enough to send anyone into preisthood!

When i become a priest i will make sure i follow in the same way of Joseph Ratzinger, i am there to tell the true message from God and Jesus Christ and not sofen it for our current lives.

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Thy Kingdom Come!
Memorial of Bl. Teresa de los Andes

My vocation story:

In the winter of 2005 I was invited to a retreat by a Legion of Christ priest. I never heard of the Legion except somehow found their apostolate, Vocation.com

Fr. Robert then gave me spiritual direction for the only time with a Legionaire. However when I first met this humble man, I'm like this is the most humble priest I have ever met. Though I only talked to him only a few times.

After that I went to confession for the first time behind a screen. For the first time I felt that I was just talking to Christ, and that he was giving the priest acting in Persona Christi, the words to say. It was absolutly amazing.

Finally it was time for mass. Now it's winter and in wisconsin. It was an outdoor retreat, it was freezing outside, like 5-10 degrees or colder. The parish priests in my dioceses if in that situation would have such a short mass. This was not the case. It was the most reverent and humbling mass I have attendied in my entire life!

I took part in this mass by lectoring. Now after I receive communion, I always pray the anima Christi prayer. Now i was just anticipating mass being over, and getting apple cider. But Fr. Robert had a reflection for communion while he was purifying everything. I still remember one thing he said,

[quote]"By reception of holy communion today, Christ calls us forth to be his disciples, to help bring better honor, and glory to him.  Then we  can continue Christ's mission on earth, to save souls for HIM!


After this day, I knew if God was calling me to be a priest, that the priest he was calling me to be was a Legionaire. After the retreat I returned to my hectic life of ridicule for thinking of the priesthood.

Durign the summer i went to Europe visited a few cathedrals and then went to a city where allegedly the Blessed Virgin Mary has been appearing Medjugorje. Now i am not going to judge his authenticity but it was just a good plyace to help me renew my consecration to her, and know that she is in control of my vocation.

Upon arrival in the US I headed off on a Green Bay Misison trip where we did service work in Green Bay and prayed. I really didn't get much out of it except of course the prayer, fellowship and community as we stayed at a church for five days.

However on Thursday we attended St. NOrbert Abbey for Mass, and the LOTH chanted. That was truly amazing. When I got ot thinking about it, the fact is I golf on Thursdays, and miss daily mass which I have been attending for nearly seven years. So after I passed my drivers test I decided that every thursday I would go to the abbey for confession , spiritual direction, mass, and LOTH, after I would go visit the perpetual adoration chapel at St. Pete and Pauls five miles away. This has all helped to for my vocationt to what it is today.

On one of my days at the abbey I reflected on my calling, and knew that God is calling me to the priesthood, and the only type of priest I could be was a Legionaire. So I now have contacted the Vocations office for the Legion, and they gave me great sound vocational advice as I did tell them that I am planning on entering if not right after high school I know I will right after I obtain a degree.

The Legion now wants me to call them each week, just to touch base with what kind of ministry I am doing, etc. how my prayer life is going, and things like that.

I'd like to thank you for taking time for reading this, and please pray for my vocation and my families acceptance of it.

[i]Yours in Christ,[/i]

Eddie Lee

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  • 3 months later...

Wow I seemed to jump all round with the discernment...

I came from a Protestant family (theoretically) and I went to a Protestant youth group. I was very involved, I knew alot of people, did alot of things with them. All the time, they would affirm me saying "Hey you'd be a good pastor." I didn't really notice it, I was ok with it.

Freshman year of high school I went to one of the Steubenville Conferences with my parish youth group. I discovered my Catholic faith and began to reflect on everything. Even when I was Protestant, the thought of becoming a priest was evident, I didn't know why then.

I thought maybe God was calling me through other people. I, in effect, didn't really do anything about it. I didn't talk to anyone, I basically just sat on it, and waited to see what would happen.

I went through high school...slowly getting information about the seminary.

During all of this, I was discovering the Catholic faith and seeing all the truth in it. I heard of saints with their absolute devotion to God, I wanted that so badly. I wanted to serve the God and His Church solelly. I didn't care what I did, just Him and His Church. The title "servant of servants" makes me grin.

So yeah, I really really want to become a priest. I've been through bad times, I've done some [i]really[/i] bad stuff. I don't know if I'll be accepted to the seminary just yet.

Yes I have talked it over, once with the college rector at the seminary and and another time with the pastor at my church. The chaplain at my school also knows I'm discerning...or at least he should.

I'll apply and see what happens.

P.S. Hey "the rev" nice story, I love the Legonaries. Sweet! God Bless.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know I'm not a boy, but maybe you'll tolerate a Sister?

I stumbled across this website and thought you might enjoy it.


Click on the "See the latest video" and then go to the Archives. It looks cool!

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