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Vaccinate And Why They Are Bad


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Havok, just so you know, rubella is generally mild, and polio is usually asymptomatic. Now, those diseases can of course be serious, which should be taken into account, but neither is an absolute death sentence. By all means get the vaccines if you wish, but there's no need to be more alarmist than necessary.

Once again, while some choose not to vaccinate based on misinformation or paranoia, some forgo some or all vaccines for a variety of other reasons, and it's insulting to paint all with one brush. Just as it is also insulting to say those who vaccinate are doing so out of ignorance. Whatever decision you make, research using credible sources. Let's all be charitable, please. This can be a charged topic, and it behooves us all to speak in charity and to try seeing where the other person is coming from.

God bless



rubella is mild?  really?  tell me if this sounds mild to you...


Infection of the mother by Rubella virus during pregnancy can be serious; if the mother is infected within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, the child may be born with congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), which entails a range of serious incurable illnesses. Spontaneous abortion occurs in up to 20% of cases.[2]



Rubella can cause congenital rubella syndrome in the newly born. The syndrome (CRS) follows intrauterine infection by the Rubella virus and comprises cardiac, cerebral, ophthalmic and auditory defects.[8] It may also cause prematurity, low birth weight, and neonatal thrombocytopenia, anaemia and hepatitis. The risk of major defects or organogenesis is highest for infection in the first trimester. CRS is the main reason a vaccine for rubella was developed.[9]



Many mothers who contract rubella within the first critical trimester either have a miscarriage or a still born baby. If the baby survives the infection, it can be born with severe heart disorders (Patent ductus arteriosus being the most common), blindness, deafness, or other life threatening organ disorders. The skin manifestations are called "blueberry muffin lesions".[9] For these reasons, Rubella is included on the TORCH complex of perinatal infections.


There was a pandemic of rubella between 1962 and 1965, starting in Europe and spreading to the United States.[33] In the years 1964-65, the United States had an estimated 12.5 million rubella cases. This led to 11,000 miscarriages or therapeutic abortions and 20,000 cases of congenital rubella syndrome. Of these, 2,100 died as neonates, 12,000 were deaf, 3,580 were blind and 1,800 were mentally retarded. In New York alone, CRS affected 1% of all births





source wikipedia. 


The vatican also has articles on the severity of rubella.



Rubella is anything but mild and is very, very deadly to babies still in the womb if the mother gets it. Out of all the vaccines this is one of the most important ones to get because of how it affects not just you and your family but how it affects any and all pregnant women who come into contact with you if your have rubella.  That's the thing about this disease.  Your not only putting your family at risk but your putting all pregnant women at risk.  To me, to not get rubella vaccine is absolutely wrong.  Unless your going to quartine you and your family if you get the disease, then some poor unborn child could die not because anything their mother did but because of something you choose to do that got the baby killed.  I mean how upset would you be if your baby died not because of anything you did but because of someone else?  That's what is so dangerous.   Someone else could kill your unborn child and there was nothing you could do about it.  Rubella is not like other diseases like Hep A and Hep B which can have an effect on a person but not on someone else.  Rubella has an effect on unsuspecting women and thier unborn children.  If you get rubella and infect a pregnant women and their baby dies or has incurable disease, how are you not responsible?





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Immune systems have nothing to do with vaccines. In theory, 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger', but there are now vaccines for practically everything, and not everything works. Some people actually NEVER get over the vaccine, and don't get stronger. They're left weaker. My point is I'd rather let an immune system that is already strong and not possibly weakened tackle a disease when it comes. With so many strains of different diseases, to me there is no point. Every time you get a flu it's from a different strain. Your body has the antibodies for each one fought. 


No, I've not been researching for decades. They have. And I also live in Australia... but I don't want to get into a war, so I'mma not going to reply to this thread any more. I'm not passionate enough about it. Please don't take it personally, but I really don't want to loose the chance of making friends over an argument so trivial. God love you..... :) :D


The first sentence is incorrect.  I'm also not here to "get into a war," but as an actual health care professional, I feel it would be irresponsible for me to leave this alone.  Vaccines have everything to do with the immune system.  Vaccines activate the immune system. 

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Archaeology cat

Havok, congenital rubella syndrome is indeed serious, though rare. Rubella is otherwise generally mild and sometimes asymptomatic. As with everything, one must weigh risks when making the decision. While I personally chose to forgo that one because of how that vaccine was created (using aborted foetal cells), I respect your decision to vaccinate for it and your opinions about it. Where I am, I find it unlikely my child will contract rubella AND encounter a non immune pregnant woman in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy (my eldest two have possibly been exposed, actually, but we aren't certain; there weren't any non-immune pregnant women as far as i know). That might not be the case for another, and so everyone must assess it for themselves in my opinion.

God bless

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Archaeology cat

Im just gonna leave this here :)


That assumes a few things:
1) that all who refuse vaccines do so because they fear autism, when in fact that isn't the case
2) that all the deaths would have been prevented since we know the jabs aren't 100% effective

Most of all, things like that aren't conducive to actual dialogue. It's alarmist and insulting since it doesn't consider that there may be other, valid reasons to forgo certain jabs.

