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@nunsense You made a post just a minute or so ago, and I coul not see your name among the logged in users. :->  The anonymous function is working!

​Yeah, I didn't get an answer to my question so I just played around until I found out for myself. But I am getting more of those 404 error messages these days - wonder what sets it off?

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​Yeah, I didn't get an answer to my question so I just played around until I found out for myself. But I am getting more of those 404 error messages these days - wonder what sets it off?

​I'm stumped about the 404 Error Screens. For whatever reason, I've figured out how to post and quote, but I still get a 404 Error Message most of the time I try to use an emoticon.

I could experiment with using different browsers, but frankly, I'm not that into fooling around with different browsers etc. My current configuration works just fine on most Web sites I visit, and if I have to live without emoticons on Phatmass, so be it.

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​I'm stumped about the 404 Error Screens. For whatever reason, I've figured out how to post and quote, but I still get a 404 Error Message most of the time I try to use an emoticon.

I could experiment with using different browsers, but frankly, I'm not that into fooling around with different browsers etc. My current configuration works just fine on most Web sites I visit, and if I have to live without emoticons on Phatmass, so be it.

​Funny you should say that - I was trying to put in an emoticon when it happened. But I have used emos before and had not problem, so I don't know what it is either. Just pixies in the PC! :) 

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I am really liking the new digs. The way the Q&A works is fantastic! One small question. is there symbolism behind the symbols under my name? Don't get me wrong I love them. But I see some with less  and others with more so I wonder, do I want more or less of them?

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I am really liking the new digs. The way the Q&A works is fantastic! One small question. is there symbolism behind the symbols under my name? Don't get me wrong I love them. But I see some with less  and others with more so I wonder, do I want more or less of them?

​When it comes to icons under your name, more is definitely better! The people with fewer icons have fewer posts. I think you have the maximum number of icons (at least for now, until dUSt comes up with some other fun idea). For now, your next level is to be able to be able to create your own title, which right now, requires you to have more than 3,250 posts (that's a guess, based on the level at which I got to make my own title.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really like the right sidebar on the phorum directory pages. On the main page we can see status updates, but the lower pages show the prayer board. None of them is too long, but eventually you'll see them all. It's puurrrrfect now!

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Is it possible to get a 'clear all formatting' button in the reply box?

​I'm not knowledgable enough about computers to know if an option to clear all formatting is the solution to the problem, but I wanted to chime in and say that I, too continue to have problems when replying to a post, particularly if I choose the "quote" function.

Deleting is a particular problem. For example, sometimes I want to quote only a portion of a post, but I can't delete it.

Sometimes the formatting of a reply gets so messed up that I want to simply delete the whole reply and start over, but the program won't let me do that.

There have been other specific problems, but I can't remember exactly what they were right now. I know that isn't very helpful--sorry. It's just that Marigold's post reminded me that I probably should let you know that I'm still having problems with the "Reply" function. I don't like to make posts about problems I'm having with the system because it seems like I'm complaining--I'm not! @dUSt--You've obviously spent a LOT of time improving the new platform and it shows! This is just one more item for your "checklist" of issues.

In the meantime, I'm coping, and I'm not having problems with all replies. (For example, I had no trouble at all with this reply. :idontknow:  ) And, some problems that I had early on have gone away (you've obviously been working on this--thanks!!!).In the future, I'll try to be more specific about the exact problem. And, if sometimes I just give up and don't make a reply at all, I'm sure the world will go on turning without hearing my thoughts. :)

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I'm not sure if this is helpful, but if you have an unwanted quote box in your post, then click your cursor inside the box and keep hitting backspace until the text of the quote and the quote box itself are deleted.

If you want to type outside the quote box but can't seem to get your cursor outside the box, then move your mouse to the bottom of the box so that a dashed red line appears. Click the little downward arrow at the side of the red line, and the cursor should move to outside the quote box.

I do agree that having a clear all formatting button would be nice. :)

Edited by HopefulHeart
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I'm not sure if this is helpful, but if you have an unwanted quote box in your post, then click your cursor inside the box and keep hitting backspace until the text of the quote and the quote box itself are deleted.

If you want to type outside the quote box but can't seem to get your cursor outside the box, then move your mouse to the bottom of the box so that a dashed red line appears. Click the little downward arrow at the side of the red line, and the cursor should move to outside the quote box.

I do agree that having a clear all formatting button would be nice. :)

​Yes, I thought that would work and kept trying it, with no results :wacko: that's why I was getting so frustrated, because usually/previously you could just backspace out of whatever mess you'd put yourself in!

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​Yes, I thought that would work and kept trying it, with no results :wacko: that's why I was getting so frustrated, because usually/previously you could just backspace out of whatever mess you'd put yourself in!

​Back spacing won't get rid of the box. For that you need to insert a paragraph above and below the box and then highlight everything from above the box to below it. Then just press the delete key.

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​Back spacing won't get rid of the box. For that you need to insert a paragraph above and below the box and then highlight everything from above the box to below it. Then just press the delete key.

​Oooh, good to know! Cheers!

[Not quite brave enough to try it experimentally though!]

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