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Thankfulness Thread!


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Thankful I get to go to Mass today...and next week I get to go to Mass with Cisterciaaaaaans...

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I'm thankful that everyone is so thankful...
And that we had Mass today <3
And that I didn't completely bomb my first (technical) babysitting job... (Quite the contrary - I was paid double what I wanted to charge, and asked to come back. Even though I was a bit late with things.)
And for the conference tomorrow.
And for my cats who make life so interesting.
And for a bunch of other awesome stuff.

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I'm thankful for hope.

I'm thankful for a God who sees me, who is close, who will not will abandon us, who spoke the Word, whose heart beats in everything, who creates with beauty, who moves in silence, and saves our souls like the crack of lightning. 

I am thankful for the martyr unknown to us who just lost her life, and the monk who chants quiet prayers to the bread of life while his brothers sleep.

I am thankful for the light of a candle to display the strength of life piecing the darkness.

I am thank for the homeless lady who sat writhing on the concrete outside the bank, displayed to the world, and pleading for help, because she showed me how cold we are.

I am thankful for mercy, for the tears of Christ and the tear in his side.

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I am thankful for those as well, Max... thankful enough we may have the same menu!  ;)  :eat:


I am VERY thankful that ARFink came through additional surgery and is doing well...  Thank you, Lord!

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I am thankful for all the random acts of kindness that will be done on the earth today.

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Also, giving thanks for all of those consecrating themselves to God today.

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Thankful that my dear cat companion has not succumbed to the cancer yet. Each extra day is a delight.

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Credo in Deum

I'm thankful for all of the things I do not have that would take me away from my Faith.  Thankful for the Sacraments and for His Mercy. 

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I am thankful for the skilled surgeons who have been doing miracles for several of my friends.


I am thankful for to my God who gives them their skills and wisdom.

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Spem in alium

I am thankful for all I have.


And for the success of a recent major surgery for a very young, very ill boy.

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