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Lost: The Final Season-- Discussion And ***spoilers***


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laetitia crucis

[quote name='Ephrem Augustine' date='16 February 2010 - 08:39 PM' timestamp='1266367181' post='2058115']
Locke has been a pawn this whole time, smoke man in black made that clear didn't he?

He is the one that told Richard Alpert that Locke was to be the new leader.

I know.. it just makes me sad. :sadder:

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='16 February 2010 - 11:08 PM' timestamp='1266376137' post='2058162']
Loved seeing 2004 Ben... It figures he's an uptight history teacher.

Is the mystery blond boy Aaron?

Isn't Aaron off the island in both "realities"? :detective:

I think he's a young Jacob. -- Why else would "Locke" have been so frightened to see him?

This is getting oh so interesting! :D

The names, the numbers... I think somehow the beginning scene we had in "The Incident" with the Man in Black and Jacob will be set up again with new people to fill those roles. Maybe. :idontknow: :think:

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='16 February 2010 - 10:12 PM' timestamp='1266376377' post='2058163']
Isn't Aaron off the island in both "realities"? :detective:

Maybe he can bilocate like Walt can... and be old...

The names, the numbers... I think somehow the beginning scene we had in "The Incident" with the Man in Black and Jacob will be set up again with new people to fill those roles. Maybe. :idontknow: :think:
Sawyer and Jack? :shock:

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='16 February 2010 - 11:47 PM' timestamp='1266378469' post='2058175']
Maybe he can bilocate like Walt can... and be old...

Sawyer and Jack? :shock:

Or maybe Jack and Christian? Or Ben and Locke? Or Jack and Locke? :think:

Those numbers are the same numbers that were on the hatch door... maybe "Locke" is going in order of the numbers to find the new "candidate"? Hmmm... I wish I could remember more of the names with the numbers. Ford = 4, Reyes = 8, Shepherd = 43? :scratchhead: Caaan't remember...

Anyhoo... I still have hopes for the real Locke's return, whether in the alternative 2004 or some kind of resurrection. Or to at least give John Locke a great purpose in life. I hate the idea of him being merely a pawn. Mainly because of this:

When the Others say (in Latin):

Question: ‘What lies in the shadow of the statue?’
Answer: ‘[b]He who will save us all[/b]’


Unless Christian's body happens to be found there, too... but I can only remember them burying Locke's body there.


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No. no. no..... No resurrection of John Locke. He's dead. (Dead on the Island is dead, according to the producers...) He's buried. He's gone. We only have Smokey-John on the Island now. We can have alternate John in 2004, but that's it.

Jack vs. Locke would make sense...

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='17 February 2010 - 09:43 AM' timestamp='1266414239' post='2058275']
No. no. no..... No resurrection of John Locke. He's dead. (Dead on the Island is dead, according to the producers...) He's buried. He's gone. We only have Smokey-John on the Island now. We can have alternate John in 2004, but that's it.

Jack vs. Locke would make sense...

Ah, yes, homeschoolmom, you are absolutely right.

:sadder: I guess I just need to finish grieving and accept the original John Locke was a pawn. :ohno: Sooo sad.

Okay, so I will place my hope in alternate John! :yes: Or island Jack.

And well, as far as on the island now, maybe Jack has become the new "Locke" in a sense, you know? No longer the "man of science", but the "man of faith" as Locke was... Hmmmm... ahhh! More answers! Tell us EVERYTHING Smokey-Locke!

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Things I want to know that I'm afraid they won't tell me (at least not all of them):

Why do pregnant women die on the island?
Why were they researching pregnancies?
How did Ethan go from DHARMA to Other?
Why did he change his name from Goodspeed to Rom?
Why was Cindy so quick to join the Others?
Was she an Other all along or was she persuaded somehow?
What's to happen to Rose and Bernard? They have to get re-involved in the story... they can't just live on the beach!
Who are the Adam and Eve skeletons? Are they R and B?
Why did the Others want Walt? Why does he have these powers? Why did Ben let them leave? Are their names crossed off? Walt's not dead, so he couldn't have been Smokey when he visited John... why can he bi-locate?
What about Desmond? Is his name crossed off? Do they only get crossed off when they die? Is their story done?

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='17 February 2010 - 09:53 AM' timestamp='1266414804' post='2058283']
Things I want to know that I'm afraid they won't tell me (at least not all of them):

Why do pregnant women die on the island?
Why were they researching pregnancies?
How did Ethan go from DHARMA to Other?
Why did he change his name from Goodspeed to Rom?
Why was Cindy so quick to join the Others?
Was she an Other all along or was she persuaded somehow?
What's to happen to Rose and Bernard? They have to get re-involved in the story... they can't just live on the beach!
Who are the Adam and Eve skeletons? Are they R and B?
Why did the Others want Walt? Why does he have these powers? Why did Ben let them leave? Are their names crossed off? Walt's not dead, so he couldn't have been Smokey when he visited John... why can he bi-locate?
What about Desmond? Is his name crossed off? Do they only get crossed off when they die? Is their story done?

