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Occupy Wall Street Baloney

Lil Red

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1321365933' post='2336507']

than not only CEO's but the president, senators, all of congress and in fact all politicians should be thrown in jail... most, if not all, are exempt from insider trading rules, and can amass over 400,000 dollars in investments per day!!!!

wow, big surprise that the most powerful people in this world are a bunch of greedy bastards.... I dont' see how squatting in parks will put an end to what has been happening for centuries....
Leftists do seem to be quite selective in their outrage over power and greed.

Historically, governments have been responsible for [i]far[/i] more killings, oppression, torture, and unjust suffering than have corporations, and socialist, statist governments have been the worst offenders.

Yet our friends on the left seem to think more government, socialism, and statism is the cure to all our ills.

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Not to quash the excellent dialogue going on in here, but based on what's been happening the last couple of days with OWS I get the distinct feeling that this will end with blood. While I do not agree with many of the sentiments of the OWS movement, I will be praying for their safety and that they will not resort to violence. The authorities have not shown the full extent they are willing to go to yet, and I suspect it will not be pretty when they do.

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The other day as I was taking off my skates after ice skating for a few hours and the TV was on in the waiting area. It was of the OWS and it was showing a protester raping/hurting/tackling another protester. I tried not to look since the TV was directly in front of me but I was disgusted that people could be so................rude :ohno:

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[quote name='God the Father' timestamp='1321649833' post='2337997']
Very few concepts have the power to influence universally. Capital is one. Violence is another.
Also friendship. I don't know if you know, but friendship is magic.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1321656324' post='2338040']

However, it gets even better than that, as you will see below.

Haha, no but really:

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[img]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d160/wisper3/318408_10150414615214310_126154984309_8203679_1304164361_n.jpg[/img] support "Occupy Bagram"
quit complaining, take a bath and get back to [u]work[/u]

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1317859211' post='2315825']Came across this website today: http://the53.tumblr.com/

What do you think of the whole Occupy Wall Street silliness?[/quote]

Stupid. Annoying. Unnecessary.

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i wouldn't say it's an unnecessary movement. there's ways to create jobs and help people's misfortune, which is at the heart of most of their discontent. our leaders are too dimwited to address all this stuff, right.

much in the same way as the tea party's movement isn't unnecessary... there's something to be said about taxes being too high, or more specifically, our spending being run amok.
it'd be better though, on the spending side, for them to put the blame of leaders who don't know how to manage, simple fiscal discipline....... read, borrowing money you don't have, or even more specifically, cutting taxes you don't have,,,, to spend what you don't have, to make folks like the tea party happy. ironic their rallying cry of less taxes is what got the country into the situation it's in, regarding it's unfilled obligations and run amok debt.

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Here is another lovely bit from the protests. a pregnant woman miscarried after being peppersprayed and kicked in the stomach by a police officer.

i think its about time some of these officers start looking down the barrel of hard jail time.

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[size=4][color=#222222][font=Arial][quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1322010779' post='2339613'][/font][/color][/size]
[size=4][color=#222222][font=Arial]Here is another lovely bit from the protests. a pregnant woman miscarried after being peppersprayed and kicked in the stomach by a police officer.[/font][/color][/size]

[size=4][color=#222222][font=Arial]i think its about time some of these officers start looking down the barrel of hard jail time.[/font][/color][/size]
[size=4][color=#222222][font=Arial]This story is unsubstantiated. The pregnant woman refuses to provide medical records backing up her claim and has refused a ride, from an investigator, to and from the hospital to obtain the records. And the Seattle Police Dept has yet to receive an official complaint of the alleged incident.[/font][/color][/size]

[size=4][color=#222222][font=Arial]I agree that the police have been operating pretty indiscriminately in their response to these protests. And that there appears to be excessive force occurring here and there. That said, should force not be used? If no, then in lieu of letting the protesters continue to break any law they want, what are the authorities to do?[/font][/color][/size]

Edited by Papist
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