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Quote Game

Ancilla Domini

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Ancilla Domini

That was from Desk Set. If you haven't watched it, you must!

Next quote:

"Since I've been a grown up, I've spent most of my life in prison... I'll probably spend the rest of it dead."

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That was from Desk Set. If you haven't watched it, you must!

Next quote:

"Since I've been a grown up, I've spent most of my life in prison... I'll probably spend the rest of it dead."


The Petrified Forest?

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Yep, I made it easy. ;) Just to distract you from study for finals.


Hooray! Well, my timer went off for a break anyway.


"Pardon me, Madam, but GET OFF!"

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Actually, I couldn't remember the name of the specific movie, but I have seen a thomas the tank engine movie. I'm not sure if there are multiple though, because one that I saw had Mara Wilson in it.          :unsure:


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I have also done a fair amount of babysitting, which also makes a difference!

By the way, the quote is one from a movie which I would be very surprised if people had not seen.

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Wow, really? Nobody got it? I can do another from the same movie:


"What, you want me to come out looking like you? Cactus-Butt?"




Yes, it is a children's movie.

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