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I can't believe how quickly times flies- I've already been out East for a week and a half, and have been living with the sisters for a full eight days! It's insane! Yet, to be honest... it feels as though it has been a month's time.

I think the transition into "convent life" has been about as smooth as one could hope. I was immediately welcomed as part of the community and now, other than the clear lack of a habit, one might forget that I am a guest or a visitor.

I have been fully incorporated into community life. I take part in the daily schedule, have an office at prayer (I do the reading and responsory for Morning/Evening/Night Prayer), have a work assignment (cataloging the library! ha! more on that later), and much more.

So, what does the basic schedule look like?

6:30AM- Wake up, pray three Hail Mary's
7:00AM- Morning Mass, usually at the Franciscan Monastery just down the street, sometimes at the National Shrine
7:50AM- Morning Prayer, the Angelus, and consecration to Mary
8:10AM- Breakfast

[I usually leave right after breakfast for work. The sisters will either have an activity of sorts (I'll highlight some of our fun in a bit), since it's their "vacation" time, or they will have a work period.]

1:00PM- Angelus, followed by lunch
1:45PM- Siesta (nap time!)
3:00PM- Showers/free time (the sisters usually take this time to catch up on work, if they're behind, call/write family, read, exercise, etc)
4:00PM- Work
5:00PM- Merienda (snack)
5:20PM- Work

[I usually get back home sometime during this work period. I stop and grab a snack from the kitchen, change my clothes, and then go to my own work assignment.)

7:00PM- Expose the Blessed Sacrament, Evening Prayer
7:15PM- Holy Hour
8:15PM- Reading of the Roman Martyrology, Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament, a "Good Night" (short reflection on some topic- usually sharing news from a mission or a reflection on the constitutions), and the Angelus. Sing to Mary.
8:30PM- Dinner
9:30/45PM- Dishes/Watering/Chores
10:15PM- Night Prayer, Sing to Mary
10:30PM- Lights Out

On Fridays there is an extended recreation period after dinner, and we usually don't get to bed until 11:30PM or so.

Okay! So a few highlights:

-During August, the sisters have what is called "convivencia", which is essentially a period of vacation/renewal. There is a large group that goes to New Hampshire (the formation houses, select mission houses, and many of the IVE priests/seminarians), and this year, a big group also went to WYD. For those who remain behind (like the three sisters with whom I'm living, and a few of the mission houses), convivencia takes a slightly different form. Work is a little lighter than normal, and usually there's a fun activity planned for each day.

Here are a few of the activities we've done so far: we went to the DC zoo, picnicked in the arboretum, listened to a piano recital at the Kennedy Center, went to an organ concert at the National Shrine, and visited the Space and Air Museum (which included an amesome planetarium show). It's been a blast! And all of it was done for free.

-My work assignment is in the library... ha! It's come around full circle. See, my first visit to these sisters, over two years ago now, had my working in the library as well. And it was then that I began feeling that "tug" toward this community. Too funny. Anyways- one of the sisters' parents donated a library cataloging program, so they can actually have, well, cataloging. Before it was just a bunch of books (organized, of course), and writing down the title that you checked out on a piece of paper. Now everything will be cataloged on the computer and you will check out the books via the computer. Which means we need to enter every book into the program, plus label the individual books themselves. It's a lot of work, but it's fun. :-)

I can't put into words... I am so blessed. I've never been happier in my entire life. I've never been more at peace. It is overwhelming and all I can do is give thanks back to God for this tremendous blessing. Sometimes I fear that, having received so many good things from the Lord, I will begin loving the gifts more than the Giver. Sometimes it seems easier to cling to God alone in times of trial and suffering, than in times of such great blessing. While I rejoice in these gifts, it is my desperate plea that my heart focus only on Jesus. As the Psalmist says, "How can I repay the Lord for his goodness toward me? I shall raise up the chalice of salvation, I will fulfill my vows to the Lord before all his people." That is to say, my only response to these wonderful gifts is to offer myself back completely to God with the sacrifice of my life.

It's a funny thing... we who long so much to love the Lord- to suffer for Him, to lay down our lives in love of Him... sometimes it is more difficult for us to be still and let ourselves be loved by God. To accept His great love for us, to accept His bountiful gifts, to allow Him to shower down grace upon grace.[/color]

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So yesterday the Sisters had to leave town for an event up in PA and they spent the night up there, returning late tonight. Rather than stay at the convent all by my lonesome, I decided to stay the night at a friend's house last night. Why am I sharing this? Because I really miss them! LOL! I mean, it's only been 36 hours or whatever since we parted ways, but by golly... Haha! I miss the particular sisters, I miss the community life, and I miss the common prayer! Each time I've gone to pray on my own today (I've attempted to keep our normal schedule), I've felt the absence of the sisters and communal life!

...I'm pretty much pathetic...

I really can't imagine what it must be like when sisters go home on their home visits.

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[quote name='Deus_te_Amat' timestamp='1313294700' post='2287462']
What's it called?

