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Bg's Random Ramblings And Thoughts 3


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You made me laugh.  Though the Eagles do seem to have certain trouble with law, their players at least...


Also a very applicable quote for the NSA stuff from Justice Louis Brandeis in his dissenting opinion in the 1928 U.S. Supreme Court case Olmstead v. United States:


I was referring to the fact that when they build Veteran's Stadium, they built a jail in it and during Eagle's games there is a magistrate to process the people.

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I was referring to the fact that when they build Veteran's Stadium, they built a jail in it and during Eagle's games there is a magistrate to process the people.

...I...no, I don't have anything to say to that.  Didn't realize.


AL, yep.


So...saw 5:07am thanks to the lightning and thunder.  :P  Interesting school board meeting at home apparently.  Many of the members were pushing for online only math texts.  One member took a tiny bit of issue with this due to the tiny fact that his end of the county has no ISPs that service them and the schools, teachers, and all the students would be unable to access the online text adoption if it went through, essentially destroying a large chunk of standardized math education in his section of the county.  They decided they'll "maybe look into finding the money somewhere in the budget" for actual books.

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Folks I'd like to give a shout out to the only person in Parking Services who isn't apparently jaded.  K. got me a parking pass for the summer after only 4 days of polite inquiry and explaining all I'm doing before my contract takes effect. :)

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Army Times:  New Xbox "a sin against all service members".


A piece by the Army Times, the U.S. Army's official newspaper, stating that X-Box One has single handedly alienated the entirety of the world's militaries prior to its release.  Region locking means no care package games.  The net connection means it can't be used in most nations where combat occurs.  The always on microphones and cameras are too big a security concern to allow them in military installations.  Microsoft essentially told dissenters "you can still play 360".

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My roomie from the first year in the doc program just posted to FB, his baby Alexander Hiroto was born!!!!  Saw the only photo so far and Alex is one cute baby!! :bounce:

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I just misread your last 2 posts mushed into one, BG.  I was wondering how your roommate from college could be having a first baby and a 67th marriage anniversary!   8)

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I just misread your last 2 posts mushed into one, BG.  I was wondering how your roommate from college could be having a first baby and a 67th marriage anniversary!   8)

Hehe, I can see where that would be a bit weird to wrap the mind around!  :)


Hey Phil, my confessor got reassigned today. Trolololololololol. :|

You all either have the most reassignments ever or somehow you made Bishop G. angry years. ago.  :|  In all seriousness though, sorry that you had yet another confessor you got close to end up reassigned.

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That's frustrating, Missy.  It takes awhile for the relationship to build.


Hey... could somebody translateth is for old AL?   It shows up in too many different contexts for me to figger out:






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That's frustrating, Missy.  It takes awhile for the relationship to build.


Hey... could somebody translateth is for old AL?   It shows up in too many different contexts for me to figger out:




Troll + LOL






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OK... And Troll?   Again, some nuances?   Is it like 'I got you, but good!'?  Or 'I saw that'?   Generally is it a positive or negative thing.... or just situational.  I can't quite get it, altho that video is hilarious....

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In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is someone who posts inflammatory,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[3] The noun troll may also refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted."


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