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Bg's Random Ramblings And Thoughts 3


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Mass was interesting.  We did religious liberty in the homily and you could tell who the more "liberal" people in the congregation were, from the grunting and grumbling.  However, what struck me most was when my eyes fell upon the crucifix and the sunlight was hitting the stained glass just right to cast Christ, hanging upon the cross, in a blood red glow.

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I'm being dense right now, but why, or to what, would "liberals" dislike religious liberty?

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Oh sorry, should've added more detail!  You're not being dense there.  The folks I mention are the ones who don't really feel government is intruding on the Church's liberty; the homily, at the Bishop's order, was focused on how the government is trying to force our hospitals to offer abortion and contraceptives (Hail Obamacare).  And certain grumbling people took umbridge to the Church meddling in, and this is a quote from a grumbling guy behind me, "the human right to abortion".

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Okies :)


Dept. Chair e-mailed, telling me I have a new office assignment for next year.  Saw that subject line and felt my stomach sink, until I saw my new office is going to be one of the more spacious ones and overlooks the grove.  I'm being moved from basement with no windows across from a study lounge to  ground level with 50% of the office perimeter being windows. 

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Hopefully!  "Stopping by for a chat" was mentioned, which has me a bit worried, but otherwise looks that way! :)

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Calling you in for a chat, huh? 


Worried that they have a chair like this waiting for you?






(before someone asks, it is a 1880's dental chair....)


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That moment when you're about to run this place...


That moment when this happened. :| Haaaaave fuuuuun! :wave:

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Well, well, well...  prayers for you and my fellow Al....and Roamin', of course....


Hopefully all of us will do what we can to make your lives easy!

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(On that note, I didn't even realize I had extra stuff to edit people's posts until Missy's post.  :P  )


And chat went well.  Dept. Chair just told me not to move his stuff he already had in there.  :)  Cleaning some now.  Mom's coming up to help me clean and to take a mini-vacation.

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Unlocked.  And just when I was about to say "Headed to bed and didn't use modly power on anything".  :P

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