"To Heaven with Diana!"

it's about Bl. Jordan of Saxony and Bl. Diana d'Andalo. :love:

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Just a quick update before Mass -

Left apt abt 1 am yesterday. Mass at St Louid Cathedral, where I spotted Nashies.

Met Sr Grace at Covingtons Carmel. What a sweetie. Only got to talk for about an hour due to mid day prayers.

Visited Salesian sisters on the West Bank. I love their school and their charism. Meeting them gave me more info.

With the Paulines right now. It feels right here. Helped cook dinner and said evening prayer. Laughed because they sang Hail Holy Queen, which I only know thanks to Sister Act. :doh:
Sr Julia is here. She's in the choir AND a convert. We seem to have been cut from the same cloth.
Going to Mass with them in a bit and then off to the Daughters of Charity!

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1313584266' post='2289820']
Just a quick update before Mass -

Left apt abt 1 am yesterday. Mass at St Louid Cathedral, where I spotted Nashies.

Met Sr Grace at Covingtons Carmel. What a sweetie. Only got to talk for about an hour due to mid day prayers.

Visited Salesian sisters on the West Bank. I love their school and their charism. Meeting them gave me more info.

With the Paulines right now. It feels right here. Helped cook dinner and said evening prayer. Laughed because they sang Hail Holy Queen, which I only know thanks to Sister Act. :doh:
Sr Julia is here. She's in the choir AND a convert. We seem to have been cut from the same cloth.
Going to Mass with them in a bit and then off to the Daughters of Charity!

So, do you think you'll go back for an extended visit with the Daughters of St. Paul? You've expressed much interest in them in the past. ;)

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I have less than a week left at home before I leave for school and I'm really not happy about it. I want to stay here and see my Sisters. They haven't been around at all and I really want to see them before I leave. I'm still not looking forward to going to school. I am waiting for God to show me that He has a reason for all of this. I hope there isn't a man there that I'm supposed to marry because I'm not getting married. I refuse. Sorry for sounding mean here but I just don't want to go

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FutureSister I feel for you. I had to transfer back home after being at a wonderful University. It was super hard but I took all my emotions to prayer and God showed me why He wanted me to come home. Pray about it and trust Him. I'll be praying for you.

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[quote name='FutureSister2009' timestamp='1313605846' post='2289974']
I have less than a week left at home before I leave for school and I'm really not happy about it. I want to stay here and see my Sisters. They haven't been around at all and I really want to see them before I leave. I'm still not looking forward to going to school. I am waiting for God to show me that He has a reason for all of this. I hope there isn't a man there that I'm supposed to marry because I'm not getting married. I refuse. Sorry for sounding mean here but I just don't want to go

Dearest sister,

Keep your eyes on Jesus. It is He was in the important One in all of this- not the sisters, not college, nor any circumstance that life might throw at us. Strive to love Him above all things, and to put love of Him above all things... including, funny enough, discernment. If you place all of your focus on loving Jesus and growing closer to Him, then everything else falls into place. Your vocation comes naturally because you are striving to live His will in the here and the now. If you do this each moment, then you will be assured to live out His will in the future.

I understand how difficult the wait is. I really do. But I promise you that Jesus has much to teach you right now and many gifts and graces to give to you. Keep your eyes only on Jesus.

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After today, I have a new four love for the Daughters of Charity. Absolutely amazing day. I went with Sr Juanita to a blessing of a new hall at a Catholic elderly home and we ran into the Archbishop. You texans have pry heard of Archbishop Aymond. There was a burst in priestly vocations in his Former diocese. Maybe Dallas? Anywho, met him and he is now praying for my vocation. :woot: I've also been made privy to some private info that I really hope comes abt.
So after the Mass Sr Juanita and I grabbed lunch at a this po'boy place. :drool:
We visited several sisters and the sisters ministries. This includes teaching, working a house for volunteers and helping run a health clinic. It would be so easy for me here. I fit well with them.
I still love the Paulines best. I'm stopping by there before I leave. And I plan on doing a longer visit with them. There's talk of a retreat in October... I just have to get an alibi to appease my mom lol.
I cant wait to blog!!!!

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Kevin J Banet

[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1275341054' post='2121496']
I love Dominicans! I also love reading about St. Dominic, Catherine of Siena and Rose of Lima. :love:

[b]Misunderstood by parents[/b]

If you like reading about St. Rose of Lima, this is a great story for you. Years ago in Peru, St. Rose's beauty attracted suitors. She nevertheless wanted to enter religious life. Her parents simply did not accept this.

Anyone have parents who don't understand their religious fervor? St. Rose is the patron saint of those who are misunderstood for their piety.

Learn what she did in a way that she was obedient to her parents and yet faithfully followed God's call, at the website of the Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, near Chicago: [url="http://sistersop.com/blog/2011/08/18/misunderstood-by-her-family-st-rose-of-lima-became-a-dominican-tertiary/"]http://sistersop.com/blog/2011/08/18...ican-tertiary/[/url]

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