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Make Cma Laugh!


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I love this man. He is devastatingly charming and handsome. Don't you think so?

Enjoy, mama.


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Could be construed as suggestive at parts (but hey we've had tortoise porn so...); the United States Naval Academy cashes in on the Gungnam Style craze with this Spirit Spot video:

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Navy men in their white uniforms in and of themselves are suggestive ... they're haut.

Now off to confession I go :P (jk). Loved the video!

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The children were lined up in the dining
room of a Catholic primary school,
staffed by nuns.
At the head of the table was a large pile of apples.
The nun made a note, and placed it on the apple
‘Take only ONE. God is watching’.
Moving further along the lunch line, at the other
end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip
A child had written a note:
‘Take all you want. God is watching the apples.’

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This happened a few months ago but is still worth a few laughs.

[quote name='brianthephysicist' timestamp='1319426749' post='2326049']
So Melissa had to peace for about 45 minutes and left me with the questions

"i want you to consider for me WHAT you want to do after graduation

and WHY

and HOW it is going to impact the world"

This is what I came up with

"I’ve always had a deep appreciation for science…

Physics = fundamental to EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!

*****TAKE POITATO OUT OF OVEN AT 11:00*******

What do I want to do aftert graduation and why and how is it going to impact the world

How does atom,ic forces on atoms affect the world?


We’re looking at describing the force beeter, looking at possibly using it for neutral atom lithography. This is useful for making nanostructures on surfaces. I need to pee.

That feels better.

I’m an idiot. So so so sorry Melissa.

Nanostructures. With the right materials, they can be tiny circuits. Carrying electrons accros single or double atom layer or surfaces. It’s pretty razzle dazzle that we are getting close to making such structures, even cooler that I’m working on something related to it.
One day, we won’t be using micro-chips, we’ll be using nano-chips. Other than making stupid things like cell phones smaller, idk what it will really do for us. I guess it works kind of the idea that roughly every 5 years, the number of transistors on a chip is doubled. We need to make this a viabke solution in order to continue the current trend of advancement in technology. .
I don’t really kjnow how this will help us long term. It’s nice to help information technology and the rate of computer growth, but I honestly don’t know how this will help the average person.


Fuzzy pillows

Where do I want to work in 10 years?

I don’t know. Who-ever will hire me. I think a big huirer of physicists is the Dep of Defense. They want us to research both wesaponry and defense items. I don’t want to make the next version of the nuclear bomb. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself with that. But there’s lots of physics that help sprotect our soldiers. I’m really tired. I need music brb.

Oh man, why di I get drunk, I don’t think this is helpful. Whatever. DEAKL WITH IT bRIAN!!!! I WOULD LIKE TO oops caps too work at a university because I can share my amesome love of physics with the next generation of aspiring physicists. They’re faces wrong I seewho???? Woah Idk what made me say that. But I wouyld love to share my enjoyment of physics with the next generation of physicists. I don’t think that I’ll do anything amazing, but if I can pass on ,my love of such a beautiful subject then someone will accomplidh something amazing. One of my stuidents might do something amazing

Why do I keep thinking about adoration? That ‘snot helpful to this discussion.

How will I impact the world? The whole world. Man. I don’;t know. If I can help people then I’m happy with my contribution. How does physics help people? I don’t really know, but we wouldn’t have any of our current technology with out it. STAY AWAKE!!! Physicists gave us foo theat didn’t need to be cooked as well as .I’m broken. Idk. Why do I think like this? That’s not anything that will make anyone happy or fulfill people so just stop!!!

How can physics help people ? computers are nice, they help so many peoplebut they make some complications, replacing people with computers is so impersonal and doesn’t help us build an international community


Where do I want to be in 10 years? I want to be in a beautiful marriage with a fun job that allows me to support my family. The job doesn’t even matter, If I have a beautiful marriage then the job I hold doesn’t have to be fun, it just has to be enough to keep my family happy I don’t care about my happiness I just want my wife andkids to be happy

This isn’t helping me

Regardless of my family situation, what would my dream job be? I would like to do some fun physics. I could discover a new particle or a new interasction force. That wouldn’t really be a job, thast would be a discovery. There’s still so much to discover. We feel like we know so much about this univwerse, but every decade we discover something new that opens up a can of worms in telling us that we don’t know things half as well as we thought we did. It’s spo humbling to see all of these advances because no matter how far we advance, no matter how smart we are, there always seems to be an even more complex layer under what we’ve alreadyu peeled back. Thankl you God for putting so much thought into this beautiful universe. That’s lots of red typos and I;’m off topic again carp
I think if I could hold all things equal, I would choose a job as a professor rather thasn a job in research. I really enjoy DOING physics, but even more than that, I enjkoy sharing physics with other peopke. I could do this so much easier as a professor. Students minds are so open to new fresh ideas. Seeing something for the first time you can see the beauty so clearly. There’s so many amazing tiny little miracles happening all around us every single day and exploring physics is an empirical investigation of these miracles.

When is my potato done? Nvm got like firteen minutes of so.

As a professor, I would be able to share my passion and enjoyment of the subject with the next generation. I could expose the next Erwin Schrodinger – how do you do that funny o.. thingy? – to something that catches his interest enough to encourage a pursuit of new descriptions of interesting phenomena.

Homework and tests would be annoying to grade, but the chance to show students amaxing experiments would be so worth it. They could see razzle dazzle things that don’t make sense with everything that they’ve been taught since first grade. You CAN pass through solid impenetrable objects. There IS an absolute speed limit to the universe (well maybe not because nuetrinos at CERN do whatever the heck they want to do. Specifying a person’s reference frame is important, even though it doesn’t feel like it should be. Matter is both a particle and wave. This doesn’t make sense to me, I just roll with it"

I stopped here because Melissa came back

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amesome Brian, just amesome. :)

Edit: Oh this is the joke thread, serious post moved to Missy's thread after the same quote. So...

A sloth calls the police to report that he was attacked and robbed by a gang of turtles. When the police ask him to describe the attack, he replies: "I don't know, it all happened so fast!"

Edited by BG45
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And behold the most ridiculous picture I have ever seen:

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