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Skirt Up Lenten Challenge (not What You'd Think)

Lil Red

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When I was watching Downton Abbey earlier in the series (yes, I'm one of THOSE addicts...  :hehe2: ) .....


 I got intrigued by the way that the women went into 'semi-mourning' for a long period of time after some of the deaths.  I know this was the custom until very recently... 


FULL MOURNING was black, with black jewelry; but 'semi-mourning' included black, grey, dusky purples and similar colors with very subdued (or no) jewelry.  with them men wearing black arm bands.  For both, minimal amusements or attendances at 'public events'.  Basicially living life in remembrance of the loss.....


Now that intrigued me because I have done that during Lent for a number of years, simply enjoying using the 'liturgical' colors in my own world... but now it will hold some additional symbolism for me... because we really are in a period of 'extended mourning' -- just ahead of the fact!

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Yes I am another who does not get this......I wear skirts in the summer because they are cooler, but I also drive a big mobility scooter and I have to be constantly alert re the modesty issues when sitting astride a moving vehicle - even if it is only 8mph, in the breeze, where everyone can see me.


Then there is the bending down situation.........unless you wear something that comes mid calf or lower then bending is an issue in a skirt modesty wise.


I can't see how in any way wearing a skirt is penitential and in fact I think it is entirely the wrong message to give about skirts or dresses.


I like your suggestion AL, go into semi-mourning. I also know women who take off all their jewellery, and others who wear no make up during Lent. For one of my friends this is a really big thing which she has to constantly offer up in order to bear.


We want to be offering a message that modest clothing ( of any sort) is comfortable, practical and feminine, surely?

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I  find femininity really attractive (!) but, if one is more accustomed to wearing jeans and such, I could see how this is a penance, (stepping out of their comfort zones and what not)

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Trying to figure out the angle to this. Wearing skirts is so awful it's penitential?


I'm breaking societal norms to wear one, so they better not be that bad.

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southern california guy

I find femininity really attractive (!) but, if one is more accustomed to wearing jeans and such, I could see how this is a penance, (stepping out of their comfort zones and what not)

Tony you can wear jeans under the skirt. I've seen it done.
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That whole site is one giant eye-roll to me, especially the handy description of second-wave feminism (which was apparently all a cunning plot to get women having abortions and short hairstyles and wearing pantaloons in order "to be like men") and the reassurance that "while Katie and Kendra love casseroles, they don't seek to get women back in the kitchen wearing aprons and pearls".


If you're not a feminist, just say so. Don't try to twist feminism into something it isn't because you think using the label makes you sound good. "By the grace of God, 'New Wave Feminism' is rising up. Wherein recognising the equality of the dignity possessed by both women and men, yet also the beautiful complementarity women and men have to one another, the thought of depending upon a man or even obedience to a man is more embraced and desired. Within our female design is the innate desire to be looked after, taken care of."


What does that even mean when you scratch the surface of it? "The equality of the dignity"? I've heard these weasel words before. This kind of thing. There is such a special dignity in doing housework. It might be unpaid labour, and it lasts far longer than 9-5, but while a woman's back aches as she scrubs the toilet she gets to enjoy the special feeling that she is being cherished and cared for through hubby's income and 'real' 9-5 job. In this way her feminine needs are met and the beautiful complementarity of the spouses is enhanced. Praise God! But men and women are dependent on one another and we take care of one another. Trying to make out that one is the carer and one is the cared-for is wrong (not to mention extremely disingenuous, as it usually conceals the vast disparity in labour - unpaid housework rarely seems to count for anything among people who think like this).


Some of that site goes beyond eye-roll-inducing. It's plain offensive. There is an article about how women have a special responsibility to fight evil because of the fall of Eve (!), complete with a photo of topless Femen protesters, who are 'precious daughters' who have been driven to cooperate with Marxism (!!) and evil. Lots of sugary language about how we must pray for the precious daughters - followed by a nice contrast photo of the blogger herself, wearing a skirt, standing alongside her husband, surrounded by babies. No judgments, of course, but if you want a little snapshot of what the True Catholic Lady looks like after being subjected to the unpleasant and disedifying sight of naked Marxists, then here you are. It all feels pretty...smug?

Edited by beatitude
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Oh for heavens sakes. They look like perfectly nice women doing stuff for the love of Jesus. Leave them alone.


also, not to bring down anybody's ivory tower...

but no American mass-appealer uses the word 'feminism" to make themselves sound good. Most people don't use the word as a compliment. They use it as an insult.



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Oh for heavens sakes. They look like perfectly nice women doing stuff for the love of Jesus. Leave them alone.


also, not to bring down anybody's ivory tower...

but no American mass-appealer uses the word 'feminism" to make themselves sound good. Most people don't use the word as a compliment. They use it as an insult.


I'm aware of that. But quite a few Catholic women seem to like calling themselves feminist as a means of outreach to non-Catholic women, thinking it makes their positions look better. It doesn't.


I get queasy over sugary-sweet websites that talk about how I as a woman have a special responsibility for fighting sin because of Eve, no matter how loving the intentions might be. It probably wasn't worth making a post over.

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Basilisa Marie

Oh for heavens sakes. They look like perfectly nice women doing stuff for the love of Jesus. Leave them alone.


also, not to bring down anybody's ivory tower...

but no American mass-appealer uses the word 'feminism" to make themselves sound good. Most people don't use the word as a compliment. They use it as an insult.


Sure, they're perfectly nice. They're also peddling sugary sweetness as true femininity when all they're really hawking is a saccharine substitute. 

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Sure, they're perfectly nice. They're also peddling sugary sweetness as true femininity when all they're really hawking is a saccharine substitute. 


oh why don't you go do your thing and let them do theirs.

honestly feminists can be so insecure. 

girly girls are not a threat to you.

anyway there may well be "true femininity" underneath all the frou frou.

ain't nobody got the market cornered on "true femininity." 

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