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I Think This Is The Beginning Of A Beautiful Phriendship...

Ancilla Domini

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"We all share our best bits but leave out the emotion......"


Hmmm.....this is one of the reasons I do it. As an Aspie, the emotion is confusing for me.


On the other hand, I can agree with most of the rest.


"Show the difference that being there can make."


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Ancilla Domini

I so need a pair of those......do you crochet?


Yep! I love it! I crochet so much more than I knit, actually. I don't know what it is that I prefer...I guess it's the fact that you can do so much more with a couple of different crochet stitches than you can do with a whole truckload of knitting stitches.


(My mother jokes that I only crochet because we don't have space in our apartment for two needles. :hehe2:)

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Ha ha! Love it.


I have a yarn stash, it takes up quite some space, and I both knit and crochet. These days I find crochet easier as one of my wrists is a little stiff and burns when I hold knitting needles.


However, I do love Aran knitting. Such amazing patterns.

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Ancilla Domini

Waaaiiiit a second! When I signed up for Junior year, I wasn't informed I had to do Chem labs!!


Upon learning that, my train of thought was something to this effect:














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Know the feeling, when I did Psychology junior, it meant I had to attend the Life Sciences labs. My most persistent memory is the lab and the write up on 'Turn Alternation in Porcelious Scabae'.


Basically, Woodlice all over the place. Ugh!


The worst Psych lab was on short term memory where we had to learn lists of nonsense syllables. Yawn...............

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Ancilla Domini

The worst Psych lab was on short term memory where we had to learn lists of nonsense syllables. Yawn...............


Ouch! That sounds horrid. XP

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It was all rather boring TBH. I learned much more from my Counselling and Groupwork Diploma - I mean about how people tick.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ancilla Domini

I went through a car-wash with some friends, about a week ago, and we realized just a bit too late that the sun-roof was up...(we didn't realize that when you press the button too long, it does close the front, but it opens the back...) That didn't end very well.

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Ancilla Domini

Oh no! U hope everything dried out okay. I would hate that, mainly cos I would feel like kicking myself.


Well, the water poured out all over everything and we started picking up the rubber foot-mats and holding them up to collect water in. :P My friend's mom, who was up front, didn't want to fiddle with the sunroof because she didn't really know how to work it and was afraid of opening it even more.

Then she had to go into the grocery store with sopping wet clothes. :P Everything turned out fine, and the car dried out well, but it was an extremely amusing first car-wash experience for me. :P

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How galling!


The kind of thing that makes you laugh behind your hand when you see it.



(I'm not laughing, honest!)

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Ancilla Domini

(I'm not laughing, honest!)


Go ahead and laugh! We did, during, and after. :P It was just such a ridiculous thing to have happen that we couldn't help but think it funny. XD

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