Ooo -- good questions!!! I've wondered about many of those, too. :detective:

In addition to your questions, I know this seems scrupulous, but I always wonder if there's any significance to why "DHARMA" is always capitalized. Is it an acronym for something else?

I think Cindy was always an Other. Ethan...well, maybe he was always an Other, too? One that infiltrated DHARMA, maybe? Or maybe like Eloise Hawking? :idontknow: I have no idea on that one. I'd like to know Eloise's backstory.

I think Rose and Bernard = Adam and Eve skeletons... they always wanted to stay on the island and didn't care how they died as long as they were together. If they died in '77 from the bomb, would their bodies be in the state Jack had found them in the original timeline? Plus those stones... one black, one white. :think:

Ooh, the powers of Walt! I forgot about that. Interesting... when Locke came to visit him off the island, Walt had a vision about Locke being on the beach in a suit surrounding by people wanting to kill him. Perhaps a "prophecy" to dead Locke's body in a suit on the beach.. ? However, I think the Others originally wanted Walt just because he was a child. They need people to replenish their ranks since the women can't have children. ? And I would think this pregnancy problem could be caused from the whole "healing"/magnetic properties of the island. Not really sure. :unsure:

I want to know more about the significance of the numbers. And Jacob and the Man in Black. And the black and white stones on the scale. :smokey: Good times.

Dude, and I forgot about Desmond! I think he's going to be important in how all this plays out somehow. I just don't know how. Haha!

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Ephrem Augustine


the numbers of those who have survived so far

the black and white stones

I like Sawyer counter Man in Black, makes for interesting interaction.

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='17 February 2010 - 09:14 AM' timestamp='1266416094' post='2058287']
Ooo -- good questions!!! I've wondered about many of those, too. :detective:

In addition to your questions, I know this seems scrupulous, but I always wonder if there's any significance to why "DHARMA" is always capitalized. Is it an acronym for something else?

I think Cindy was always an Other. Ethan...well, maybe he was always an Other, too? One that infiltrated DHARMA, maybe? Or maybe like Eloise Hawking? :idontknow: I have no idea on that one. I'd like to know Eloise's backstory.[/quote]
No, Ethan was born into DHARMA to Horace and Amy Goodspeed in '77 (Juliet helped, remember?) I think he and Amy leave the Island in the evacuation before the Incident. At some point, he returns to the Island, joins the Others and changes his name to Rom. In alternate 2004, he introduces himself as Ethan Goodspeed.

I think Cindy was an Other from before the crash.


I think Rose and Bernard = Adam and Eve skeletons... they always wanted to stay on the island and didn't care how they died as long as they were together. If they died in '77 from the bomb, would their bodies be in the state Jack had found them in the original timeline? Plus those stones... one black, one white. :think:

Yeah, I think it's them, too. But I'm not sure how, yet. At the time of the Incident, the Losties + Miles traveled from '77 to '07, but wouldn't B and R, too? Or not? Why would they move to the caves? And wasn't Rose present when Jack found the skeletons in the first place? :blink:

[quote]Dude, and I forgot about Desmond! I think he's going to be important in how all this plays out somehow. I just don't know how. Haha!
Yeah, we can't be done with them... Pen is Widmore's daughter! We can't be done with them because we don't know everything about Widmore and the game that he and Ben are playing... or are they pawns in the bigger game that Jacob and Smokey are playing? (Which, by the way, is not chess, but Othello. ;) )

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Not A Mallard

Somehow I can really picture Ben as a teacher

[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='17 February 2010 - 10:55 AM' timestamp='1266418537' post='2058309']
And wasn't Rose present when Jack found the skeletons in the first place? :blink:
it could be an alternate timeline

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[quote name='Not A Mallard' date='17 February 2010 - 10:15 AM' timestamp='1266419733' post='2058316']
Somehow I can really picture Ben as a teacher

it could be an alternate timeline
Still thinking it would be weird to see your own bones... and yeah... Ben as history teacher... it ALL makes sense now!

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='17 February 2010 - 08:53 AM' timestamp='1266414804' post='2058283']
Things I want to know that I'm afraid they won't tell me (at least not all of them):

Why do pregnant women die on the island?
Why were they researching pregnancies?
How did Ethan go from DHARMA to Other?
Why did he change his name from Goodspeed to Rom?
Why was Cindy so quick to join the Others?
Was she an Other all along or was she persuaded somehow?
What's to happen to Rose and Bernard? They have to get re-involved in the story... they can't just live on the beach!
Who are the Adam and Eve skeletons? Are they R and B?
Why did the Others want Walt? Why does he have these powers? Why did Ben let them leave? Are their names crossed off? Walt's not dead, so he couldn't have been Smokey when he visited John... why can he bi-locate?
What about Desmond? Is his name crossed off? Do they only get crossed off when they die? Is their story done?
Ultimately I think they HAVE to answer those questions, otherwise a lot of the early episodes were basically pointless

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