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Occupy Wall Street Baloney

Lil Red

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[quote name='rachael' timestamp='1318199360' post='2318711']
nothing wrong with being a hippie ;)


hey missy...nothing wrong with being a democrat either. :P
Nothing wrong with being a conservative.

[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1318186182' post='2318595']

Maybe we Catholics should join in the protests in order to protest the new HHS rules forcing mandatory coverage of contraception in insurance policies, as well as corporate support of immoral lifestyles (i.e., support of organizations that favor abortion, ESCR, and all the pro-gay stuff).
The bleeding hearts would no doubt denounce that as fascist oppression.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1318199501' post='2318713']
Nothing wrong with being a conservative.
never said there was. :|

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1318198464' post='2318697']
Your face is incredibly stupid.

And you're incredibly naive if you think that political corruption will be ended by a commission appointed by the same corrupt politicians that were the cause of the problem. There's no reason to think that politicians and their appointed cronies will do anything other than act so as to increase and perpetuate their own power. (And if you happen to believe that Obama and his appointees are so Pure of Heart that they will act disinterestedly to fight corruption fairly and impartially without selfish regard for their own self-interest, simply imagine Bush or any other politician you don't like being in charge of the efforts).

It's the fox guarding the henhouse.

do you really think the Occupy Wallstreet guys are all in favour of what Obama has been doing? just like his predecessor before him, he has put the same jerks back in charge and enabled the richest to burn the country down, without a single arrest being made. As much as you will try to say other wise, the Occupy Wallstreet movement is not campaigning for Obama's reelection, and is not a strictly liberal movement.

In fact, much of the protest is against big government practices such as the bank bailouts. why do you keep acting like everyone is there to further the liberal agenda, when most of it is against the idea that corporations can flaunt power, and act both illegally and immorally(something they can do just fine without government help) and get away with it scot-free.

It is hardly a plea for Big Government to ask that white collar crime be punished as it should be.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1318202185' post='2318750']

do you really think the Occupy Wallstreet guys are all in favour of what Obama has been doing? just like his predecessor before him, he has put the same jerks back in charge and enabled the richest to burn the country down, without a single arrest being made. As much as you will try to say other wise, the Occupy Wallstreet movement is not campaigning for Obama's reelection, and is not a strictly liberal movement.

In fact, much of the protest is against big government practices such as the bank bailouts. why do you keep acting like everyone is there to further the liberal agenda, when most of it is against the idea that corporations can flaunt power, and act both illegally and immorally(something they can do just fine without government help) and get away with it scot-free.[/quote]
Democrats, Republicans . . . it's still the fox guarding the henhouse.

And liberal or conservative (though the major organizers such as Adbusters do display a decidedly leftist bent), they're still idiots if they trust Washington politicians to do anything other than to further their own power and political agenda.

[quote]It is hardly a plea for Big Government to ask that white collar crime be punished as it should be.[/quote]
If this is about punishment, then Obama and all the other partners in crime in government should go to prison as well.

That'd be fine by me.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='BG45' timestamp='1317861190' post='2315841']

I can understand not getting a job though. I'm really scared should I fail Qualifiers again and be kicked out...the last few times I was hired outside of grad assistant work it wasn't easy. During undergrad I'd literally applied 100+ places before McDonalds hired me, and that was only because the assistant manager and manager had a fight over it, because the manager thought I looked lazy. It took me months to find something when Circuit City went out of business. And over 400+ professional applications for various jobs entry level to higher around the country for stuff with my Masters and I never got hired; those times I was told anything I was told I was overqualified or underqualified. I had a three letter agency that will remain nameless hire someone with a GED for an entry level job over me for a Masters and tell me it was because I had a degree and they wouldn't hire someone with a degree for that position because they knew I'd move to a better position when I could.

Edit: We had a protest on campus that drew 20 people today.

Unsure how the u.s. system works, but in australia we have employment angencies and my friend was with one and he couldn't get a job for months and he realised it was because the job agencies wanted him payed to much so he asked them to lower the amount i assume and god a job within a month or so, also i assume you guys have resumes,though one can not lie on them if in desperate circumstances and in need of a lesser qualified job just don't put your higher qualifications on your resume,you could go through 10 different resumes in a life time, in that with varying information on them without lying, not revealing all your qualifications on a resume is not lying, just don't turn up to the interview in a suit :) I may have absoloutly no idea what i'm talking about since i haven't had a full time job for 10+ years due to illness and am on government subsidies, but sometimes the best viewing point to see how the game works is from the bleachers.

God Bless you all.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1318203387' post='2318761']
Democrats, Republicans . . . it's still the fox guarding the henhouse.

And liberal or conservative (though the major organizers such as Adbusters do display a decidedly leftist bent), they're still idiots if they trust Washington politicians to do anything other than to further their own power and political agenda.

well, if you cant bring your problems to the government then what is your solution? a free market, where it governs itself? how would citizens in a free market attempt to make change other than assembling(in this case peacefully) and making opinions known?

