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Doctor Who!

Basilisa Marie

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I think one reason her character is great is that she doesn't idolize the Doctor like most of the other companions do. He had to chase after her. I also thought that she worked really well with the Doctor in Bells of St. John.

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I think one reason her character is great is that she doesn't idolize the Doctor like most of the other companions do. He had to chase after her. I also thought that she worked really well with the Doctor in Bells of St. John.


Mild pro for Clara - she doesnt have the hots for the doctor. But I suppose thats a matter of opinion. I find her pretty flirtatious, but I agree she doesnt have the same attraction to him as Rose, Martha, or Amy did. 

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Flirtatious perhaps, but Amy, Rose, Donna, and to some extent Martha all treated him like a demigod. Clara treats him like an eccentric.

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Flirtatious perhaps, but Amy, Rose, Donna, and to some extent Martha all treated him like a demigod. Clara treats him like an eccentric.


Treating him like a demigod and having sexual attraction are not the same thing. Donna did not have any attraction of that nature towards him; to her, he represented everything that was the opposite in her life and it was an adventure. 


Rose was in love with him, but she did so because he was a person who did the right thing regardless of how difficult it was. I think she recognized that even amidst great hardship and at the risk of losing everything, you still do the right thing...and she liked that.


Martha also was attracted to him, but she is by far the most resourceful and intelligent of all the companions in my opinion. I think the reason she liked him so much was because she was curious. She was in med school (I believe) when they met and everything she experienced when she was with him was so far beyond the understanding she had of the world that her natural scientific curiosity kicked in. A man with TWO hearts? Snap.


Clara definitely still idolizes him in her own way, she is just a goofy character. She has a much more pronounced similarity in humor as the doctor than the other companions did. I think Amy saw the doctor as more eccentric than Clara does, she just called him out on it and rolled her eyes. Clara plays along and giggles.

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I think you haz the wrong. Unfortunately I am starting a test in a few moments and I cannot thoroughly school you. :|

Also I would rather not anyway.

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Hehe! But Im looking forward to your post!

Im no Doctor Who expert but I think all the girls had to idealize him a little bit. He is a cray cray alien time traveler! 

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I got an account on Netflix so I could watch Dr. Who legally, and because it looked like the cheapest option that is convenient, and because the first month is free anyway. But.... I watched through season 1 episode 7 (The Long Game, or something like that), and it was just weird. I mean, it wasn't bad. I really didn't like the extra guy's part, but the way things got resolved was nice. But... I think the show is too weird for me. Great, but weird.


Oh, and if you search for Dr. Whooves on Youtube you can find some Dr. Who and My Little Pony combos that are nice.



A lot of people prefer the next two Doctors to the one you are on now. I am not necessarily among them, but I see their point. If you're having trouble getting through Ecclestone, perhaps try Tennant or Smith instead of forcing yourself.

So, I decided that I'd just been stupid and watched too much on Sunday afternoon. (Moral: Some is good, more than two episodes is too much. Even if you don't want to pay more than you have to. Because sanity is a good thing and Doctor Who is on the weird end of things.) So I watched another bit today. Because it was the last day of classes and I didn't want to study for finals or work on the paper that's coming up. It'll be fine anyway. Oh, and Father's Day is definitely a weirder episode than most others I've seen so far.... Um. Um. But... whatever.


Also, I was talking to a priest after Mass today, and he said that he was already half an hour late, so I suggested he ask for a miracle (in jest, I never ask for such things seriously, I just go through a discussion of all the ways such things could go wrong) and he referenced Doctor Who. Win.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sooooo has anyone seen the Christmas Special yet?


[spoiler]Overall, I was pretty underwhelmed. The storyline in general was pretty lack luster to me and Im getting mildly tired of Moffats blatant plot device planting. From the earlier episodes when it was discussing Trenzalore, the place where the doctor goes to die, it sounded so ominous. I just didnt get that sense anymore during the christmas special. He was in christmas town, grew old, fought things, etc. The coolest part I think was the fact that Gallifrey and the other Time Lords where so close. They set up the new season pretty well and Im very excited to start it with Peter Capaldi!


I may be very very very utterly alone in my opinion but I am also getting tired of the over the top zaney doctors. There has been this very distict progression to sillier and sillier starting with David Tennant (who I LOVED, dont get me wrong) and then the silliness exploded with Matt Smith (Who I also very much enjoyed). Im just ready for something new!


Im also extremely tired of Clara. Ugh! Make her go away! She is so boring! I liked her better as a Dalek! At least she was interesting then!

But over all, the Christmas Special was meh...I did get a little weepy at the end when Matt was saying goodbye and Amy showed up. I hope they go a slightly different direction with Peter Capaldi, but I was upset that the first things he said after regeneration where very silly....of course it has to be silly. =|



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Nihil Obstat

I have a feeling that Capaldi's doctor is going to go in a more serious direction because of having two fairly wacky doctors in a row. 

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Rose is the best companion. I am not interested in hearing anyone's completely false and disillusioned arguments otherwise.

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I have a feeling that Capaldi's doctor is going to go in a more serious direction because of having two fairly wacky doctors in a row. 


I have that feeling as well but Moffat already ruined my beloved 8th doctor. He is probably one of the most serious and possibly dark doctors so far but in the mini episode featuring him....moffat gave him Smith-esk lines...ei very goofy. I was pretty upset in that it wasnt in his character to say goofy stuff like that...but of course Moffat knows what brings in the money and if people want the silliness he will likely deliver.


Capaldis frist regeneration lines are also quite silly so my hopes are slowly diminishing. But I hope youre right...he doesnt have to be stone cold serious, I just want to see something different.

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Who's your favorite Doctor? 

Mine's Nine.   :)

I like Tom Baker, the 4th Doctor. Matt Smith is also cool.

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Rose is the best companion. I am not interested in hearing anyone's completely false and disillusioned arguments otherwise.

I won't argue, I'll just tell you: it's Donna.

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