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Trisha's Multifarious Musings


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Ummm... well... while I don't disagree that that's work and I do want to do that, it doesn't solve the problem at present.

Poor Peyton

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I like predictability in my work, at least for the most part. I like to know, in general, what to expect and thus be able to plan. I like to learn everything there is to know about what I'm doing. This is not the type of job where I can do any of that. Drives me insane, as you can see...

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I have been job hunting like crazy... I have looked through easily over 10,000 job postings in the last 7-10 days. I'm just so stressed from the current job, which I cannot quit until I am offered a different job, that it's hard to think of anything else. :hmmm:

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No I'm not working for Dish and I'm not working directly for DirecTV, either, but theirs are the systems I'm supposed to troubleshoot. If they let us actually learn everything before throwing us on the phones with angry, impatient customers I think I'd be okay, but they don't. 3 1/2 weeks was not long enough. I know I could have learned these systems inside and out and been a pro at this if they allowed studying outside of work hours. The one time I was able to do that at another company I worked for, I learned the entire product line and troubleshooting for each product within a week, and was promoted to supervisor of the account the following week. Sadly, it doesn't seem to work like that anywhere else... they want us to be completely lost, apparently; wouldn't want us taking their training jobs... <_<

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That's a really hard place to be in Tricia. Will be praying for you.... and if there is anything more practical I/we can do for you, let us know.....

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Thanks again everyone!

I applied with the company I worked with previously and think I have a decent shot of getting on with them. They DON'T time you on your calls or expect you to meet certain goals in unrealistic amounts of time. And I would not be taking customer calls, it would be back end tech support which would be AMAZING. So prayers that they'll give me a chance would be wonderful and very much appreciated!

As for the current job... well... I'm alive and typing this, which means I didn't have the heart attack I thought I was going to have, and I'm not beating myself up too much about my call times and such. I did better than I thought I would, but then again I didn't get the irate callers that I expected... YET. Some of my poor classmates did and were very overwhelmed. I hope that's not me tomorrow. *bites nails*

I didn't get nearly enough sleep last night... took me a long time to fall asleep and then I woke up just after 7am and couldn't get back to sleep because I was worried. BUT now I'm exhausted from being on edge for the last couple of days, so I'm off to bed now and hoping to make up a couple of extra hours before Round 2 tomorrow.

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OH just wanted to add.. once I gave up on getting back to sleep I decided to open my Bible and read a few passages, just to help me remember the bigger picture here and I was yet again amazed at how God works; these are some excerpts from the very page I opened to (well, technically two pages, facing each other:)

[b]"Behold, the nations count as a drop of the bucket, as dust on the scales; [/b]
[b]the coastlands weigh no more than powder."[/b] Isaiah 40:15

Talk about the BIG picture :hehe:

Then this, a bit further on:

[b]"One man helps another, one says to the other, 'Keep on!'"[/b] Isaiah 41:6
[size=1](for some reason this verse and the verse following it were listed under ch. 40 and there's a note saying they were transposed from ch. 41 there, so I listed them as ch 41... no idea what's up with that :think: ) [/size]

This made me remember that I am not alone in this... 14 other people had their first day today as well, and we also have people called New Hire Advocates that answer our questions via chat all day long. That took a little of the stress off.

THEN, the ULTIMATE life saver this morning:

[b]"For I am the Lord, your God, who grasp your right hand; It is I who say to you, 'Fear not, I will help you.'"[/b] Isaiah 41:13

:love: :love: :love:

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Many years ago my spiritual director reminded me that ultimately God is my supervisor. If I can look God and myself in the eye and know I have done the best I can, then there really is nothing to fear. All they can do is try to push you around. God still has your back......

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My interview went very well! It didn't even feel like an interview because I actually knew the woman interviewing me and we talked about all the people I used to work with and how they've all moved around (mostly up) in the company. It was fun! She said I should hear from them by the end of the week, but that it "probably won't even be that long." :) She said "I don't think you'll have any problem getting on." AND said "You're coming to us at the perfect time." SO I really hope she's right!



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