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Rights Vs. Morals


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i don't think the government has any business telling us what to do with our bodies...moral or immoral... (yet they continue to legislate immorality...)

that's the Church's business and we all should work harder for the conversion of sinners...

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instead, we have the government telling us that abortion is legal, and is a "right," forcing us americans to accept this and even pay for it with our taxes...
they are now telling us that homosexuals should be allowed to "marry" when governments shouldn't even be in the marriage business...

the less governments stay outta our private lives, the better....

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[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][i]Don’t like gay marriages? Don’t get one.---[color=#ff0000]don't force me to accept it, either.[/color][/i][/font][/size]
[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][i]Don’t like Cigarettes? Don’t smoke one.---[color=#ff0000]but i'm breathing ur stinky, cancerous breath, where are my rights to breath safe air?[/color][/i][/font][/size]
[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][i]Don’t like abortions? Don’t get one.---[color=#ff0000]don't force me to accept this is a right, and why are you forcing me to pay for murder of the unborn?[/color][/i][/font][/size]
[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][i]Don’t like Sex? Don’t do it.---[color=#ff0000]fornication puts a strain on population growth, and impacts the amount of taxes used in social programs to cater to the children you really didn't want to bring into the world, but enjoyed making. OH, and ABORTION IS NOT THE ANSWER! SELF-CONTROL IS![/color][/i][/font][/size]
[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][i]Don’t like drugs? Don’t do them.---[color=#ff0000]take a look down south...drug use is effecting thousands of lives, if not millions...[/color][/i][/font][/size]
[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][i]Don’t like porn? Don’t watch it.---[color=#ff0000]porn is a cancer effecting the people who watch it to the detriment of society[/color][/i][/font][/size]
[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][i]Don’t like alcohol? Don’t drink it.---[color=#ff0000]who doesn't like alcohol?[/color] :blink:[/i][/font][/size]
[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][i]Don’t like guns? Don’t buy one. ---[color=#ff0000]ok[/color][/i][/font][/size]
[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][i]Don’t like your rights taken away???[/i][/font][/size]
[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][i]Then don’t take away someone else’s.---[color=#ff0000]most of these are not "rights..."[/color][/i][/font][/size]

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1319209928' post='2324673']

So suicide should exist in a free society?

So prostitution should exist in a free society?
Suicide should be legal, there is no point putting a dead person in prison, a person who has failed a suicide needs support not punishment. Assisted suicide should be legal but needs some government regulation to put some boundaries on this.

Prostitution should most certainly be legal. It is in my country and we haven't noticed our society degrade because of it. Most likely things have improved, with government providing protection to sex workers and gaining taxes from this lucrative industry.

Edited by stevil
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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1319219754' post='2324758']
[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][i]Don’t like gay marriages? Don’t get one.---[color=#ff0000]don't force me to accept it, either.[/color][/i][/font][/size]
What does this mean?
Is someone putting the spotlight onto you and forcing you to say the words "I accept gay marriage"?
or are you worried that you might see a gay couple walking downtown wearing wedding rings, the mere sight is so detrimental to your life that our society should make it illegal so that you don't have to see it.

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1319219754' post='2324758']
[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][i]Don’t like Sex? Don’t do it.---[color=#ff0000]fornication puts a strain on population growth, and impacts the amount of taxes used in social programs to cater to the children you really didn't want to bring into the world, but enjoyed making. OH, and ABORTION IS NOT THE ANSWER! SELF-CONTROL IS![/color][/i][/font][/size]
So it seems that you are more against having children than sex in itself, do you think we should outlaw having children or make a one or two child policy like China?

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1319219754' post='2324758']
[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][i]Don’t like porn? Don’t watch it.---[color=#ff0000]porn is a cancer effecting the people who watch it to the detriment of society[/color][/i][/font][/size]
Porn is great, it demystifies sex and an aspect of the opposite sex that a young adult may have insecurities about. It can also be used to spice up bedroom activities for a couple whom feel things are getting a bit stale. It also provides a means of income for many people.
I would however be interested in hearing your view on how it can be detrimental to society, as this might give me something to consider on this topic.

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stevil, i think i made it clear that the government shouldn't make laws regarding any of those behaviors... :unsure:

that silly list treats some of those behavior as not affecting others, when in fact, they have consequences on society....

...and I'm for large families..i come from a very large family, i'm the youngest of seven... i just think its silly that people who go around fornicating think that their actions don't have any effect on the world around them when it actually does, especially when a child is born without the support of both parents who brought them into the world through selfish actions... Life is precious, I don't believe destroying the child is the answer... if people had more self control, we wouldn't see the consequences of babies being brought into the world without a healthy support system (such as having two loving parents and people taking responsibility for them, rather than leaning on the government to help raise their child.....)

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[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1319223365' post='2324789']
Porn is great, it demystifies sex and an aspect of the opposite sex that a young adult may have insecurities about. It can also be used to spice up bedroom activities for a couple whom feel things are getting a bit stale. It also provides a means of income for many people.
I would however be interested in hearing your view on how it can be detrimental to society, as this might give me something to consider on this topic.

Porn affects the mental health of thousands...

Sex is sacred. Porn takes sex and exploits it for $$$$$$$. Thousands of people are addicted to pornography, sexual addictions are on the rise, porn promotes unhealthy relationships, causes divorce, and propogates fornication...(i've already stated how fornication affects society as a whole....)

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...anyway, i don't mean to de-rail this thread... i just wanted to point out that most "private" sins aren't really private at all....but do leave consequences we all have to deal with...

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[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1319222313' post='2324783']
What does this mean?
Is someone putting the spotlight onto you and forcing you to say the words "I accept gay marriage"?
or are you worried that you might see a gay couple walking downtown wearing wedding rings, the mere sight is so detrimental to your life that our society should make it illegal so that you don't have to see it.

well, yeah...as far as being put "into the spotlight" and forcing me to say the words "I accept gay marriage...." Yes, there actually are those who put labels on me for expressing my Christian beliefs... i'm often demonized and considered a bigot if i don't go along with the homosexual political agenda... people get fired all the time for expressing these same opinions...

...in some countries, people are being thrown in jail...

...again, leave the homosexual lifestyle choices to the individual, no need for a government to get involved and make it "legal"

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1319213302' post='2324708']
If drugs become legal do you really think the gangs/druglords are going to quietly move on and go sell sherbet?
Nevada has legal prostitution, yet they still battle illegal prostitution.

Well, why would drugs be a huge issue with gangs if they were legal? No one is going to choose to buy sketchy weed over that of a legal business owner.

Obviously, states would put laws on the age limits of prostitution, so technically some would still be illegal. I assume that's what you're talking about, anyway.

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1319216225' post='2324735']
1) perchance
2) I would say the wife (spouse) would be hurt.

1. ... Really?
2. Not everyone who hires a prostitute is married.

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[quote name='rizz_loves_jesus' timestamp='1319229877' post='2324818']

1. ... Really?
2. Not everyone who hires a prostitute is married.

1) yes, then if the person needed help, they would get it.
2) Not everyone who hires a prostitute isn't married.

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1319230031' post='2324819']

1) yes, then if the person needed help, they would get it.
2) Not everyone who hires a prostitute isn't married.

1. Couldn't that be done without the middleman though? If I find out a friend is cutting his/herself then I'm going to encourage him to see someone, I'm not going to take them to court.
2. Okay, should stripping be illegal then?

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