If this is about punishment, then Obama and all the other partners in crime in government should go to prison as well.

That'd be fine by me.

Well, if George Bush and Cheney, who have admitted to unlawfully torturing people and other war crimes by their own mouths ever get prosecuted, that would be a good start. i would be happy if that ball kept right on rolling then

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[quote]The manifesto is still in edit mode but there are some fabulous nuggets that I’d just like to highlight and share with you. It makes me reeeeeally excited to see what the final version will look like. It is expected to be voted on, by the Occupy Wall Street people, on November 20th. Let’s review a few of the demands, shall we?[size=3]
1. Goldman Sachs, Citbank, Chase, BofA, and Wells Fargo, as well as other “larger than life” institutions like them, [i]“need to redirect funds from their profit sheets on a regular basis to community bank start ups or credit unions to assure economic diversity within the nation to state and county regulations.[/i]” So all of you crazy small business owners with dreams of growing your companies to “larger than life” size? Just be prepared, once you succeed, that your profits will “need” to be redirected to smaller, struggling operations in the name of “economic diversity.” You know.[/size]
2. The section on education is mind-blowing. These are direct quotes right from the document:[/size]
[i]“Education should be funded with some of the $2 billion/week that goes to war-funding. At least 50% of it. This will weaken our millitary (sci) by 50% at least, forcing the rest of the world to pick up the slack. This will in turn cause their economies to tank, taking ours with it. But at least we’ll be highly educated.”[/i][/size]
WHIZZUH WHUZZAH? Let’s tank our economy, knowingly, willfully, because at least we’ll be highly educated? THIS IS HOW THE HIPPIES THINK. “We’ll be impoverished, jobless, hungry, and miserable, but BY GOLLY WE WILL BE EDUCATED.”[/size]
But wait. It gets better. They suggest, “[i]Socialize undergraduate level college. [b]Make failing impossible[/b] to assure that everyone has the same chance in the work place post-college.”[/i] And if you DARE to be smarter than the average Joe, like, say, Harrison Bergeron, than we’ll just figure out a way to suppress your intellect. No more of this silly competition and working hard nonsense. Everyone should get an A![/size]
And of course, it should all be free: [i]“Free education for all. Use former war expenses and equitable taxation of the rich to develop free public schools, free text books, free higher education. Assure that every student educated in the United States has a guaranteed job or can perform service in some way that recompenses their education. Forgive all current student loans.”[/i][/size]
In other words, to quote the well-known intellectual powerhouse Britney Spears, “Gimme gimme more, gimme gimme more.”[/size]
Now here’s the one that should make the hairs on everyone’s arms stand up:[/size]
[i]“Teach character building classes from grade one, measure success based on drive/cooperation/interactions with others, not only final outcome. Impose universal morality for parents who do not participate in raising their children. Remove children from households with parents who refuse to educate them properly. Provide for re-education of parents in how to properly raise their children for the happiness of the Party.”[/i][/size]
Um, say WHAT? Universal morality?!? So, if you don’t raise your kids according to the way these hippies see fit, they’ll take your kids from you, and send you to re-education camps. PERFECT.[/size]

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1318207475' post='2318814']

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1318207196' post='2318805']

well, if you cant bring your problems to the government then what is your solution? a free market, where it governs itself? how would citizens in a free market attempt to make change other than assembling(in this case peacefully) and making opinions known?[/quote]
First, (what should be) obvious logic: If you accuse "Wall Street" of bribing the government, then Obama is guilty of corruption for accepting bribes, and bailing them out. You shouldn't put someone guilty of corruption in charge of a commission to end corruption - you should put him on trial as well.

And in a truly free market, the corrupt banks would have failed long ago, and would be out of business, never to be bailed out.

[quote]Well, if George Bush and Cheney, who have admitted to unlawfully torturing people and other war crimes by their own mouths ever get prosecuted, that would be a good start. i would be happy if that ball kept right on rolling then[/quote]
Yeah, they can share a cell with Dear Leader.

And while the ball's rolling, we can posthumously declare FDR guilty of war crimes, as the US was hardly all rainbows and fluffy bunnies when fighting WWII.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1318214869' post='2318902']
First, (what should be) obvious logic: If you accuse "Wall Street" of bribing the government, then Obama is guilty of corruption for accepting bribes, and bailing them out. You shouldn't put someone guilty of corruption in charge of a commission to end corruption - you should put him on trial as well.

Your view of government is incredibly simplistic and convenient. You do know that there are many thousands of people in the government who are much more likely to be the recipients of direct bribery than Obama? The failings of lower level government dont always(though im sure there are exceptions) have to run to the top. Obama being in the wrong position to accept bribery for the most part, and indeed not even being in that dubious position for the decade or so it took Wall Street to tank the government, it would seem a little silly to immediately blame him for all corruption in the government, his many failings aside.

You could of course take the position that the Head of the organization is responsible for EVERYTHING even that which likely never passed by him, or even did so before he was head of the organization.... but then it would be a lot harder to defend the current Pope against all the child abuse/neglect allegations against him.

