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Ash Wednesday

There should be an option to keep emails private. You can pretty much see any user's email if you view their profile, and I doubt everyone is going to be okay with that. 


P.S. I love monty the cat.

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Deus te Amat

There should be an option to keep emails private. You can pretty much see any user's email if you view their profile, and I doubt everyone is going to be okay with that. 

​I think only Mediators of Meh can see email addresses.... I promise not to spam you if you promise not to spam me!

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Ash Wednesday

So I have special x-ray Mediator of Meh vision? 

*villain laugh*




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​I said....Yer Font Socks Don't Match! 

While realizing the chillies are legion in your happy home now, it's time to man up and make sure you have matching font socks.



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​I said....Yer Font Socks Don't Match! 

While realizing the chillies are legion in your happy home now, it's time to man up and make sure you have matching font socks.

​I literally can't even.

Edited by dUSt
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Is The Word section coming back?      If not not where do I post the homilies.

​I'm looking into different options.

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I'm not sending a private message until that silly stuff is cleared up. What's the point if it isn't actually private?

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I'm not sending a private message until that silly stuff is cleared up. What's the point if it isn't actually private?

​What are you talking about?


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I'm not sending a private message until that silly stuff is cleared up. What's the point if it isn't actually private?

​I thought the problem was that Mediators of Meh apparently can see your private email address if they look at your profile. It didn't sound as if the problem was that Mediators of Meh could read your PMs. Maybe I misunderstood. Can someone clear up whether we are talking about email addresses or whether we are talking about Private Messages (PMs) sent to other users on the Phorum? Thanks in advance!!

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​I thought the problem was that Mediators of Meh apparently can see your private email address if they look at your profile. It didn't sound as if the problem was that Mediators of Meh could read your PMs. Maybe I misunderstood. Can someone clear up whether we are talking about email addresses or whether we are talking about Private Messages (PMs) sent to other users on the Phorum? Thanks in advance!!

​I don't know what the email debate was about. We're talking about two different things.

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​I don't know what the email debate was about. We're talking about two different things.

​I'm just trying to clear up what the potential problem is. The posts I read suggested that when a Mediator of Meh opens a user's profile he/she can see the email address attached to every user's account, even if the user has chosen not to make their email address visible to regular users. Personally, I can live with Mediators of Meh being able to see my email address, as long as regular users can't see it. (Although I'd prefer it if my private email address wasn't so easily visible to Mediators of Meh.)

I haven't seen any posts about Mediators of Meh being able to see/read Private Messages (PMs). The only time I saw the word "private" used was in the phrase "private email address." I read that to mean that the user's (private) email address is visible to the Mediators of Meh, even if the user has chosen the option to not make their (private) email address visible to regular users. I haven't seen any posts related to Private Messages (PMs)--but then, I could have missed something.


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