God bless
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That assumes a few things:
1) that all who refuse vaccines do so because they fear autism, when in fact that isn't the case
2) that all the deaths would have been prevented since we know the jabs aren't 100% effective

Most of all, things like that aren't conducive to actual dialogue. It's alarmist and insulting since it doesn't consider that there may be other, valid reasons to forgo certain jabs.

God bless



you must not have read the page at all.  Cause it says in there not all these death could have been prevented by getting vaccinated.  It says that if even one of those deaths could have been avoided then it should have been because one death that was easily avoidable, most of all of a child should not happen.


Edited by havok579257
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Immune systems have nothing to do with vaccines. In theory, 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger', but there are now vaccines for practically everything, and not everything works. Some people actually NEVER get over the vaccine, and don't get stronger. They're left weaker. My point is I'd rather let an immune system that is already strong and not possibly weakened tackle a disease when it comes. With so many strains of different diseases, to me there is no point. Every time you get a flu it's from a different strain. Your body has the antibodies for each one fought. 


No, I've not been researching for decades. They have. And I also live in Australia... but I don't want to get into a war, so I'mma not going to reply to this thread any more. I'm not passionate enough about it. Please don't take it personally, but I really don't want to loose the chance of making friends over an argument so trivial. God love you..... :) :D


I`m not.


so you think it would be good for us to get rubella?  Something that causes a high rate of miscarriages and birth defects.  That's something we should get to try to see how our immune systems can do against it?  Or how about polio?  Maybe its good for more people to be crippled by polio?


You must have no children.  Cause I can no see a sane mother or father saying it would be good for their children to be crippled by polio, have birth defects and death because of rubella and so on and so on.  Honestly your just not making any sense what so ever.  You have absolutly no facts to back up any of your claims.  That's what baffles me.  You have absolutely no scientific proof for your claims yet you try to pass them off as fact.  Honestly, for your sake, I hope you do not have children and choose not to vaccinate them.  Cause if they get some disease that vaccines could have avoided their premature death you will blame yourself the rest of your life for your childrens death.  Your not even making valid arguements with facts to back them up.  Until you do, this debate is pointless because you refuse to listen to not only reason but scientific fact.


I do not have any children yet, but I am an older sister to someone who never been vaccinate in their life.  The parents can not decide when their child(ren) lives or dies.  When they die is up to God.  If you were living with me when I got the MMR vaccinate, then you will understand why I am against vaccinates.  I came a long way since, but still working on it.  I refuse to be quiet about it.


Im just gonna leave this here :)



This goes back only to 2007.  :think: What happen before 2007?  :think: Every one was fine then? :think:   

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I`m not.



I do not have any children yet, but I am an older sister to someone who never been vaccinate in their life.  The parents can not decide when their child(ren) lives or dies.  When they die is up to God.


By this logic, should we all stop wearing seatbelts in cars?

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By this logic, should we all stop wearing seatbelts in cars?

I was just going to post this exact question. :|

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Archaeology cat

you must not have read the page at all. Cause it says in there not all these death could have been prevented by getting vaccinated. It says that if even one of those deaths could have been avoided then it should have been because one death that was easily avoidable, most of all of a child should not happen.

I did read it, but missed that sentence - my apologies. I agree that even one child's death is tragic, whatever the cause.
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I found a  blog post by a Pro-Life Doctor discussing the WI-38 cell line when used in the Rubella portion of the MMR vaccine. 

I totally understand someones problems with taking a vaccine made in this way, but I think the Doctor gives a somewhat different perspective that is worth reading about.


As tragic and potentially unjustifiable as these two abortions may have been, they were apparently not performed with the intent of carrying out scientific or medical research.

Although I abhor the practice of abortion, using these cell lines to continue to develop vaccines does not necessarily constitute formal cooperation in the act of abortion.

Killing an unborn child is an ethically distinct act from that of producing a vaccine after the abortion has already been performed.

Furthermore, no ongoing abortions are required to continue production of these vaccines. Cell lines derived from fetal tissue can be duplicated and grown in culture for decades, and thus additional abortions aren’t necessary to replenish the vaccine supply.


Beyond the shadow of a doubt, moral people should speak out against unethical and immoral practices. I would never justify conducting an immoral practice so that something positive can result.

However, in this case I can recommend these vaccines to concerned parents who have an obligation to care for their children’s health.

I think of this situation as being comparable to letting your child receive an organ from a murder victim. The crime that led to the organ’s availability was awful, deplorable, and punishable. But the organ itself is useable, and its use does not, in my opinion, take on any immorality of the act that led to its availability.




Edited by CrossCuT
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So do vaccines.


You may have a point, but vaccines do more damages then you are thinking that they do.  Memories that we wish we never had.  Some of my earliest memories were going to speech therapy.   At least with a seat belt, you have a greater change with survive then with vaccines.  Why does every thinks that vaccines are good when before vaccines, everything was better.

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