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Don't Vote For Romney


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[quote name='southern california guy' timestamp='1351079714' post='2496885']
I am going to write in Ron Paul. I think that if enough people did then it would make a real statement.

Santa Claus is not on the ballot either, you can vote for him too.

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sigh... but neither Mitt or Barack is offering me ANY bit of a loaf. I have repeatedly stated that pragmatic voting for the better of a certain number of candidates is perfectly acceptable, but there is no difference between Mitt and Barack, that's what my OP goes through. I'm not looking for a whole loaf; I'm looking for more than just the crumbs of rhetoric.

those who settle for crumbs will also go hungry.

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1351122893' post='2497206']
of course not. his spokespeople have tried to clean up every time he slips up and shows his true colors on life issues. they tried to clean up when he included the "health-of-the-mother" exception too; if Mitt had really changed his position, he would not be slipping into saying things in support of his old position. the fact that he slips and says these things is proof to me that he still holds his decades-long positions on these issues; if someone really had a change of heart on an issue, that's the kind of thing they would keep in mind.

employers have no capability to limit access to birth control in any way except by not including it in health insurance coverage, that's where the statement came from. there is no scenario in which an employer has any relation to contraception access except by offering health insurance. that is obviously what he was saying; and if it wasn't obvious, we need only look to his Romney care record to show that's exactly what he would leave up as established precedent.
I may be wrong, but the law you're attributing to Romney was passed in 2002, correct?

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“Mitt Romney never expressed any concern about the mandate — never mentioned that it would infringe upon religious freedoms. During the four years that Governor Romney served, he was totally silent about that issue. Most notably, his signature issue as Governor, which all of us supported and which we now affectionately refer to as ‘Romneycare’ left the contraception mandate in place.
“So when he says he opposes the contraception mandate and will repeal it, which apparently he’s been saying the past day or two since this issue has become very public, he’s really not being truthful. He had four years to repeal it or to speak out against it in our state and he didn’t do that. And even more tellingly, his own healthcare plan which he signed into law embraced contraception mandates.”
-Former Massachusetts Secretary for Human Services Phil Johnston[/indent]
Yes, it was begun under a different governor (just like the current HHS mandate was begun under a different president), but Romney never opposed it in word or action, in any way shape or form; and it was also included in Romney care which was passed under his term. Had he spoke out against it but not been able to do anything about it, that'd be one thing; but he specifically reconfirmed it by his legislation.

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[quote name='Freedom' timestamp='1351122961' post='2497208']

Santa Claus is not on the ballot either, you can vote for him too.
I might actually like you.

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[quote name='fides' Jack' timestamp='1351105376' post='2497038']
Wow - you're rich!!

Tell you what, you win, and I'll respect you. A little bit. ;)
your respect isn't worth $40

i'll take the cash..

you in?

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1351123063' post='2497209']
sigh... but neither Mitt or Barack is offering me ANY bit of a loaf. I have repeatedly stated that pragmatic voting for the better of a certain number of candidates is perfectly acceptable, but there is no difference between Mitt and Barack, that's what my OP goes through. I'm not looking for a whole loaf; I'm looking for more than just the crumbs of rhetoric.

those who settle for crumbs will also go hungry.

i am not a romney supporter but i think your delusional to think obama and romney are the same exact person. last i checked obama and only obama vote that babies from a botched abortion should have no rights. no other liberal voted with him, he was all alone. also last i checked romney is not out to get the catholic church and does not use so called catholics like biden and sebelius and pelosi to spread his message all the while claiming to be in good standing. i could go on and on.

here's this thing, i understand you don't like romney. fine but stop being delusional and saying/thinking that he is the exact same as obama and had romney been president these last four year everything would have been exactly the same when it comes to abortions, contraceptives, attacks on the catholic church and so on. don't support him fine, but let's be honest here. he's no where near as bad as obama. heck, there has not been a singles president in history as bad as obama when it comes to moral issues. thats a fact!

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1351312580' post='2498374']
i am not a romney supporter but i think your delusional to think obama and romney are the same exact person. last i checked obama and only obama vote that babies from a botched abortion should have no rights. no other liberal voted with him, he was all alone. also last i checked romney is not out to get the catholic church and does not use so called catholics like biden and sebelius and pelosi to spread his message all the while claiming to be in good standing. i could go on and on.

here's this thing, i understand you don't like romney. fine but stop being delusional and saying/thinking that he is the exact same as obama and had romney been president these last four year everything would have been exactly the same when it comes to abortions, contraceptives, attacks on the catholic church and so on. don't support him fine, but let's be honest here. he's no where near as bad as obama. heck, there has not been a singles president in history as bad as obama when it comes to moral issues. thats a fact!

Remember me, princess?

