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Pope Benedict Resigning


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I woke up this morning to Cardinal Dolan on the clock radio saying he didn't think an American would be elected "this time around." I thought Pope Benedict must've died in the night. I was relieved to find out that he was only resigning. 


When I was in high school, all the sports freaks would sit around the cafeteria before class, and again during lunch, telling each other what the baseball (or football or hockey or soccer or basketball) manager should have done in last night's game, how each of them would have handled the situation, why their logic was superior to the paid professional's, how they would manage the team when they became paid professionals (which none of them ever did), blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah. It struck me even when I was a pimply-faced fourteen-year-old that they were all talking a lot of hooey. They couldn't even do their algebra homework much less out-manage the manager. Later I learned it was call Monday Morning Quarterbacking or Armchair Quarterbacking. They were all speculating - IF Pizzarelli had gotten a double instead of a single in the first, IF Montoya hadn't made the error in the third, IF Washington had stolen second base in the fifth, IF Clayton had been allowed to swing away in the seventh, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah. To quote a very wise woman I used to know, "If we had some ham, we could have some ham and eggs, if we had some eggs." 


I've followed this thread all day. I've seen: 





Speculation about Pope Benedict's physical health




Speculation about Pope Benedict's mental health




Speculation about Pope Benedict's motives


Phamily snapping at each other because your speculation doesn't match my speculation


Speculation about "what's really going on"


Some intelligent comments


Speculation about who will be the next pope


Some really judgmental remarks in reaction to another person's speculation




Speculation about what Pope Benedict will do in retirement


Lack of understanding


Speculation about what some Phatmassers think about other Phatmassers





To paraphrase the Latin, speculation in specula speculorum.


The shock, dismay, anger, fear, and lack of understanding are all valid reactions, valid emotions. The speculation is a waste of time. I'm done with this thread. 



I've decided to shut up and pray.

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I think speculation about the next pope is both exciting and enlightening, especially in such a rare case where it is not tempered by mourning.

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[blah blah blah] I'm done with this thread. 
I've decided to shut up and pray.

You forgot the part where you say:

"Drops mic, walks away."
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The last time a pope resigned they waited till he was dead (just over two years) before electing a new one.

The Conclave should happen around 2 weeks after his resignation on the 28th.

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The Conclave should happen around 2 weeks after his resignation on the 28th.

I have no doubt that the conclave will be held sometime during March. I was just pointing out the fact that the last time a pope resigned the new pope was not elected until after the previous pope had died, and that brought about a delay of over two years. Of course, the cardinals may have waited because they feared the possibility of having four popes at once

Edited by Apotheoun
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would we all get locked in here for a conclave until we elected a new dust?  Who is eligible to be the next dust?


Habemus Dustem, Militia Immaculata Kolbe!

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Too many Americans have been dust, we should have someone that represents the vast geographic nature of phatmass.




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