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Phatmass Walks Across America Thread - California To Maine!


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I dunno, CrossCut.... we're part of the gorup huddled somewhere out in the desert, hoping, praying that the others bring us a gas-can full of mileage so we can get to that lovely Wildlife Sanctuary.....  otherwise... I dunno what might find us out there.....




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I'll have some more miles for all of you come Wednesday night.... In fact I may go for a walk now.

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Sorry, for last week at camp we ran and played ball and stuff for like two hours a day (10 hours/40 miles) and went swimming/playing basketball in the water for 3 hours/12 miles. And two volleyball practices so far this week so 6 hours/24 miles. 24+3+40= 67 miles...

Oh I wanted to ask if I could count time gardening since I do a lot of moving around/hoeing/upper body?

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I dunno, CrossCut.... we're part of the gorup huddled somewhere out in the desert, hoping, praying that the others bring us a gas-can full of mileage so we can get to that lovely Wildlife Sanctuary.....  otherwise... I dunno what might find us out there.....





SOMEONE HELP US! We want to get to the sanctuary! 

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You don't LIKE the desert?????




Hello, Everyone!   We have the Stats for our Travelers for the most recent period now:



Mileage posted between 7/29/2014  and 8/5/2014:   



AnneLine ........................ 13.62 (pedometer) - but it can't be counting right!!!

BrandelynMarie .............. 22.00 (pedometer)

CarterMia .......................  86.00 (40+12+24 mile + 10 baseline)

CrossCut ........................  18.00 (8 miles + 10 baseline)

Maximillion ...................... 10.00 (10 baseline)

SpemInAlium ..................  24.00 (14 miles + 10 baseline)

TheresaThoma ............... 17.63 (pedometer)

Tigger60 .........................  15.88 (pedometer)

xTriciaxLynnx ................... 10.00 (10 baseline)



TOTAL MILES:   217.13


Almost everyone's numbers are up from last week... Excellent!!!  


Carter, you actually SHORT CHANGED your mileage so I have adjusted it!  Don't wear yourself out!


We have not heard from Max or Tricia.   I believe it is likely that they are still breathing ;) so I have left them with a baseline of 10 miles this week.  Hopefully we will hear from them soon.   (Likely a side effect of Phatdrama...  :( )


TheresaThoma, you will always be a marker of hope for the coming week for us, as I need to post this earlier than you can report!  But we are grateful for your getting us started right!



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Right now it is practice season so a lot of running and what not for volleyball. The miles will be adding up!

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Oh... and... I realized when I checked my excel chart that the preivous week I didn't give Crosscut any 'breathing' mileage!  


So.... I will be adding in an extra 10 miles for you during the next period, Crosscut.   I am SURE you breathed last week!!!!


We'll be heading off toward Grand Canyon soon.... and we have some extra miles to play with so we should be able to have another update this week.




By the way, am I the only one hearing a lot of noise in the background?





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I just purchased an Omron tri-axis pedometer. It seemed to get good reviews for the price of $17 so Im gonna give it a shot! 


Ps. I havent been going on runs this week because I caught a minor flu-ish thing. But Im gonna get back into it today! (I hope) :)

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YAY!!!    Good for you, CrossCut!    I think you will like it, and I am curious how you like tht model.  I am gonna have to replace my 8 year old one, and I am not sure if I will get the one you are getting or just replace the one I have.   I've had fantastic luck with the larger one... I just wear it in a zip pocket, and it does its thing.


BTW.. if you are a late night person (who me?) just make the 'midnight' a better time for you.  Mine keeps the same hours I do... its bedtime is 2AM.

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*sneaks in*

Hoodlebug (I was given an indulgence of sorts to use it) Last Walk:  5 miles

Basketball/Wiffle Ball/Ultimate Frisbee/Football:  4 hours.  So 16 miles.

General Walking:  10 miles.


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NICE!  Glad to see you BG!!!!!   So you gonna claim Hoodlebug, sports, 10 miles of general walking AND the 10 mile non-pedometer 'I'm breathing' credit?   That would be.... A LOT of miles!!!!!!!


You can.... ;)


HOpe to get next installment of the walk done today or tomorrow...  


Have had some unexpected craziness in my world..


Some of you know my Mother-in-Law, "C" has been terminally ill for last two years... All of a sudden, that is coming to a head... and it looks like we may not have her with us much longer...


Since my husband and I are scheduled to head across the country to a wedding next week, we sure hope she can hold on for a few weeks...


Prayers gratefully appreciated.  


And as you might expect, this has played havoc with my thread-construction time, so I appreciate your patience...  but, yes, I am DEFINITELY hearing something in the distance....

Edited by AnneLine
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