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Inappropriate Posts On Phatmass


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 I don't think it's good to call people "prudes" if they feel uncomfortable with sexual jokes etc. 


I feel like the above post should re-read the below post:


I want to be clear I wasn't referring to you by that comment. I was referring instead to people who took my comment out of context and tried to spin it into something lewd and scandalous. The meaning certain members tried to inject simply wasn't there. You are doing an excellent job (as you always have). As you know, I agree with the limitations you've put in place. I simply do not appreciate my words being twisted into something they were not -- especially when I didn't bring it to the phorums in the first place.

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I have witnessed more drama on this forum than I have in all my high school days and considering this site is comprised mostly of adults really shocks me.

I am not perfect nor will I ever be but honestly...the fact that this stuff is happening and constantly being defended, perpetuated, debated, and discussed is ridiculous.  


There are many other things that frustrate me with how the Catholics on this site treat each other, but in my experience it is better to remain silent than to risk throwing yourself into fire to express your thoughts.

And just to add...there will be very few people who can have an adult conversation with me about it...I have tried in the past but no one has ever been able to handle it.

But maybe that isnt a goal on this site...maybe discussing member concerns isnt an issue...which seems to be the case.


Makes me sad. :(

I like this site but it has only been effective in pushing me away.

But meh.

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Noel's angel

I've only been lurking lately, so I have no idea what happened in the Google+ chat (nor do I particularly care) but I have noticed A LOT of sexual innuendo about the phorum recently. I remember, for example, a thread about musical instruments, in particular the organ...

Whilst those threads aren't particularly offensive, I do find it all quite silly for apparently mature (and in some cases 'good Catholics') to be engaging in such a manner on a Catholic phorum. It just looks very immature and is not a good advertisement for potential new members.

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Whereas being humorless twits would be great. They already have a Catholic version of that. Apotheoun can recruit them.

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I remember when this site had a sensible solution for the fact of life that otherwise mature adults sometimes end up speaking and acting immaturely or inappropriately 


it was called the BACK ALLEY and in those days I was only let in because someone thought I was an adult when I was really still a kid lol.  it would've included both lame/inappropriate innuendo, and potentially the debates springing out of whether Catholics should engage in such lame/inappropriate innuendo, but it also included the more frank and graphic debates about sexual ethics that we otherwise wouldn't want out in public.  it was one of those hidden categories that people could only see if they had been given the permissions to see it and otherwise the general public wouldn't have known it existed.


it is my opinion that this would be the best way to deal with things like that--even including the wild debates over whether someone should be saying any innuendo at all and such could simply be contained back there because really, there are so many factors determining the things different people think are inappropriate.  I think I'm from a desensitized generation and while I don't think I generally use innuendo in my speech, I also tend not to notice it or get scandalized by it in any way...


also, the more direct and graphic debates regarding sexual ethics would sometimes be more appropriate in private settings like that.  and just like the reason Aquinas gave for why he thought prostitution should be legal, I think putting in such a sewer system would be helpful in keeping sewage from seeping out all over the phorum.

Edited by Aloysius
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Unless something really interesting like someone getting an arm ripped off by a lion is about to happen, this fighting needs to stop. It's getting annoying.

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Noel's angel

Whereas being humorless twits would be great. They already have a Catholic version of that. Apotheoun can recruit them.


Humour is a bit like singing...if it's good: what a treat. If it's bad...you just want to cover your ears and cringe. The 'humour' in those threads was of the latter variety.

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Humour is a bit like singing...if it's good: what a treat. If it's bad...you just want to cover your ears and cringe. The 'humour' in those threads was of the latter variety.


Yeah, well that's just like, your opinion, man.

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I dont think the issue is about the humor or peoples ability to find it funny/not funny.

Its about people being disrespectful of others feelings.


People should NOT have to put up with being called prudes or humorless twits on a site that is meant for enjoyment. If someone asks you to stop...BE RESPECTFUL. 




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I dont think the issue is about the humor or peoples ability to find it funny/not funny.

Its about people being disrespectful of others feelings.


People should NOT have to put up with being called prudes or humorless twits on a site that is meant for enjoyment. If someone asks you to stop...BE RESPECTFUL. 




People shouldn't be called whores because they talk about yogurt. It swings both ways.


Swings both ways!


Get it?

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I dont think the issue is about the humor or peoples ability to find it funny/not funny.

Its about people being disrespectful of others feelings.


People should NOT have to put up with being called prudes or humorless twits on a site that is meant for enjoyment. If someone asks you to stop...BE RESPECTFUL. 





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Thank you for being a good example LilRed.

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