Anywhom, I am fairly certain that the reason we "delusional" folk fail to see this chasmic difference between President Obama and Governor Romney is not based solely on abortion--though Romney is certainly some sort of pro-choice--but rather on issues that [i]actually[/i] effect you and I on a daily basis. Things like their stances on how best to engineer a thriving economy ("It's the government, stoopid!"), what America's role in foreign policy should be ("We love you, Israel. You can do no wrong, baby."), and then of course their simpatico positions on how the U.S. government can spy on its own citizens, imprison them, deny them their constitutional rights and protections, and pretty much just take a big steaming dump on your personal liberties. It's all there, bro, ready to be comprehended once you free yourself from this ridiculous notion that some hypothetical lady could kill her baby after it was born. Neither man is ideal, but this myth that Romney is some how more preferable to Obama is just retarded.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1351313238' post='2498379']
Remember me, princess?

Anywhom, I am fairly certain that the reason we "delusional" folk fail to see this chasmic difference between President Obama and Governor Romney is not based solely on abortion--though Romney is certainly some sort of pro-choice--but rather on issues that [i]actually[/i] effect you and I on a daily basis. Things like their stances on how best to engineer a thriving economy ("It's the government, stoopid!"), what America's role in foreign policy should be ("We love you, Israel. You can do no wrong, baby."), and then of course their simpatico positions on how the U.S. government can spy on its own citizens, imprison them, deny them their constitutional rights and protections, and pretty much just take a big steaming dump on your personal liberties. It's all there, bro, ready to be comprehended once you free yourself from this ridiculous notion that some hypothetical lady could kill her baby after it was born. Neither man is ideal, but this myth that Romney is some how more preferable to Obama is just retarded.

yep your right, same exact guy just different skin color. they believe and support the exact same position on EVERYTHING. man i guess i missed the last 2 years where they were best buds and agreed on everything. dang, can;t believe i missed that.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1351313552' post='2498381']
yep your right, same exact guy just different skin color. they believe and support the exact same position on EVERYTHING. man i guess i missed the last 2 years where they were best buds and agreed on everything. dang, can;t believe i missed that.

Did I say they're "the same guy," or that they "support the exact same position on EVERYTHING?"

Or did I say that they were not the diametrically opposed individuals that the two-party system tries to tell us that they are, particularly on issues that ACTUALLY pertain to you and I? Think I did.

Pro-choice? Yes.
In favor of a strong federal presence in the economy and in our monetary system? Yes.
Slavishly attached to Israel, even while doing so is the strategically moronic? Yes.
Would violate your civil liberties in a nanosecond, no matter what the law or the constitution says? You betcha!

Should I go on, or are you already kissing your Ann Coulter lifesized cutout before retiring to your Ayn Rand bedsheets?

Edited by kujo
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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1351313238' post='2498379']
Remember me, princess?

Anywhom, I am fairly certain that the reason we "delusional" folk fail to see this chasmic difference between President Obama and Governor Romney is not based solely on abortion--though Romney is certainly some sort of pro-choice--but rather on issues that [i]actually[/i] effect you and I on a daily basis. Things like their stances on how best to engineer a thriving economy ("It's the government, stoopid!"), what America's role in foreign policy should be ("We love you, Israel. You can do no wrong, baby."), and then of course their simpatico positions on how the U.S. government can spy on its own citizens, imprison them, deny them their constitutional rights and protections, and pretty much just take a big steaming dump on your personal liberties. It's all there, bro, ready to be comprehended once you free yourself from this ridiculous notion that some hypothetical lady could kill her baby after it was born. Neither man is ideal, but this myth that Romney is some how more preferable to Obama is just retarded.

If you think that abortion doesn't affect your daily life, you are asleep at the wheel. The lack of respect for human life is a cancer that spreads into every aspect of your life. It's so much that most don't even realize it.

But let's go with human and constitutional rights. Obama is the worst offender we've ever had. He's added to the Patriot act. Now aside from the fact that a person can be searched without a warrant, you can be held without bail indefinitely if suspected of terrorist activities. That's anybody Kujo. Not just non US citizens. That's Obama.

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[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1351314159' post='2498390']

But let's go with human and constitutional rights. Obama is the worst offender we've ever had. He's added to the Patriot act. Now aside from the fact that a person can be searched without a warrant, you can be held without bail indefinitely if suspected of terrorist activities. That's anybody Kujo. Not just non US citizens. That's Obama.

And Romney has come out AGAINST these things, right? Or will he just add more heads to the leviathans?

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1351313791' post='2498385']
Did I say they're "the same guy," or that they "support the exact same position on EVERYTHING?"

Or did I say that they were not the diametrically opposed individuals that the two-party system tries to tell us that they are, particularly on issues that ACTUALLY pertain to you and I? Think I did.

Pro-choice? Yes.
In favor of a strong federal presence in the economy and in our monetary system? Yes.
Slavishly attached to Israel, even while doing so is the strategically moronic? Yes.
Would violate your civil liberties in a nanosecond, no matter what the law or the constitution says? You betcha!

Should I go on, or are you already kissing your Ann Coulter lifesized cutout before retiring to your Ayn Rand bedsheets?

okay, well since your not mature enough to have a conversation without resorting to name calling, you can talk till your mouth bleeds. if your unable to be mature enough to have a real conversation then why should i waste my time talking to you? i have no desire to get into a name calling fest and just waste time with you when i could be something, anything more productive. cheers.

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