[spoiler]no i am not accusing the Pope of child molesting.[/spoiler]

And in a truly free market, the corrupt banks would have failed long ago, and would be out of business, never to be bailed out.

then what is your problem with the protesters saying this should have happened?

Honestly, i fear this group would be getting a lot more support here if they were saying the same things but happened to be 20 years older and wearing tricorn hats with tea bags dangling from them.

Yeah, they can share a cell with Dear Leader.

And while the ball's rolling, we can posthumously declare FDR guilty of war crimes, as the US was hardly all rainbows and fluffy bunnies when fighting WWII.

Do you really have to refer to your president with a slur EVERY time? i thought it was considered bad form by the mods to refer to public figures in such ways (notably, during election season, but recently calling other politicians names)

are you really equating actions taken in WW2, to actions taken in Iraq? But yes, there is a reason things like the Geneva convention exists, one cannot throw out all morals just because you are fighting a war. I am a little surprised I am on the opposite side of this issue to a Catholic.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1318221850' post='2318953']

Your view of government is incredibly simplistic and convenient. You do know that there are many thousands of people in the government who are much more likely to be the recipients of direct bribery than Obama? The failings of lower level government dont always(though im sure there are exceptions) have to run to the top. Obama being in the wrong position to accept bribery for the most part, and indeed not even being in that dubious position for the decade or so it took Wall Street to tank the government, it would seem a little silly to immediately blame him for all corruption in the government, his many failings aside.

You could of course take the position that the Head of the organization is responsible for EVERYTHING even that which likely never passed by him, or even did so before he was head of the organization.... but then it would be a lot harder to defend the current Pope against all the child abuse/neglect allegations against him.

[spoiler]no i am not accusing the Pope of child molesting.[/spoiler][/quote]
Look, isn't one of the central charges of the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd that Wall Street bankers gave massive amounts of money in political and campaign contributions in exchange for the favor of the government bailing them out?

As these same Wall Street bankers gave huge contributions to the Obama campaign, and Obama himself authorized the continued bailouts, and has [url="http://biggovernment.com/capitolconfidential/2010/04/21/obamas-back-door-bailout-of-wall-street/"]supported bills expanding the power of the federal government to bail out corporations[/url], Obama would hardly appear to be a disinterested innocent party.

I never said nor suggested that Obama would be alone in his guilt, nor that he was the chief mastermind. However, if these charges are indeed true, Obama would at the very least be aware of and approved of the dirty deeds, rather than being merely an innocent victim. At very least, he should be put on trial, rather than put in charge of cleaning up the mess. If the bailouts themselves were a criminal deed aiding the guilty in exchange for cash, and Obama was aware of this, he should have put a stop to the bailouts, rather than engage in expanding them.

We're talking about massive amounts of money, and very public, very costly actions central to Obama's election and presidency, not the obscure shenanigans of a few low-level officials.
But if Obama is really so completely and utterly clueless as you suggest, then he has absolutely no business being leader of the free world, nor being entrusted with the task of cleaning up Washington.

But, yeah, when in doubt, mumble something about the Pope and pederast priests. I mean, it always works for the atheists, right?

[quote]then what is your problem with the protesters saying this should have happened?

Honestly, i fear this group would be getting a lot more support here if they were saying the same things but happened to be 20 years older and wearing tricorn hats with tea bags dangling from them.[/quote]
Yeah, that's what it's all about - tricorner hats and tea bags.
Honestly, I'd give those people a lot more respect if they were demanding the Washington politicians be punished as well as the fat-cat bankers they are accused of conspiring with, rather than punishing the latter while empowering the former, and making various socialist demands for big government.

[quote]Do you really have to refer to your president with a slur EVERY time? i thought it was considered bad form by the mods to refer to public figures in such ways (notably, during election season, but recently calling other politicians names)[/quote]
I wasn't aware "Dear Leader" was a slur. He's (in theory anyways) our Leader, and he is very Dear to his followers. Believe me, there's a lot of much worse things I could call the s.o.b. But if you have an issue, the mods are always there for you to cry to.
(Personally, I dig Winnie's "The Comrade," though I think he has sort of a patent on it, and I'd have to pay him royalties for using it.)

[quote]are you really equating actions taken in WW2, to actions taken in Iraq? But yes, there is a reason things like the Geneva convention exists, one cannot throw out all morals just because you are fighting a war. I am a little surprised I am on the opposite side of this issue to a Catholic.[/quote]
Among other things, the US government under FDR forced innocent American citizens of Japanese ancestry into prison-like detainment camps with brutal conditions on the basis of nothing other than their ethnicity. Makes the alleged atrocities of Dubya against American civil liberties look pretty tame by comparison. But that is all off-topic. Got any more red herrings? We could always discuss the Pope and tri-corner hats.

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1318265159' post='2319121']
interesting quotes here:

The more I hear the lamer it gets.

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