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Phatmass Quest!- Commentary Thread


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I think AnneLine's idea with the paper is the best way to go if we're going to use the starchart. After all, we're in an enclosed space with no visible drains. Setting the sprinklers off might flood the place (and short-out the computer, to boot). I don't think we have to use the charts, though. I think we can get out with just the keypad. Still, remember this paper trick for navigation later on.

The destinations on the star-chart all have 6-digit codes, and the door requires a 6-digit code. Don't know if there's anything to that, or if it's just coincidence.

Looking at the pic of the smudged keypad, the bottom-center button appears to have been a "3". The center-left button looks like a "7", and the top-center looks like a "5". The keypad buttons don't seem to follow any order.

Arfink said the "wildcard" trick was a MAJOR hint, and I notice that the button in the upper-right corner of the pad looks like a period (a stand-in for the asterisk) and that the lower-left corner button is either a "2" or an arrow (a "return" or "enter" button?).

[b]Press "." and wait.[/b]
[b]Press "." followed by the return/enter key in the lower-left corner.[/b]

I think that other thing on the ceiling is a camera. Wonder if anyone's watchin' us...

Edited by Spooky
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[quote name='MissyP89' timestamp='1335589475' post='2424296']
They're even better when they come as a pair. ;) :hehe:

Oh. I see. Well, then ....
a triad of TWO literature :bible: :bible: majors and a nerd :nerd: ,
supplemented with somone spooky :dead: ,
urged on by someone who probably makes a mean gumbo :eat:
somebody who has a VERY lucky son :beg:
and an occasional visit from a Papist :pope3: really ought to be able to figure this out...

MIKOLBE IS DEPENDING ON US!!!! :blues: :sos:

...even when we are faced with a truly gifted GM lke our ARFink.... :idea2:

We are amesome Phatmassers! We can do this if we work together!!!!! :bounce: :bananarap: :winner:

(Hope I didn't leave anyone out...)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

oh maybe a small hole in the piece of paper with the table under the laser chart will reduce the size of the map, the computer will have to be left on the floor :) old looking at eclipsing sun trick :P don't know whether it will shrink the size of the star chart though. Actually no that is way stoopid and .DUMBO that is like imagination station instead of .BASIC LOL i guess just move table leave computer on the floor and jump on the table and hold the piece of paper up to the laser and see what you can see. The code to the keypad may be in the star chart, and will be our destination also. Don't mistake Tab'le for the table coz i can't hold my own weight at present :)

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Good ideas, Tab'le. No we won't let MIK walk all over you. :)

Only thing that worries me is... would the laser burn the paper? Of course, that would set off the fire alarm, so ... I don't know. Brian, we need the physicist now....

Actually, we need Gene Kranz and the entire Mission Control team from Apollo13 -- they're retired, and so they have time to help us!.... computers look right, too!

(Fun fact -- when I was googling his name for a project once, I pulled up the Extraordinary Minister schedule from his parish -- he's Catholic and an EMHC!!!!) Let's draft him!!!!

Way to Go Team Kolbe. We are the WHITE TEAM!!!!


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[quote name='AnneLine' timestamp='1335638871' post='2424419']
Only thing that worries me is... would the laser burn the paper? Of course, that would set off the fire alarm, so ... I don't know. Brian, we need the physicist now....

It's extremely doubtful that the laser would burn the paper.

Red light is pretty weak, so you'd need a powerful red laser or a well focused beam to burn paper. Typically laser pointers are around 5 mW power and generally the range where you can start burning paper with a well focused beam is around 50 mW, but that would only be within a small distance (~2-3cm) away from the focal point. To be more able to burn paper regardless of focus after it leaves the laser, you're looking at minimum 500 mW or recommended >1W. But once we start getting into this range, you start getting into serious safety concerns with vision. 5 mW is enough to damage your eyes, and the scattering off surfaces with one of these very strong lasers is of that order. It's extremely dangerous to install a laser of that caliber on the ceiling of a room and project it onto the floor; you're pretty much trying to blind people. Also, if it was strong enough to burn paper then it would be strong enough that if he were to stand in it he would feel the little pinpricks of heat. [/rant]

I'd assume the laser is as weak as a regular laser pointer so he's safe and it won't burn paper (just don't look directly into the beam)

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[quote name='arfink' timestamp='1335584304' post='2424248']
OK, update time!

Many of you wanted him to read the charts and set a course for home and/or pull the fire alarm. Here is what happens:

Mikolbe looks down at the laser-projected star charts on the floor, but they are extremely difficult to read. The grime on the floor is making his task very hard.


Undaunted, Mikolbe types into the computer various things like "EARTH," "HOME," MILKY WAY," and a few others. The computer replies "Unknown destination code. Please enter a 6-digit destination code to retrieve destination information."

Suspecting that the chart on the floor might contain some of these 6-digit codes if only he could read them, Mikolbe looks for a way to clean the floor. Smudging the grime about with his fingers doesn't seem to be working well, but then he remembers the fire alarm pull. Perhaps it would trigger a sprinkler or something and wash away the grime?


Only one problem: it's way up the wall. Now what?

Dude, if you need the floor clean.... get a woman, not a sprinkler system.

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Thank you Brian... always good on the technical details.

Uh, MIKolbe, be nice... as the wimmin are in charge of cooking around here... If you are left to your own devices and what is in the computer, you may be eating.... :spam:

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Miracle whipping you want?

If you thought the soup nazi was bad, buddy, don't irritate Spamie Annie....


You better hope that our GM gts back from that bakery, or you may be eatin' that stuff all by itself....

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[quote name='MissScripture' timestamp='1335659704' post='2424570']
[left]Because you owned me? :|[/left]
you catch on slowly

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[sup]Green eggs and Spam on white bread, hold the mayo, hold the miracle whip..... DRY! Got that, ARFink.... and NO WATER[/sup]

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