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Would You Correct A Friend Who Is Doing Something Wrong At Mass?


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We should go to Mass together, sometime. You can wear your veil, I'll wear my kilt, and we'll watch with satisfaction as all hell breaks loose.


I actually don't veil any more. :|

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not going to get into that here. ;)


You'd only have to do it once. Our damage cannot be undone once my master plan goes into action. ;)

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It's true that nobody can be denied Communion for kneeling, but what's this business about providing catechesis to the kneelers?  What this says to me is that there are some who are ignorant and some who just want to have their own way, but nevertheless we will not deny Communion to the ignorant and to the spoiled brats.  We want to keep them in the flock. But let's have a discussion with them privately and try to convince them to receive according to the norm and in a way that doesn't put on a show or disrupt the Communion line.

The business about providing catechesis to the kneelers was stripped from the GIRM if I recall correctly.


Also it was an entire botchery of the translation of the GIRM from Latin to English.

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At second glance, the link you posted to is actually ABOUT the GIRM changing the language away from catechizing the kneelers... which just further proves my point and means it makes no sense as to why you would quote the outdated (and mistranslated) GIRM language...

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You don't know how I spend my time at Mass. It only takes a few seconds to notice these things.

So would you say I am forbidden by the church to say anything about this? Would it be a sin?

I didn't have the opportunity to talk to my friend today, but I did make a change of my own, which is to sit in the front and not be distracted by their disunity.


True it would only take "a few seconds to notice these things" precious seconds better spent in worship.


On the second sentence above, no you would not be forbidden and no it would not be sin. It would be uncharitable to cause embarrassment to a friend and most likely counter-productive to your friendship.


It seems the "disunity" caused you to move closer to the Sacrament during the celebration, you need to thank your friend.....



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If this thread is any indication, you spend it being huffy.


In Pliny's defense, he (she?) did make the point earlier that, despite his strong tone and point of view expressed here, this is just an anonymous internet thread and we shouldn't use it as a basis for guessing his actual behaviors or demeanor.

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I received an email from my pastor regarding some specific arguments I referred to him and I will return with a second set of final comments.

Meanwhile I have a comment about veils. Forgive me veil wearers but I think they look dumb. Most of the ladies at my church who wear them look as if they pulled the doily from under their lamp and plopped it on their head. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but it's my understanding that in the old days when a woman had to wear a head covering that it was usually a stylish hat and the veil was something stashed in a purse for those just-in-case circumstances.

A note about "huffiness." I'm one of the least huffy people you would meet. Internet huffiness does not necessarily mean real life huffiness. That's just my style. Especially when I'm outnumbered and in a hostile environment.

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I do not wear a veil...but I do find you to be really worried about what other people are doing...and wearing...or not doing...and not wearing.


Why???  What purpose is this serving for you or for anyone else??


Your initial concern about people being "disobedient" has led to you pretty much roundly insulting women for wearing veils that you consider to "look dumb."  Good thing they weren't out to impress you anyway! 


I wonder if any of the few who are kneeling in spite of other people's potential (or real) judgmentalism about their posture ever feels outnumbered or like they are in a hostile environment...Food for thought.

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Pliny ... the proper etiquette would be to discuss veils in another thread. It was only used as a comparison on this thread not as a main topic. Veils really don't have anything to do with the GIRM or the kneeling discussion. Besides that would let this thread potentially die down instead of go on forever.

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you know I try to be patient and respectful with you Pliny, I really do.  but honestly, if you think they "look dumb", you can keep your opinion to your freaking self and PLEASE don't start some idiotic thread about it.  BTW, you mentioned your friend was Mexican, the mantilla is culturally traditional for them, thank you very much.  Get your ethnocentric head out of the sand for goodness sake (I didn't want to say sand, but it's a family phorum).  seriously, what is wrong with you here?  leave these people the heck alone!  why would you think it's okay to say something like that?  it's basically like saying "yeah, I think vestments look dumb, I think cassocks look dumb, I think clerics look dumb, I think habits look dumb, I think rosaries look dumb"  seriously.  a mantilla is a sacramental that some women choose to use to enhance their prayer lives and worship of Our Lord, which, while it is no longer part of a requirement of canon law, remains a biblical tradition and the kind of immemorial custom that is protected by canon law... how dare you act all pompous and declare you think they "look dumb".  that's one of the most obnoxious comments I've ever seen, and I've been around these phorums quite a while.


to answer your question, fancy hats were traditional in the anglo world once upon a time, but mantillas are a style that was already influencing us by the time people stopped covering their heads.  while it was common before her too, I think Jackie Kennedy had something to do with popularizing it in the US.

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Returning to the original post - you put in the title of the thread "would you correct a friend" Then it turns out these are not your friends, they are random people who are doing something that gets up your nose.


In the convent we were taught that even if we witness a Sister doing something clearly against the Rule or Constitution, unless it was damaging persons or structures, we were to assume this Sister had a permission, we were to ignore it out of charity, and leave it to the conscience of that Sister, presuming no wrongdoing.

We were not encouraged to correct each other, in or out of the chapter of faults.


- Presume innocence.

- Leave the correcting - if any needs to be done, to those who have a pastoral duty to correct, and

- get over yourself a little.


By the way, I can't stand up, am I to be corrected?


Oh yeah, and I always wear a headcovering to Mass.

Guess that makes me look dumb.


I revel in it.



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