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Theofficial Ask The Opposite Sex A Question Thread


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[quote name='Jason' date='Apr 26 2004, 11:02 PM'] This thread is gross! :blink: [/quote]
Haven't read the previous 8 pages, so I can't comment yet.

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Apr 26 2004, 09:02 PM'] Question for the ladies...

Do women like the physical appearance of guys with muscle? Not too much like an Arnold Schwarzenegger, but not too little like a child. Sort of like a Sylvester Stallone or Bruce Willis. [/quote]
That varies from person to person. I personally am not really attracted to big muscly guys. It's not my style. I go for the geeks.

Question for the guys: Do you like women that are stick figures or do you like girls with some meat on their bones?

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Apr 26 2004, 10:07 PM'] Haven't read the previous 8 pages, so I can't comment yet. [/quote]
I read skid marks and ran!!!!!!!! :unsure:

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Apr 26 2004, 10:02 PM'] Question for the ladies...

Do women like the physical appearance of guys with muscle? Not too much like an Arnold Schwarzenegger, but not too little like a child. Sort of like a Sylvester Stallone or Bruce Willis. [/quote]
I like to know that my man has SOME muscle in there somewhere, but Arnold... no thanks.

I married a tall skinny guy, though (kind of a geek... but I wub him anyway. :))

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Even Sylvester has too much muscle.... Vigo Mortensen (the guy who played Aragorn)--he's got a normal build, thats what I prefer.

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[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' date='Apr 26 2004, 11:24 PM'] doh, you HAD to edit didn't you? lol [/quote]

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[/QUOTE]Okay, here's one for the ladies.

Why is it that girls always say that they want to be friends with a guy before they date him, but once any guy comes into their circle of friends they become undatable because 'they are such good friends."

Furthermore, why is it that girls always pass over the nice guys and go out with the jerks?


this one I really want to know I allways end up being the nice guy and Nice guys end up finishing last. Why do guys that treat girls bad allways seam to get girlfriends

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[quote name='prov31girl' date='Apr 26 2004, 09:08 PM'] That varies from person to person. I personally am not really attracted to big muscly guys. It's not my style. I go for the geeks.

Question for the guys: Do you like women that are stick figures or do you like girls with some meat on their bones? [/quote]
umm no stick figures please. even though i myself draw some of the best stick figures around. i don't like a girl to be skinny. meat on the bones are much more attractive to me

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[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' date='Apr 26 2004, 10:18 PM'] Even Sylvester has too much muscle.... Vigo Mortensen (the guy who played Aragorn)--he's got a normal build, thats what I prefer. [/quote]
Viggo Mortensen's character, Aragorn, is very nice :blush: ^_^

yeah, I like the average, I don't like too many muscles.

Also, allis-challmers, mentions nice guys finish last, well nice girls do too. I think like was mentioned before in here at pm we tend to be the exception, where in the rest of the world, those rules follow. :(

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Ok, her's a new one to get everyone started. ^_^ What's with guys not liking to ask for directions?
yesterday, my brother wanted me to drive all the way down the end of this long road to look for a street we were looking for ( and we weren't sure it was directly off the main road) rather than letting me pull over to ask. We were in a city and there were plenty of people around to ask.

p.s. what does your avatar mean, aznsonny27?

Edited by luciana
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